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Offline Z0la 






DrFlugel - 2008-01-09 13:12
Big tingz & gwaan

DrFlugel - 2008-01-09 11:55
Zola enjoy it while you can, if you were in a real xpert league then you'd be ranked 10000000000000000000654239999. Give me a few months and i'll have whizzed past you like a whippet

AndyM2033 - 2008-01-08 14:14
and now im after you!!!

DrFlugel - 2008-01-07 14:49
Zola, I won a game, I won a bloody game!!!!!!

Smallfry - 2008-01-01 23:06
All the best in 08 bud ;)

Gaffer_Chesney - 2008-01-01 22:51
All the best in 08 Bud ;)

Duffster - 2008-01-01 19:14
All best for 08' bud ;) hope all is well Z-Man !!

AndyM2033 - 2008-01-01 13:54
Happy New Year Chavvy. :) My rankings getting better!

Everton1977ace - 2008-01-01 01:21
To a great friend!;), Happy New Year mate!!!;), i hope 2008 is a fantastic one for you and your loved ones!;)

Katman - 2007-12-31 21:27
Just a quick note to wish you well for the coming year. Perhaps we may even meet in a league.

The_Manc - 2007-12-31 17:49
All the best for 2008. Be lucky mate

Wyness-left-heart - 2007-12-27 13:32
Ooh Zola woooaaaall, Ooh Zola woooaaaall, he'll get promoted eventually ;)

Arveladze - 2007-12-23 13:19
Have a good Christmas mate, and all the best for 2008.

Everton1977ace - 2007-12-19 20:32
Happy Xmas my friend, have a good one and i hope that 2008 is a an excellent year for you!, all the best buddy!;)

DrFlugel - 2007-12-14 18:06
We have the exact same ranking today Mr Z

739-725 724-710 709-695 694-680 679-665 664-650 649-635 634-620 619-605 604-590 589-575 574-560 559-545 544-530 529-515 514-500 499-485 484-470 469-455 454-440 439-425 424-410 409-395 394-380 379-365 364-350 349-335 334-320 319-305 304-290 289-275 274-260 259-245 244-230 229-215 214-200 199-185 184-170 169-155 154-140 139-125 124-110 109-95 94-80 79-65 64-50 49-35 34-20 19-5 4-1

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