Informacje o lidze - Football News Hound League

Strona ligi:
ID ligi: 118658
Administrator: Bones57
Wskaźnik ligi:
Ranking: miejsce 752
Średnia wieku: 47 lat
Liczba drużyn: 64 (AI Teams: 1)
Aktywne drużyny: 64
Drużyny VIP: 22
Utworzona: 2007-08-19
Start sezonu: 2025-01-06
Koniec sezonu: 2025-04-19
Typ ligi: Prywatna Liga (męska)
System ligi: 1:1
Dywizje: 4
Brudne sztuczki: Nie
Transfery bezpośrednie: Tak
Zmiana nazwisk: Tak
Dni meczowe: poniedziałki i piątki
Godzina meczów: 20:30
Demografia: England: 48%
Scotland: 9%
Spain: 8%
Portugal: 6%
Sweden: 5%
Zadania: Brak

Ballymena United 46
Ballymena United 45
The Gunners 44
The Gunners 43
Ballymena United 42
The Gunners 41
East Molesey Wanderers 40
A.C. Whitby 39
East Molesey Wanderers 38
East Molesey Wanderers 37
East Molesey Wanderers 36
The Gunners 35
The Gunners 34
Öresund Sk 33
Öresund Sk 32
Öresund Sk 31
The Gunners 30
The Gunners 29
The Gunners 28
Ballymena United 27
Ballymena United 26
Ballymena United 25
Ballymena United 23
Ballymena United 22
Ballymena United 21
A.C. Whitby 20
Somerset Superstars 19
Ram Raiders 18
The Gunners 17
Ram Raiders 16
Micklehurst Boys 93 15
Micklehurst Boys 93 14
NortonStockton Ancients 11
Somerset Superstars 8
Ebbw Vale 11 4

Opis ligi:
Best Ranking 20
No Waiting list:
Last updated 11/06/17

Welcome to the News Hound League,

We are currently in our 26th season which in today's xpert is good going. We have a long season format, currently with 19 teams per division with managers from all over the globe. All managers welcome with no waiting list.

Dirty Trix is switched off
Direct Transfers between VIPs is switched on
Managers real names are hidden.
Games are played on Mondays and Fridays at 20:30 (Xpert Time)

Unless you have contacted the Admin beforehand:
- Miss two games and you'll get a reminder.
- Miss four games and you will be sacked
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