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Offline Bejjita 


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UKsNo1 - 2009-07-25 20:33
Thanks buddy, yeah things are looking good atm :)

Just got to kick butts in the CC now :D

Easy_boy - 2009-07-25 18:51
Maaaaaan, U r everywhere on x11:))))

everywhere i go, U have something to say, ask , respond :)))

Onzazero - 2009-07-25 14:07
Crap... I just noticed I miscalculated and Ryden's mandatory 30 days in the squad will end a couple of days after the market closes.

I keep shooting myself in the foot. lol

Congrats on becoming England's #1. :)

UKsNo1 - 2009-07-25 00:47
I only got them today, yeah form is the pits but its early days so plenty of time, I miss my red cones though :(

UKsNo1 - 2009-07-25 00:37
pops in with a bottle of scotch and the winner & runners up of Miss wet T-shirt competition.


Duffster - 2009-07-24 23:33
A few, though list them in interview with XD, had my reasons why ain't still running them, productive lges need good input etc.. shit happens timewise so in interests of a lge and those that spend their time there, admin comes second.

Duffster - 2009-07-24 22:51
Been a flawless 6 months.. 20 bars reached and bit of effort every game.. hopefully win it and that'll gain a priv goal i've waited on, tough league to win some strong competition there.

Limit on GBooks. (Wasntme)

Duffster - 2009-07-24 22:47
Aye Bej, have final on sunday, that'll give me the cup + league before i head back to Xtreme, created this league 2 years ago and ended up going youth like a nobber, won't do that in a VIP lge again.. win cup with avg 24 though couldn't get away with that in lge.

GRASSBANDITS - 2009-07-24 22:37
I have so many spreadsheets I've had to take out a 2nd MS Office licence :(

GRASSBANDITS - 2009-07-24 22:30
Up to 14 tomorrow? That means officially (FACTOID) there are only 14 managers in the whole world better than you atm :O

i.e. Managers like Duff and Alex must now bow to you when you enter forum/scribble :)

GRASSBANDITS - 2009-07-24 22:27
Cheers. Hyena just randomly mailed and said would I like an improved logo. Big game for me tonight and I nailed my tictacs...for a change ;)

God124812 - 2009-07-24 22:26
good 2 speak 2 a x11 legend. god

GRASSBANDITS - 2009-07-24 22:20
Jeez you really are digging out all the old threads today Nath ;)

Onzazero - 2009-07-24 20:57
Thanks. :)

It's a must-sell, though. I have a feeling he's got about 0,1~0,2 to evolve at 19 years old. =D

Dmandmythdledge - 2009-07-24 03:09
...for most players when I took over. And it helps with the rank too.;)

1601-1587 1586-1572 1571-1557 1556-1542 1541-1527 1526-1512 1511-1497 1496-1482 1481-1467 1466-1452 1451-1437 1436-1422 1421-1407 1406-1392 1391-1377 1376-1362 1361-1347 1346-1332 1331-1317 1316-1302 1301-1287 1286-1272 1271-1257 1256-1242 1241-1227 1226-1212 1211-1197 1196-1182 1181-1167 1166-1152 1151-1137 1136-1122 1121-1107 1106-1092 1091-1077 1076-1062 1061-1047 1046-1032 1031-1017 1016-1002 1001-987 986-972 971-957 956-942 941-927 926-912 911-897 896-882 881-867 866-852 851-837 836-822 821-807 806-792 791-777 776-762 761-747 746-732 731-717 716-702 701-687 686-672 671-657 656-642 641-627 626-612 611-597 596-582 581-567 566-552 551-537 536-522 521-507 506-492 491-477 476-462 461-447 446-432 431-417 416-402 401-387 386-372 371-357 356-342 341-327 326-312 311-297 296-282 281-267 266-252 251-237 236-222 221-207 206-192 191-177 176-162 161-147 146-132 131-117 116-102 101-87 86-72 71-57 56-42 41-27 26-12 11-1

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