Info. tal-Kampjonat - World League

L-ewwel Pagna: Mitlufa
LeagueID: 460117
L-amministratur tal-Kampjonat: CPI_46
L-Assistenti tal-Kampjonat:
Rata tal-Kampjonat:
Pozizzjoni: Irrankjat bhala numru 61
Eta bejn wiehed u iehor: 70 snin
Numru ta' timijiet: 80 (AI Teams: 3)
Timijiet Attivi: 80
Timijiet VIP: 39
Maghmul: 2019-05-20
L-Istagun jibda: 2024-12-04
L-Istagun Jispicca: 2025-03-07
Tip Tal-Kampjonat: Kampjonat Privat (Irgiel)
Sistema Tal-Kampjonat: 1:3
Divisjonijiet: 4
Azzjonijiet Hziena: Mhux attivati
Transferimenti Diretti: Attivat
Tibdil tal-Ismijiet tal-Plejers: Attivat
Granet tal-Loghob: Erbghat u Hdud
Hin tal-Loghob: 19:00
Demokrazija: England: 34%
Sweden: 14%
Portugal: 11%
Romania: 6%
Malta: 5%
Talbiet: M'hemm xejn!

FC Porto 20
Avengers 19
Avengers 18
Avengers 17
Avengers 16
Xrilles 11 15
Xrilles 11 14
Xrilles 11 13
Hong Tong 12
Xrilles 11 11
RB Salzburg FC 10
Xrilles 11 9
Xrilles 11 8
Sportul Studentesc 7
Sportul Studentesc 6
Sportul Studentesc 5
Hagu FC 4
Devils United 3
Devils United 2
Arsenal FC 1

Deskrizzjoni tal-Kampjonat:
So.. what's the history?

6 Members from a social networking website ( established this league. Akhil Sanjiva is the actual creator of this league. After managing two seasons, the league was becoming inactive and Akhil passed the admin's post to Sayan44 as he was having some problem in real life.

The League ran from 2009 to 2015. It was deleted as all of the members took a sabbatical from the website.

The current league was created in May, 2019, with some of the original members and since November, 2021, CPI_46 it's the admin.

So why should you join this league?

Friendly members, great competition. The league is one of the most active league in XpertEleven. Join us and become a part of the fun.

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