- 2007-11-19 17:28
Congrats on gaining promotion as champions mate!;), keep up the good work and all the best for next season!;) |
- 2007-11-12 18:27
Un manager si un admin de liga oficial cu experienta, iti urez multa bafta in continuare! |
- 2007-06-19 15:26
Not only a great admin but a an excellent manager also!,keep up the good work mate!: ) |
- 2007-03-28 13:14
keep up gd work m8 , hopefully i can assist you in Ultimate lge one day :-p |
- 2007-03-03 15:35
Hello i think you are one of the best managers on the xperteleven !....
Nico_ |
- 2006-12-03 02:48
Hai omule, nu te lasa... inca putin si ma ajungi ca rating!
Bafta, esti cel mai tare! |
66-52 51-37 36-22 21-7 6-1 |