Ligainfo - LFC.COM League

Ligans hemsida:
LigaID: 273316
Ligaboss: SoontobeChampions
Ligaranking: Rankad som nr 500
Medelålder: 47 år
Antal lag: 32 (AI Teams: 2)
Antal aktiva lag: 31
Antal VIP-lag: 16
Skapad: 2011-10-14
Säsong startar: 2025-02-17
Säsong slutar: 2025-04-05
Ligatyp: Kompisliga (Herr)
Seriesystem: 1:1
Antal divisioner: 4
Fultrix: Ej aktiverat
Direkttransfers: Aktiverat
Spelarnamnsbyten: Aktiverat
Speldagar: Måndagar och Torsdagar
Tid för matchstart: 09:30
Demografi: England: 35%
United States: 13%
Finland: 6%
France: 6%
Australia: 6%
Krav: Finns inga!

Axels Army 74
Axels Army 73
Kennys Army 72
Melwood AFC 71
Melwood AFC 70
Serial Killer Angels 69
Melwood AFC 68
Devotees FC 67
Melwood AFC 66
The Droid Army 65
The Droid Army 64
CPK Liverpool 63
The Droid Army 62
The Droid Army 61
The Droid Army 60
Axels Army 59
Axels Army 58
Everton FC 57
Axels Army 56
Axels Army 55
Axels Army 54
Devotees FC 53
Devotees FC 52
Serial Killer Angels 51
Top of the Klopps 50
Top of the Klopps 49
Devotees FC 48
The Droid Army 47
The Droid Army 46
Axels Army 45
Axels Army 44
Axels Army 43
Axels Army 42
Axels Army 41
Axels Army 40
Serial Killer Angels 39
Axels Army 38
Serial Killer Angels 37
Serial Killer Angels 36
Serial Killer Angels 35
Klopps and Robbers 34
The Droid Army 33
Serial Killer Angels 32
Serial Killer Angels 31
The Droid Army 30
Axels Army 29
Serial Killer Angels 28
Axels Army 27
Axels Army 26
Devotees FC 25
Devotees FC 24
Devotees FC 23
Devotees FC 22
Devotees FC 21
Pistaz Newts 21
Devotees FC 20
Pistaz Newts 20
Devotees FC 19
Serial Killer Angels 18
Pistaz Newts 17
CPK Liverpool 17
CPK Liverpool 16
Axels Army 15
Axels Army 14
Axels Army 13
Axels Army 12
Axels Army 11
Axels Army 10
Axels Army 9
The Droid Army 8
The Droid Army 7
This Is Anfield 6
This Is Anfield 5
Kopites 3
This Is Anfield 2
This Is Anfield 1

Welcome to the LFC.TV League! We are a flourishing league which is continuing to improve day by day. Despite being ranked over a 1000 a couple of months ago, we've now risen into the top 100 and hover around the 70-80 mark. The league is extremely enjoyable and you won't regret joining! We are now heading into our 53rd season in what is sure to be another fun filled campaign!

The one thing we do ask is that you make sure you set tactics every game, and to make press releases but this is not compulsory! After all, an active league is much more enjoyable for yourself and everybody else. At the minute, there are regular press releases, and an active scribble with plenty of banter and laughs

Whilst the league was set up by a few members on the LFC forums, any-one and anybody is welcome. We even have a few gooners in here at the minute! The motto is, the more the merrier :)

The only rule is if you don't log in within around 14 days, your team will be inactivated, unless you message me about an upcoming holiday etc. If your team is inactivated, feel free to message me back if you're interested in rejoining and I'll see what I can do.

Note, this league is not associated in anyway with Liverpool FC or LFC.TV.


BEST LEAGUE RANK: 40 (9/8/13)
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