


Offline Miziler 

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Osamabenjamin - 2011-11-08 04:48
I honestly think you've got me Miz. The cracks are starting to show for the Christ Punchers now!! Still, to get to the final at all is a great effort I think!!!

Mghani - 2011-11-06 07:13
hahahha kemah²

Mghani - 2011-11-05 13:04
meme kelas ko miziler

Osamabenjamin - 2011-11-04 00:56
Cheers!! I don't know quite how I am still in it, but I'm not complaining!!!! :) Good luck to you also. Let's represent C5!!!!! Another nice win for you in the division too. I'm not hoping to catch you in 1st place, but I'd love to be promoted with you!!

Meotraju - 2011-11-03 05:11
hahaha..dah cecah 2k, baru cek main serius balik :P
takpa, bg ang duk lama kat seat recaro tu :)

Sir_Bock - 2011-11-01 16:02
very kedah punya blom kuar lagi kot noh hihi

Sayan44 - 2011-10-09 14:04
Same ranking , MEGALOLZ

Osamabenjamin - 2011-10-08 07:10
Cheers Miz. Yeah, i've been having regrets when I look back at the team. Was a great league to be in, but when you just don't have time to put as much commitment as a team like that deserves, it's time to pass the torch I think. Good luck, and go ROW!!!! ;-)

Colinzink - 2011-10-08 04:58
haha, no. It's from a TV show. :-)

Andreyi7 - 2011-10-07 15:33
I have a long way till' TCC

Yes, a lil' patriotic :)

Andreyi7 - 2011-10-07 14:39
Congrats buddy in TCC :)

Pacubob - 2011-10-07 01:56
salam perkenalan sir mizi drp manager yg x brp hebak tp ensem....hehehe

Mghani - 2011-10-05 18:34
tak dapat juga nak bermesra kat GLL dengan otai heheh

ScoX - 2011-10-05 18:16
thanks bro.masih mencuba dengan tunjuk ajar otai2.hehe

Mghani - 2011-10-03 10:08
sibuk sikit sekarang ni lr mizi, hahahha kecut perut aku dapat ko join GLL, jangan jadi spt lepas udah ler sekerat jalan hahahah

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