Info liga - Bounce Superleague

Laman rumah:
IDLiga: 128448
Pengurus liga: Clobber
Markah liga:
Kedudukan: Kedudukan nombor 797
Purata umur: 48 tahun
Jumlah pasukan: 16
Jumlah pasukan aktif: 16
Jumlah pasukan VIP: 3
Dicipta: 2007-11-01
Musim mula: 2024-06-21
Musim akhir: 2024-08-07
Jenis liga: Liga peribadi (Lelaki)
Sistem liga: 1:1
Divisi: 2
Dirty tricks: Diaktifkan
Direct transfers: Diaktifkan
Player name changes: Diaktifkan
Hari-hari perlawanan: Isnin dan Jumaat
Waktu perlawanan: 10:00
Demography: Scotland: 50%
England: 31%
United States: 12%
Italy: 6%
Keperluan: Tiada!

Asakusa FC 48
Asakusa FC 47
Red Rose Hibs 46
Asakusa FC 45
Asakusa FC 44
Red Rose Hibs 43
Abbie Dabbie Doo 42
Whelahan CYMS 41
Abbie Dabbie Doo 40
Asakusa FC 39
Whelahan CYMS 38
Leith Arthritic IV 37
Leith Arthritic IV 34
Leith Arthritic IV 33
Whelahan CYMS 32
Whelahan CYMS 31
Whelahan CYMS 30
Leith Arthritic IV 27
Leith Arthritic IV 24
Leith Arthritic IV 23
Leith Arthritic IV 22
LA Kings 12
LA Kings 11
LA Kings 10
LA Kings 8
LA Kings 7
LA Kings 5
LA Kings 3

Info liga:
Welcome to the bounce superleague!

Highest ranking----251

Everyone is welcome, VIPs and non-VIP's alike.

There are teams that can be inactivated if anyone wishes to take over during the season, just send me a message and I'll get it sorted.

The league will not accept any time wasters and league hoppers, so please don't take the trouble to apply if you do not want to be in the league as it is just strenuous to have managers that resign after a few games.
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