Informação da liga - Veterans League

Home page: Falta
ID da liga: 101937
Admin. da liga: SidtheSexist13
Assistentes da liga:
Pontuação da liga:
Classificação: Posição número: 1
Média de idades: 49 anos
Número de equipas: 108
Equipas activas: 108
Equipas VIP: 107
Criada a: 2007-04-22
Época começa a: 2025-01-11
Época acaba a: 2025-03-27
Tipo de liga: Liga privada (Masculinas)
Sistema da liga: 1:2
Divisões: 5
Truques sujos: Desactivado
Transferências directas: Activo
Mudança de nomes: Activo
Dias dos jogos: Terças-feiras e Sábados
Hora dos jogos: 20:00
VIP pré-comprado: 6x1 mês
Demografia: England: 56%
Scotland: 15%
Malta: 6%
United States: 4%
Sweden: 3%
Exigências: Não há nenhum!

Blue Star FC 67
Blue Star FC 66
GermBusters XI FC 65
The Mongol Empire 64
Stella Artois 63
Stella Artois 62
Stella Artois 61
Young Guns 59
Young Guns 58
Young Guns 57
Muddy Rollers 56
Wearmouth Warriors 55
Muddy Rollers 54
Chelmsford 123 City FC 53
Wearmouth Warriors 52
Wearmouth Warriors 51
Muddy Rollers 50
Muddy Rollers 49
Young Guns 48
Muddy Rollers 47
Young Guns 46
Muddy Rollers 45
The Mongol Empire 44
Young Guns 43
The Mongol Empire 42
Poland Mountain 41
Muddy Rollers 40
Muddy Rollers 39
Lions F.C 38
Muddy Rollers 37
Lions F.C 36
Lions F.C 35
Lions F.C 34
Anfield of Dreams 33
GermBusters XI FC 32
Muddy Rollers 31
Muddy Rollers 30
Muddy Rollers 29
Muddy Rollers 28
Muddy Rollers 27
Wansbeck Tinkermen 26
Motor Boating Dudes 25
Motor Boating Dudes 19
Novocastrian 16
Novocastrian 15
Chelmsford 123 City FC 14
Novocastrian 13
Motor Boating Dudes 12
Wansbeck Tinkermen 11
Wansbeck Tinkermen 10
Wansbeck Tinkermen 9
Wansbeck Tinkermen 8
Chelmsford 123 City FC 7
Novocastrian 6
Wansbeck Tinkermen 5
Novocastrian 1

Descrição da liga:
Veterans League - VIP Only

Has been ranked No.1 of all Private Leagues for around 90% of the time over the last 5 years - this VIP only league is not for irregular players, this is for the committed manager who wants to be challenged, who seek excitement and a league full of activity to play with managers from all over the globe.

The Veterans League has been in existence since April 2007, that's 65 completed seasons to date and we're only getting better and stronger. SidtheSexist13 took over as admin during Season 33, taking over from Lotty, who very sadly passed away soon after and will be forever remembered.

All leagues are only as good as their members and here in the Vets we have some of the most interactive but also competitive and active ones around. The league has all kinds of very unique challenges in both manager quality and in it's structure as well. Seasons have 22 games, so if you do well in the cup can run to over 30 matches in a three month season.

One of our most active managers is Drakkon, who very kindly donates lots of free VIP to the league and runs inclusive competitions for the benefit of all of it's members.

The pools competition for many is great instigator of extra rivalry and pleasure. The normal rounds are 100k a pop. Every round is a chance to become econ millionaire. And even better bumper pools are regularly provided, especially for the first round where entrance is a hefty 300k. But... Your club might end up with insane econ influx! Last Bumper Pools got one player 12 million. To the same analogy many great press releases and content as such is put to the papers every week and this is well appreciated. They are original and add to the fun and can bring in some econ even too.

NB: There are 3 promotion places to the Premiership every season. The top 2 from Division 1a and 1b go up and then it is the team with the best record over the season from the teams finishing 2nd in Div 1a and 1b. It is only the Official Leagues that allow play-offs to be scheduled.

We are a relaxed bunch and the banter and activity is very good. The members generally have nothing to prove as they are amongst the most talented in the game and like to challenge other such managers in a very competitive private league.

* VIP ONLY - 2 league and 1 cup game per week
* No Dirty Tricks
* Direct Transfers Allowed
* 100k Pools and frequent 300k bumper weeks!
* Player name changing on

* If a manager does not log in for 7 days, he/she will be sent a reminder. If no reply is received, then three days later the axe will fall. Please inform the admin or an assistant if you're off on your jollies, then your team will be safe. We do not often have to advertise for new managers - they come to us - so if you don't make a reasonable commitment to your team you will be replaced.

We welcome every user as long as you are active and VIP. Spots do open to join but not that often. If no teams are available; add your name to the waiting list by mailing the Admin.

Thanks for reading - Sid
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