

Offline Blu3red 

                                                    Hall Of Famer Traducteur


Livre d'Or



NortonAntivirus - 2007-04-26 20:38
:) Not as active as i was before though. Thanks for signing my guestbook, returning the favour. Thanks and Good Luck to you too in the Pro League!

Lupy - 2007-04-11 23:21
esti ambitios bha baiatu ...talent , ambitie ... cand revin o sa fi in top5 :P

842-828 827-813 812-798 797-783 782-768 767-753 752-738 737-723 722-708 707-693 692-678 677-663 662-648 647-633 632-618 617-603 602-588 587-573 572-558 557-543 542-528 527-513 512-498 497-483 482-468 467-453 452-438 437-423 422-408 407-393 392-378 377-363 362-348 347-333 332-318 317-303 302-288 287-273 272-258 257-243 242-228 227-213 212-198 197-183 182-168 167-153 152-138 137-123 122-108 107-93 92-78 77-63 62-48 47-33 32-18 17-3 2-1

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