Info liga - Euro 2028

Pagina ligii:
ID-ul ligii: 248209
Admin-ul ligii: Optimel
Ratingul ligii:
Pozitie: Pozitia 47
Vârsta medie a membrilor: 47 ani
Număr de echipe: 40
Echipe active: 40
Echipe VIP: 18
Creata in data de: 2010-07-18
Sezonul incepe in: 2024-11-23
Sezonul se termina in: 2025-03-10
Tipul ligii: Liga privata (Barbati)
Sistemul ligii: 1:5
Divizii: 1
Trucuri murdare: Neactivat
Transferuri directe: Activat
Schimbarea numelor jucatorilor: Activat
Zilele meciurilor: Miercurea si Sâmbata
Ora meciurilor: 16:00
VIP pre-platit: 4x1 luna, 1x3 luni
Premii VIP:
Euro 2028 (3 luni)
The Master (1 luna)
XR Prize (1 luna)
Runner-up (1 luna)
Demografie: England: 25%
Malta: 20%
Romania: 12%
Sweden: 10%
Canada: 5%
Conditii: Trebuie sa fii membru de cel putin 1 an
Trebuie sa fii cel putin pe locul 5000 in clasamentul managerilor
Trebuie sa ai un rating de manager de cel putin 100

Descrierea ligii:
The European Championship is the most dynamic and realistic international competition on X11!

We play a CL league system with Groups where teams plays each other, followed by a playoff where the 16 best ranked teams from all Groups play to decide the Champion.

In parallel we run Cups each season with different settings.

Also we have an off-the-championship competition, The Masters, that is based on the Xpert pools number of right guesses every round combined with manager's star performance in that round. Practically it is a recognition of the manager that performs better and knows his competitors skills.

The season 68 started with another competition based on activity called XR.
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