Informacia za ligata - Skol Super League

Glavna stranica:
LeagueID: 32078
Admin na ligata: Jerter
Reitinga na ligata:
Klasirane: Klasiran na 311
Sredna vuzrast 57 godini
Nomer na otborite: 8
Aktivni otbori 8
VIP-otbori: 5
Suzdadena: 2005-07-13
Sezona zapochva: 2025-01-21
Sezona svurshva: 2025-04-24
Tip na ligata: Chastna liga (Maje)
Sistema na ligata: 1:1
Divizii: 1
Mrusni nomera: Ne e aktiviran
Direktni transferi: Aktiviran
Smiana na imena: Aktiviran
Dni za igra: Vtornik i Petak
Vreme na machovete: 09:00
Demografia: England: 38%
Australia: 25%
United States: 25%
Sweden: 12%
Uslovia: Niama nishto!

The Vikings 73
Hammer Horrors 72
Bronx Bombers 71
Skye Blues 70
Skye Blues 69
Skye Blues 68
Skye Blues 67
Hammer Horrors 66
Hammer Horrors 65
Hammer Horrors 64
Hammer Horrors 63
The Firebirds 62
Hammer Horrors 61
Hammer Horrors 60
Hammer Horrors 59
Hammer Horrors 58
Hammer Horrors 57
Hammer Horrors 56
Leopold Villa 55
Helsingborgs IF 54
Hammer Horrors 53
Helsingborgs IF 52
Hammer Horrors 50
Hammer Horrors 44
Hammer Horrors 42
Hammer Horrors 38
Hammer Horrors 37
Helsingborgs IF 36
Leopold Villa 34
Hammer Horrors 33
Leopold Villa 32
Hammer Horrors 31
Hammer Horrors 29
Hammer Horrors 28
Hammer Horrors 27
Leopold Villa 26
Skye Blues 25
Skye Blues 24
Hammer Horrors 20
Hammer Horrors 12
Hammer Horrors 10

Opisanie na ligata:
Why join this league? Because it's seriously high-quality, well established, and playing our 67th season!

The emphasis in this league is on entertainment and competition where every team has a chance to succeed and develop, along with lots of quality banter.

We have 8 teams in a single division with 3 cup competitions.

The seasons are a decent length, and managers have time to try different tactics, bring in new players, and train up youths.

New players are as welcome as people that have been on the game for ages.

Basically, this league is one of the best private leagues on the site. Come be a part of it today!

To maintain the quality of this league, members MUST remain active. After being one week inactive, you will be sent a warning. After missing three league matches, you will be sent a final warning. If you still do not log in or reply, you risk losing your team. Please let admin or assistants know if you will be on holiday etc.

If there are no vacancies in the league at the moment you can put yourself on the waiting list. This will give you first shot if a vacancy comes up!

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