

Offline Z0la 



Livre d'Or



The_Manc - 2007-12-31 17:49
All the best for 2008. Be lucky mate

Wyness-left-heart - 2007-12-27 13:32
Ooh Zola woooaaaall, Ooh Zola woooaaaall, he'll get promoted eventually ;)

Arveladze - 2007-12-23 13:19
Have a good Christmas mate, and all the best for 2008.

Everton1977ace - 2007-12-19 20:32
Happy Xmas my friend, have a good one and i hope that 2008 is a an excellent year for you!, all the best buddy!;)

DrFlugel - 2007-12-14 18:06
We have the exact same ranking today Mr Z

AndyM2033 - 2007-12-14 16:19
Ohh Zolaaaa

DrFlugel - 2007-12-14 14:19
Tee-hee :)

Arveladze - 2007-12-08 13:00
Great manager,funny guy good luck mate

DrFlugel - 2007-11-07 16:07
zola won a game!!!!!!! Omg!!!!

AndyM2033 - 2007-11-07 13:34
Your Xpert team won! 6-1! Whens the next blue moon then?

DrFlugel - 2007-10-30 15:46
Despite all the continous piss taking, I do genuinely hope you get your team back up to the pro league proper this season. Good luck.

Smallfry - 2007-10-25 21:54
Zola loves Flugel

DrFlugel - 2007-10-23 12:01
Yeah now I have about 10 posts of you talking shite on my lovely jubbly guestbook!

DrFlugel - 2007-10-23 11:53
Nope I've said it since yesterday after I noticed it. I'm not a league hopper so no chance of me taking over.

DrFlugel - 2007-10-23 11:51
Maybe so, but at least I didn't get one of the most succesful teams in xpert league history relegated in my first season in charge!

744-730 729-715 714-700 699-685 684-670 669-655 654-640 639-625 624-610 609-595 594-580 579-565 564-550 549-535 534-520 519-505 504-490 489-475 474-460 459-445 444-430 429-415 414-400 399-385 384-370 369-355 354-340 339-325 324-310 309-295 294-280 279-265 264-250 249-235 234-220 219-205 204-190 189-175 174-160 159-145 144-130 129-115 114-100 99-85 84-70 69-55 54-40 39-25 24-10 9-1

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