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Chrille - 2011-12-21 19:00
It would have been unfair against myself not to put my own name in there, and I don't like to be unfair. ;p People didn't realize the value of form training in the beginning years of X11, and the value of training even if the player had 20 in form, as it just cemented the high average form more...

Chrille - 2011-12-21 18:54
Most managers are not trying to build super teams either, they are just trying to win the league. Nothing wrong with that of course, and building an amazing side takes a lot of time. Time most cannot be arsed with.

Chrille - 2011-12-21 18:53
To find truly amazing private league teams is hard. On the top of my mind the managers that have built top notch sides in the past have been Dr.Ajo, Chrille, Motorroger, Söderkvist, Gunnar... There are probably more though I am forgetting.

Chrille - 2011-12-21 18:36
Was almost sure about 18 bars, can't see that on the players out page, maybe I mixed it up with their ratings. Either way, a 20 bar rating seems very rare. And consider that the conditions for building monster teams are tougher now than it was before, it's not becoming any easier.

Chrille - 2011-12-21 18:29
They both played in a league that doesn't exist anymore - Copa Conquieres or something. Quite a few monster teams in there back then. Would not be surprised if some of them reached similar numbers in match ratings.

Chrille - 2011-12-21 18:28 I've most likely hit a 20+ rating in the past. Shame those stats are gone. Would be nice to know such things, especially in a league that has existed for so long. I also believe that Söderkvist and Gunnar could be possible managers that have done it as well.

Chrille - 2011-12-21 18:27
Saw your thread in the forum about match rating. In my own league hundreds of matches have been deleted throughout the years due to a massive decrease in members. I've had different periods with the team, one when I averaged 18 bars per player or better in my line-up...

Chrille - 2011-12-21 18:25
I have to say - you did excellent. I was impressed by your precise shooting. All those years training has really paid off!! I'm proud of you, son.

Duffster - 2011-12-21 17:34
Heres to another 30!

Duffster - 2011-12-21 17:34
Haha indeed time flies, the "new" season will be over before we know it 'cause it's the Xmas period.. I hope to be back in the top flight by spring, but this time it ain't b00m or bust, I'll switch to a conveyor method when there as the elusive title is out of the way, less pressure to chase it.

Duffster - 2011-12-21 17:03
I'd have thought Holma when at their peak would have been high as that was an uber sqaud, I recall him having a similar strong priv team, but gone now I think. C24's set-up with quick seasons helps I guess putting together a strong side if your a good builder like yourself, 30 seasons gone already.

Duffster - 2011-12-21 16:34
Had a quick look around and found a few 18 ratings
Could only find 19 within the Xpert ladies, but debatable if classed as private. :)

Chrille - 2011-12-21 05:30
That's interesting Bejj, because I enjoyed the webcam session "Nathan goes wild" you uploaded a few weeks ago. The end in particular when you shot your massive load in the face of Jimbo. That was just GENIUS.

Fcbprofetu - 2011-12-15 13:10
Thanks! :)

Sayan44 - 2011-12-13 18:51
Good luck in this season title race Nath,

1601-1587 1586-1572 1571-1557 1556-1542 1541-1527 1526-1512 1511-1497 1496-1482 1481-1467 1466-1452 1451-1437 1436-1422 1421-1407 1406-1392 1391-1377 1376-1362 1361-1347 1346-1332 1331-1317 1316-1302 1301-1287 1286-1272 1271-1257 1256-1242 1241-1227 1226-1212 1211-1197 1196-1182 1181-1167 1166-1152 1151-1137 1136-1122 1121-1107 1106-1092 1091-1077 1076-1062 1061-1047 1046-1032 1031-1017 1016-1002 1001-987 986-972 971-957 956-942 941-927 926-912 911-897 896-882 881-867 866-852 851-837 836-822 821-807 806-792 791-777 776-762 761-747 746-732 731-717 716-702 701-687 686-672 671-657 656-642 641-627 626-612 611-597 596-582 581-567 566-552 551-537 536-522 521-507 506-492 491-477 476-462 461-447 446-432 431-417 416-402 401-387 386-372 371-357 356-342 341-327 326-312 311-297 296-282 281-267 266-252 251-237 236-222 221-207 206-192 191-177 176-162 161-147 146-132 131-117 116-102 101-87 86-72 71-57 56-42 41-27 26-12 11-1

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