

Offline Everton1977ace 

                                                    Hall Of Famer  





Cuthbertson3 - 2008-12-17 23:06
orite mate (: howz your teams doing?

Duffster - 2008-12-15 10:33
Cheers Spades!!
Temp in the Power lge.. oooooh!! ;)

ANTH_98 - 2008-12-11 09:15
Congrats on the temporary league admin :D

Colinzink - 2008-12-10 17:33
Everything is going well. Trying my best as a reporter; fun but tough at the same time. I like it tho as it gives me something to do when I should be working, haha. :D

Colinzink - 2008-12-10 17:20
Haha, nice work on temp admin, Evertonace! Now try not to burn the place down, lolz!

Adrian90 - 2008-12-10 16:48
Temporary Admin, Congrats anyway, you will do good ;)

Doomonyouall - 2008-12-10 16:38
Ooo Power League big man now!

Duffster - 2008-12-08 19:03
Just you concentrate on those Buenos youth!!! ;)

Varang - 2008-12-08 15:48
Thx dude.. best of luck to u and ur teams as well.. :)

Duffster - 2008-12-06 03:28
Hey Slacker ;), nearly 10,000th now.

Garybrewje - 2008-12-05 19:50
Cheers for the support mate, hope things are well ;)

MegLew - 2008-12-01 11:15
get online and let me have my frickin players lol ;)

Mabbi - 2008-11-29 10:49
Hello buddy!

I have been a little dejected, but I will do more examples soon and you can count whit that buddy.. I must say your team in SOVC is great now, the have developed good..

Good work m8!!!

Mabbi - 2008-11-27 19:49
Hello again buddy!

I have made a new example and I did go after you demands on how you want it. I hope you like it more this time, then the last time, if not.. Just let me now!


Mabbi - 2008-11-26 18:29
Here is two examples!!


I hope you like someone of them....

1087-1073 1072-1058 1057-1043 1042-1028 1027-1013 1012-998 997-983 982-968 967-953 952-938 937-923 922-908 907-893 892-878 877-863 862-848 847-833 832-818 817-803 802-788 787-773 772-758 757-743 742-728 727-713 712-698 697-683 682-668 667-653 652-638 637-623 622-608 607-593 592-578 577-563 562-548 547-533 532-518 517-503 502-488 487-473 472-458 457-443 442-428 427-413 412-398 397-383 382-368 367-353 352-338 337-323 322-308 307-293 292-278 277-263 262-248 247-233 232-218 217-203 202-188 187-173 172-158 157-143 142-128 127-113 112-98 97-83 82-68 67-53 52-38 37-23 22-8 7-1

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