Manager changes

2024-08-14   Picked and Mixed FC Arpika23 67
2024-08-14   Portly Wanderers Tosain 67
2024-08-14   Thistle Terrors NIK1982 67
2024-08-14   Mortal Comets S3asonsp33ch 67
2024-08-14   Native Seals Alinalex 67
2024-08-14   FH Hafnarfjördur VVzL 67
2024-08-14   Losc Lille Fariq 67
2024-08-14   Times Up Kigiin 67
2024-05-01   Picked and Mixed FC TheGreatDevil 66
2024-05-01   Portly Wanderers Cusco 66
2024-05-01   Thistle Terrors Sscc 66
2024-05-01   Mortal Comets Elahw 66
2024-05-01   Native Seals NoMaK82 66
2024-05-01   FH Hafnarfjördur Dr_ovo 66
2024-05-01   Losc Lille Alfiehinds1 66
2024-05-01   Times Up Vrgds 66
2024-01-17   Thistle Terrors Pavlou78 65
2024-01-17   Mortal Comets Ekerö_Greek_Crew 65
2024-01-17   Native Seals Fommo 65
2024-01-17   FH Hafnarfjördur Heddy_AIK 65

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