Info. tal-Kampjonat - Pro League

L-ewwel Pagna: Mitlufa
LeagueID: 31452
L-amministratur tal-Kampjonat: Se7enman
L-Assistenti tal-Kampjonat:
Rata tal-Kampjonat:
Pozizzjoni: Irrankjat bhala numru 551
Eta bejn wiehed u iehor: 45 snin
Numru ta' timijiet: 1016
Timijiet Attivi: 716
Timijiet VIP: 236
Maghmul: 2005-07-01
L-Istagun jibda: 2025-02-10
L-Istagun Jispicca: 2025-05-14
Tip Tal-Kampjonat: Xpert League (Irgiel)
Sistema Tal-Kampjonat: 1:2
Divisjonijiet: 7
Azzjonijiet Hziena: Mhux attivati
Transferimenti Diretti: Mhux attivati
Tibdil tal-Ismijiet tal-Plejers: Mhux attivati
Granet tal-Loghob: It-Tnejn u Il-Gimgha
Hin tal-Loghob: 13:30
VIP Mixtrija minn qabel: 5x1 xahar, 2x3 xhur
Rigali VIP:
Pro League (3 xhur)
Pro League Cup (3 xhur)
Demokrazija: Sweden: 28%
England: 19%
Portugal: 13%
Romania: 6%
Scotland: 4%
Talbiet: M'hemm xejn!

Enygma 68
Enygma 67
Enygma 66
Testebo Rivers 65
Testebo Rivers 64
Våland Wildcats 63
Våland Wildcats 62
Våland Wildcats 61
Testebo Rivers 60
Testebo Rivers 59
Vadrigar Elite 58
B.A.N.K.A.I 57
B.A.N.K.A.I 56
B.A.N.K.A.I 55
Elf 54
Elf 53
FC Lokomotiv Moscow 52
FC Lokomotiv Moscow 51
S.L. SabugAll 50
Norfolk Enchants FC 49
MK Donalds 48
Norfolk Enchants FC 47
Rebels Elite 46
Duddingston Village FC 45
Rebels Elite 44
FC Portland 43
FC Portland 42
Margem Sul FC 41
Rebels Elite 40
Rebels Elite 39
Elf 38
Elf 37
Atletico Nacional 36
Atletico Nacional 35
Rioderogo 34
Rioderogo 33
Vegas Raiders 32
Team Katusha 31
Neptune Knights 30
S.L. SabugAll 29
Neptune Knights 28
Mummel FC 27
Vilbergen FC 26
Vilbergen FC 25
Wizard Sleeve 24
Wizard Sleeve 23
FC Draikovic 22
Shea FC 21
Mearns Midges 20
S.L. SabugAll 19
S.L. SabugAll 18
S.L. SabugAll 17
S.L. SabugAll 16
Gundars FC 15
3 Lions 14
3 Lions 13
Roman Emperor 12
Romania 11
Fire Flame United 10
HAHA fc 9
Roman Emperor 8
Dassler SV 7
Fire Flame United 6
Trönnige FC 5
Fire Flame United 4
Fire Flame United 3
Fire Flame United 2
Jakals 1

Deskrizzjoni tal-Kampjonat:
This is an Xpert league and a part of our official championship (The Xpert leagues) at Xpert Eleven. This league will give you a chance to make it to the Xpert Champions League and fight for a place in the Hall Of Fame.

You are expected to be active and engaged to be a manager in this league. If you are absent for more than 3 weeks you will be inactivated and lose your team.

Team name changes can only be made between seasons (specifically; between the last game of the current season and the first game of the next season). The team names must be serious and decent.

Press releases can be made in languages other than English but if you can speak English then please do so.

"Press rules

Press releases should only be used for news about the team. All other discussions and messages should be posted in the league forum and not as press statements.

Examples of messages that are not press statements:
* Requests for friendly games
* League invitations
* "hi there" messages
* Requests to leave the league (Should be sent to the league boss via the mailbox)
* Questions (should be made in the forum)
* Copied texts (e.g copied system events)

Moreover you should maintain a good tone in the press statements."

Welcome to the Pro League!

And good luck to all.
© Xpert Eleven AB 2003 - 2025