Info de liga - Rebel Elite

Página web: -
ID de la liga: 121301
Administrador: ST0N3
Puntuación de la liga:
Ranking: Posición número 14
Edad media: 47 años
Total equipos: 64
Equipos activos: 63
Equipos VIP: 42
Fecha creación: 2007-09-08
Inicio temporada: 2025-03-08
Final temporada: 2025-04-24
Tipo de liga: Liga privada (Hombres)
Sistema de liga: 1:1
Divisiones: 8
Juego sucio: Desactivado
Transferencias directas: Activado
Cambio de nombre de jugadores: Desactivado
Días de partido: Miércoles y Sábados
Hora del partido: 20:30
Demografía: England: 44%
Scotland: 8%
Romania: 5%
Sweden: 5%
United States: 5%
Peticiones: Debe ser miembro por al menos 1 Año
Debe tener nivel de entrenador de al menos 90

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Forever RED 2
Racing 69ers 1

Descripción liga:
Please read this whole page before applying for a team; AND PLEASE MAIL ME BEFORE YOU APPLY!

Rebel is a 7 division league with 3 up and 3 down. The fact that it is such a large division setup is offset by the fact that only 14 of the 64 managers in this league will be in the same division the next season. That's right, three quarters of the teams are either promoted or relegated in this system, so if you can't take relegation, then perhaps this league isn't for you.

Rebel is also home to a unique Pools feature, where additional money is added to the Pools pot every round which incentivises participation. Feel free to ask for more details when mailing me with your interest in joining the league.

Please get in touch with me if we do have a vacancy as teams are usually spoken for. If we dont have any vacancies and you are interested in joining when one becomes available, please send me a mail.
This league wont be creating anymore new divisions, so the only way to join is by taking over an existing team. If you apply for a new team, your application will be turned down.

****************************THE RULES********************************

1) Please don't blast someone's beliefs or use racial slurs, and when in doubt just respect your fellow manager. Also, please mark all images/videos "not safe for work" or "NSFW", if they contain pornography, nudity, or anything inappropriate of any kind. Many managers use their work PCs to access X11, so please respect that. In addition, i prefer that the Scribble isnt inundated with swear words. 'Lighter' swear words are ok in moderation, but words such as f**k are only ok if used very sparingly, & not in everyday occurrence.

2) You need to be active; we do a SEVEN DAY activity rule here, which is a lot stricter than some leagues so be aware of it! After a weeks absence, you are liable to be sacked. If you are going away on holiday, just tell me and you will be immune to the excuse for keeping it to yourself!

3) You have to do the bare minimum tactics-wise here which means setting a lineup (no defenders up front unless they are allrounds, etc. etc.). If you let your team deteriorate like that, you get a warning and then if you don't fix it, I replace you. You can easily prevent this from occurring (thus there are no excuses for it happening, as everyone should have an up to date default set) simply by setting a default line-up/tactics, then taking 2 minutes to tweak them just prior to the opening fixture each season.

4) In a similar light, you need to maintain a 10 team form; the reason this rule is intact is to protect the teams in this league and ensure that they don't depreciate so much that they become worthless. You have 4 matchdays to get your team form to at least 10. Similarly, after the 10th matchday, you must have at least a 10 team form too...if you cant keep a teams' form above 10 for the whole season, then you shouldnt be applying to join this league anyway.

5) Press releases must not be a copy & paste job (or such), but if once in a while you find yourself with 2 minutes until the PR sponsor deadline for example, & you havent yet put out a PR that week, then its acceptable. They MUST also be in English, as thats the official language of this league, though all nationalities are very welcome to join, as long as they are able to communicate in English within the league.

That's all for now, if you are looking to join one of X11's most storied leagues, look no further than Rebel Elite!

Highest Ranking: 1st
In Skill: 1st

Available teams (last updated: 27/06/23):
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