Informacije lige - League Hooligan

Glavna stranica: Odsutan
Broj lige: 139685
Administrator lige: Bestpay
Asistent(i) lige:
Ocena lige:
Rang: Rang 116
Prosečna starost: 48 godina
Broj timova: 27 (AI Teams: 1)
Aktivni timovi: 27
VIP timovi: 13
Datum osnivanja: 2008-01-20
Datum početka sezone: 2025-02-11
Datum kraja sezone: 2025-04-13
Vrsta lige: Privatna liga (Muški)
Sistem lige: 1:1
Zone: 3
Prljavi trikovi: Neaktivan
Direktni transferi: Aktivan
Promena imena igrača: Aktivan
Dan odigravanja utakmice: Utorkom i Subotom
Vreme odigravanja utakmice: 10:00
Demografija: England: 48%
Scotland: 15%
Sweden: 11%
United States: 7%
Wales: 4%
Potrebe: Nema nijedne!

Black Dawg 58
Ballidon F.C 57
Genesis Menaces 56
València CF 55
Steel Dogs 54
Steel Dogs 53
Steel Dogs 52
Steel Dogs 51
Steel Dogs 50
Steel Dogs 49
Steel Dogs 48
Genesis Menaces 47
Steel Dogs 47
Steel Dogs 46
València CF 45
Miri City FC 44
Miri City FC 43
València CF 41
València CF 41
València CF 40
València CF 39
València CF 37
València CF 36
Black Dawg 34
Stoke City 34
Stoke City 33
Stoke City 32
Pakefield Beach 31
València CF 30
València CF 28
València CF 27
València CF 27
València CF 26
Miri City FC 24
Wrexham Copperbullets 23
Southend United 22
Miri City FC 22
Wrexham Copperbullets 21
Longball Legends 20
Wrexham Copperbullets 20
Southend United 19
Miri City FC 19
Wrexham Copperbullets 18
Southend United 17
Wrexham Copperbullets 17
Wrexham Copperbullets 16
Southend United 16
Wrexham Copperbullets 15
Southend United 15
Wrexham Copperbullets 14
Wrexham Copperbullets 11
Southend United 10
Wrexham Copperbullets 9
Wrexham Copperbullets 8
Wrexham Copperbullets 7
Southend United 7
Wrexham Copperbullets 6
Wrexham Copperbullets 5
Wrexham Copperbullets 4
Wrexham Copperbullets 2
Wrexham Copperbullets 1

Opis lige
A competitive league which has now been running for over five years and has seen almost one hundred managers in its history join and leave at various points, a big thankyou to all those that have made this league possible.

The league's open to everybody, particularly those who perhaps haven't been on the 'site long and want a smooth-running league to ease into the game.


League's all time honour list:

Arsenal - 12 x First Division title, 4 x Cup winners.

Blackburn Rovers F.c. - 1 x First Division title, 1 x Second Division winners, 1 x Cup winners.

Chelsea FC - 2 x First Division title, 1 x Second Division winners, 5 x Cup winners.

RageForOrder - 1 x First Division title, 1 x Second Division winners, 5 x Cup winners.

Miri City FC - 2 x Cup winners.

Stoke City - 3 x Second Division winners, 1 x Cup winners.

MUFC Reserves - 3 x Second Division winners, 1 x Cup winners.

Danger Mice - 1 x Third Division winners, 1 x Cup winners.

Arsenal FC (since now defunct) - 1 x Cup winners.

West Ham Utd - 1 x Cup winners.

Nottingham Forest - 1 x Second Division winners.

Cleveland Stokers - 1 x Second Division winners, 1 x Third Division winners.

Manchester City FC - 1 x Third Division winners.

Cyprus Arsenal FC - 1 x Third Division winners.

WII Are So Not FIT - 1 x Third Division winners.

Bagthorpe Athletic FC - 1 x Fourth Division winners.

Admin History -

This is when managers had the control of the League.

Gangstasl1 - Seasons 1-3
Mcd2007 - Season 4-8
Fabbyulous - Seasons 9-present
Cazfc - Season 31 -

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