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Nelu32 - 2010-01-09 20:15
Dar nu intelege gresit :))..

Nelu32 - 2010-01-09 20:15
Mersi de urare. Imi place de tine ca esti foarte atent :)

Soyaball - 2010-01-09 12:42
Thanks mate, hope it goes well ;)

TheBraddock - 2010-01-08 20:08
i mail it in a mail ;)

Ocs18 - 2010-01-08 20:07
Cheers pal! It's very hypnotic ain't it?! :D

TheBraddock - 2010-01-08 20:04
goodbye german Top 100 :(

TheBraddock - 2010-01-08 19:55
I hate it :@
Such manager are cheater :@
He plays 50 matches or 60 matches 4-4-2 he never used an other formation and now he used 3-5-2 :I

NMCL - 2010-01-08 19:47
Thanks CPI :)

Nokia2610 - 2010-01-07 17:02
;) ma bucur

Nokia2610 - 2010-01-07 16:55
;)) nu ma aveai la prieteni:-/

TheBraddock - 2010-01-05 18:30
you have a xpertdaily preess :)

Skatalex - 2010-01-05 13:19
Nice press :P

Bidgrab - 2010-01-04 23:44
Best wishes to you too mate!!! Happy New Year!

TheBraddock - 2010-01-04 22:07
Yeahh thanks :)
Next round please!

Flory_steaua23 - 2010-01-04 20:47
Pai tocmai ce am revenit dupa vacanta si ma pot ocupa in continuare bine de X11, dar este si o parte proasta, aceea ca incep examenele la facultate. Nu am mai dat niciun semn de viata datorita faptului ca acasa nu am avut net, numa in Alba.

1581-1567 1566-1552 1551-1537 1536-1522 1521-1507 1506-1492 1491-1477 1476-1462 1461-1447 1446-1432 1431-1417 1416-1402 1401-1387 1386-1372 1371-1357 1356-1342 1341-1327 1326-1312 1311-1297 1296-1282 1281-1267 1266-1252 1251-1237 1236-1222 1221-1207 1206-1192 1191-1177 1176-1162 1161-1147 1146-1132 1131-1117 1116-1102 1101-1087 1086-1072 1071-1057 1056-1042 1041-1027 1026-1012 1011-997 996-982 981-967 966-952 951-937 936-922 921-907 906-892 891-877 876-862 861-847 846-832 831-817 816-802 801-787 786-772 771-757 756-742 741-727 726-712 711-697 696-682 681-667 666-652 651-637 636-622 621-607 606-592 591-577 576-562 561-547 546-532 531-517 516-502 501-487 486-472 471-457 456-442 441-427 426-412 411-397 396-382 381-367 366-352 351-337 336-322 321-307 306-292 291-277 276-262 261-247 246-232 231-217 216-202 201-187 186-172 171-157 156-142 141-127 126-112 111-97 96-82 81-67 66-52 51-37 36-22 21-7 6-1

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