Info. tal-Kampjonat - OTFC Premier League

L-ewwel Pagna: Mitlufa
LeagueID: 114491
L-amministratur tal-Kampjonat: Culzcrusaders
L-Assistenti tal-Kampjonat:
Rata tal-Kampjonat:
Pozizzjoni: Irrankjat bhala numru 441
Eta bejn wiehed u iehor: 45 snin
Numru ta' timijiet: 27 (AI Teams: 3)
Timijiet Attivi: 27
Timijiet VIP: 6
Maghmul: 2007-07-18
L-Istagun jibda: 2025-01-21
L-Istagun Jispicca: 2025-03-23
Tip Tal-Kampjonat: Kampjonat Privat (Irgiel)
Sistema Tal-Kampjonat: 1:1
Divisjonijiet: 3
Azzjonijiet Hziena: Mhux attivati
Transferimenti Diretti: Attivat
Tibdil tal-Ismijiet tal-Plejers: Attivat
Granet tal-Loghob: It-Tlieta u Il-Gimgha
Hin tal-Loghob: 09:00
Demokrazija: Scotland: 26%
England: 22%
Sweden: 15%
United States: 7%
Serbia: 7%
Talbiet: M'hemm xejn!

The Roar 46
FC Dynamo Kyiv 45
Jamesy United 44
kanarinci 42
FC Dynamo Kyiv 41
Kent Crusaders 40
Helvetica Genève 35
Sparta Dortmund 15

Deskrizzjoni tal-Kampjonat:
Best League Ranking: 281 (26-04-2016)

>>Season 1<<
OTFC Premiership - Sporting San Jose
OTFC Cup - Mar Sara Flames
League Cup - Armenia F.C.
Lesser Shield - Armenia F.C.

>>Season 2<<
OTFC Premiership - Real Hollywood F.C.

>>Season 3<<
OTFC Premiership - Armenia F.C.

>>Season 4<<
OTFC Premiership - Real Hollywood F.C. (2)
OTFC Cup - Armenia F.C.
League Cup - Real Hollywood F.C.

>>Season 5<<
OTFC Premiership - Armenia F.C. (2)
OTFC Cup - Real Hollywood F.C.
League Cup - Armenia F.C. (2)

>>Season 6<<
OTFC Premiership - Armenia F.C. (3)
OTFC Cup - Los Angeles F.C.
League Cup - Armenia F.C. (3)

>>Season 7<<
OTFC Premiership - Armenia F.C. (4)

>>Season 8<<
OTFC Premiership - Real Hollywood F.C. (3)
OTFC Cup - Gooner F.C.
League Cup - Sporting San Jose

>>Season 9<<
OTFC Premiership - Los Angeles F.C.

>>Season 10<<
OTFC Premiership - Coonass F.C.
OTFC Cup - Real Hollywood F.C. (2)
League Cup - Coonass F.C.

>>Season 11<<
OTFC Premiership - Real Hollywood (4)
OTFC Cup - Real Hollywood (3)
League Cup - Real Hollywood (2)

>>Season 12<<
OTFC Premiership - Real Hollywood (5)
OTFC Cup - Real Hollywood (4)
League Cup - Internazionale Osaka

>>Season 13<<
OTFC Premiership - Internazionale Osaka
OTFC Cup - Internazionale Osaka
League Cup - Internazionale Osaka (2)
Lesser Shield - Chivas USSR

>>Season 14<<
OTFC Premiership - Internazionale Osaka (2)
OTFC Cup - Sparta Dortmund 09
League Cup - Sparta Dortmund 09
Lesser Shield - Internazionale Osaka

>>Season 15<<
OTFC Premiership - Sparta Dortmund 09
OTFC Cup - Sparta Dortmund 09 (2)
League Cup - Sparta Dortmund 09 (2)
Lesser Shield - Sparta Dortmund 09

>>Season 16<<
OTFC Premiership - Internazionale Osaka (3)
OTFC Cup - Sparta Dortmund (3)
League Cup - Internazionale Osaka (3)
Lesser Shield - Internazionale Osaka (2)

>>Season 17<<
OTFC Premiership - Internazionale Osaka (4)
OTFC Cup - Internazionale Osaka (2)
League Cup - Internazionale Osaka (4)
Lesser Shield - Internazionale Osaka (3)

>>Season 18<<
OTFC Premiership - Internazionale Osaka (5)
OTFC Cup - Internazionale Osaka (3)
League Cup - Internazionale Osaka (5)
Lesser Shield - Internazionale Osaka (4)

>>Season 19<<
OTFC Premiership - Internazionale Osaka (6)
OTFC Cup - Internazionale Osaka (4)
League Cup - Club Bru (1)
Lesser Shield - Internazionale Osaka (5)

>>Season 20<<
OTFC Premiership - Internazionale Osaka (7)
OTFC Cup - Internazionale Osaka (5)
League Cup - Internazionale Osaka (6)
Lesser Shield - F.C. Twente (1)

>>Season 21<<
OTFC Premiership - Internazionale Osaka (8)
OTFC Cup - Internazionale Osaka (6)
League Cup - Internazionale Osaka (7)
Lesser Shield - Internazionale Osaka (6)

>>Season 22<<
OTFC Premiership - Internazionale Osaka (9)
OTFC Cup - Internazionale Osaka (7)
League Cup - Internazionale Osaka (8)
Lesser Shield - Internazionale Osaka (7)

>>Season 23<<
OTFC Premiership - Internazionale Osaka (10)
OTFC Cup - Internazionale Osaka (8)
League Cup - HIF (1)
Lesser Shield - Two Tone Football (1)

>>Season 24<<
OTFC Premiership - Real Hollywood (6)
OTFC Cup - Internazionale Osaka (9)
League Cup - Real Hollywood (3)
Lesser Shield - The Roar (1)

>>Season 25<<
OTFC Premiership - Real Hollywood (7)
OTFC Cup - Real Hollywood (5)
League Cup - Internazionale Osaka (9)
Lesser Shield - The Roar (2)

>>Season 26<<
OTFC Premiership - Real Hollywood (8)
OTFC Cup - Real Hollywood (6)
League Cup - Internazionale Osaka (10)
Lesser Shield - The Roar (3)

>>Season 27<<
OTFC Premiership - Real Hollywood (9)
OTFC Cup - C.D. Mirandés (1)
League Cup - Internazionale Osaka (11)
Lesser Shield - Internazionale Osaka (8)

>>Season 28<<
OTFC Premiership - Internazionale Osaka (11)
OTFC Cup - Real Hollywood (7)
League Cup - Internazionale Osaka (12)
Lesser Shield - Internazionale Osaka (9)

>>Season 29<<
OTFC Premiership - Internazionale Osaka (12)
OTFC Cup - Internazionale Osaka (10)
League Cup - Internazionale Osaka (12)
Lesser Shield - Internazionale Osaka (10)

>>Season 30<<
OTFC Premiership - Internazionale Osaka (13)
OTFC Cup - Internazionale Osaka (11)
League Cup - Two Tone Football (1)
Lesser Shield - Internazionale Osaka (11)

>>Season 31<<
OTFC Premiership - Internazionale Osaka (14)
OTFC Cup - Internazionale Osaka (12)
League Cup - Internazionale Osaka (13)
Lesser Shield - Internazionale Osaka (12)

>>Season 32<<
OTFC Premiership - Internazionale Osaka (15)
OTFC Cup - The Illuminati (1)
League Cup - Internazionale Osaka (14)
Lesser Shield - Helvetica Geneve (1)

>>Season 33<<
OTFC Premiership - Internazionale Osaka (16)
OTFC Cup - Two Tone Football (1)
League Cup - Siberian Huskies (1)
Lesser Shield - Internazionale Osaka (13)
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