Info liga - Xpert Alliance

Pagina ligii:
ID-ul ligii: 113363
Admin-ul ligii: Tommyit
Asistentii ligii:
Ratingul ligii:
Pozitie: Pozitia 127
Vârsta medie a membrilor: 47 ani
Număr de echipe: 70
Echipe active: 70
Echipe VIP: 43
Creata in data de: 2007-07-09
Sezonul incepe in: 2024-04-26
Sezonul se termina in: 2024-06-26
Tipul ligii: Liga privata (Barbati)
Sistemul ligii: 1:1
Divizii: 7
Trucuri murdare: Neactivat
Transferuri directe: Activat
Schimbarea numelor jucatorilor: Activat
Zilele meciurilor: Lunea si Vinerea
Ora meciurilor: 11:00
VIP pre-platit: 2x1 luna
Premii VIP:
11 (1 luna)
12 (1 luna)
Demografie: England: 57%
Scotland: 9%
Australia: 9%
Sweden: 6%
Germany: 3%
Conditii: Nu sunt articole!

Stoney Lads Club 69
Bracken Bank Arms 68
Bracken Bank Arms 67
Westcliff Unathletic 66
Kilcreggan 65
Internazionale 64
Internazionale 63
Internazionale 62
Internazionale 61
Internazionale 60
Shepstars 11 59
Stoney Lads Club 58
Stoney Lads Club 57
União Montemorense 54
Atletico Monday 49
Atletico Monday 47
Captains Table 46
Westcliff Unathletic 44
Paradise City 43
Modern Walking 42
Modern Walking 41
Westcliff Unathletic 40
Westcliff Unathletic 39
Contact Fireants 38
Contact Fireants 37
White City Cosmos 36
Westcliff Unathletic 35
Westcliff Unathletic 34
Paradise City 33
AC Reggiana 1919 32
AC Reggiana 1919 31
AC Reggiana 1919 30
AC Reggiana 1919 29
AC Reggiana 1919 28
AC Reggiana 1919 27
Paradise City 26
Paradise City 25
Paradise City 24
Paradise City 23
Paradise City 22
Paradise City 21
Lightning 20
Paradise City 19
South Coast Wanderers 18
Lightning 17
Lightning 16
Jolly Boys 15
Paradise City 14
Lightning 13
South Coast Wanderers 12
Shepstars 11 11
Shepstars 11 9
Lightning 7
Paradise City 6
Jolly Boys 4
Danefield United 3

Descrierea ligii:
There are 12x1 month VIP prizes available for all to win, every season.

Now entering our 70th season, this league has been described by many as one of the best xpert leagues. With some very friendly and highly ranked managers, this is certainly the place to be. We play hard, we play fair, but we play to win.

It doesn't matter if you are new to the game, or have been here for years, everyone is welcome.

2 league games each week.

To keep the teams fresh, if you don't log in after a week, you will be sent an e mail to remind you. If you don't log in after 2 weeks, despite your reminder, then you are history. (Unless you inform the league admin of your absence beforehand.)

Good luck to all!
© Xpert Eleven AB 2003 - 2024