Informacije lige - Freaking League

Glavna stranica: Odsutan
Broj lige: 219041
Administrator lige: Micke1984
Asistent(i) lige:
Ocena lige:
Rang: Rang 310
Prosečna starost: 41 godina
Broj timova: 10 (AI Teams: 1)
Aktivni timovi: 10
VIP timovi: 10
Datum osnivanja: 2009-09-06
Datum početka sezone: 2024-12-18
Datum kraja sezone: 2025-02-17
Vrsta lige: Privatna liga (Muški)
Sistem lige: 1:1
Zone: 1
Prljavi trikovi: Neaktivan
Direktni transferi: Aktivan
Promena imena igrača: Aktivan
Dan odigravanja utakmice: Sredom i Subotom
Vreme odigravanja utakmice: 10:30
Demografija: Sweden: 60%
England: 30%
Malta: 10%
Potrebe: Nema nijedne!

El Camino 68
Alla heter Glenn 67
Alla heter Glenn 66
Alla heter Glenn 65
Sebastopol United 64
Sebastopol United 63
Alla heter Glenn 62
Black and White F.C. 61
Sebastopol United 60
El Camino 59
Alla heter Glenn 58
Alla heter Glenn 57
El Camino 55
Sebastopol United 54
Sebastopol United 53
Sebastopol United 52
Sebastopol United 51
Sebastopol United 50
Sebastopol United 49
FC Fredholm 48
Sebastopol United 47
FC Fredholm 46
El Camino 45
El Camino 44
El Camino 43
FC Fredholm 42
FC Fredholm 40
Sebastopol United 39
FC Fredholm 38
FC Fredholm 37
Alla heter Glenn 36
Alla heter Glenn 35
Alla heter Glenn 34
FC Fredholm 33
FC Fredholm 32
Alla heter Glenn 31
Sebastopol United 30
Alla heter Glenn 29
Sebastopol United 28
FC Fredholm 27
FC Fredholm 26
FC Fredholm 25
FC Fredholm 24
FC Fredholm 23
FC Fredholm 22
Sunday Brunch 21
FC Fredholm 20
FC Fredholm 19
FC Fredholm 18
FC Fredholm 17
Sunday Brunch 16
Sunday Brunch 15
FC Fredholm 13
FC Fredholm 12
FC Fredholm 11
FC Fredholm 10
FC Fredholm 8
FC Fredholm 7
FC Fredholm 6
FC Fredholm 5
Lokomotiv Håkan Mild 2

Opis lige
::: VIP-LEAGUE :::

The Freaking League is your league if you want a very well taken care of competition that have high ambitions. Only VIP's can join, from any nationality. Press are made in either English or Swedish, but press that is copied based on system-mail is not allowed and will be removed. Same goes with any press that is copied from a website. It should be somewhat related to the team or league, or anything you've written YOURSELF.

However, there will be activity rules. If you're aware of that you will be missing, notify the manager of the league.
Managers that have been inactive for one week will be sacked, unless there's a good explanation. This is a high ranked league and we strive to remain that.
We also have unofficial awards that works as carrots for each team. These are the awards:

Best Team
Best Keeper
Best Defender
Best Midfielder
Best Striker
Best coach Freaking League
Best coach Stinking League
Best coach Bloody League
Biggest surprise
Biggest disappointment
Best Media person

Every direct transfer get their deal revealed publically with an explanation with all the details. All in order to avoid any deals behind any members back.

I think you should join it, indeed I do.



Highest ranking: 16 {2012-01-26}
Best English speaking league rating: 11
The league also contains a two times Manager of the Week- Manager
A Nr.1 Swedish coach * 2
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