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Ciomh - 2009-12-23 23:59
na du bist zeitnäher dran ;) wünsch ich dir auch

TSG1899HOFFENHEIM - 2009-12-23 22:04
Thanks You Happy Christmas

Allenout - 2009-12-23 21:19
Have a good one :-)

SGE_94 - 2009-12-23 20:54
wünsch ich dir auch du gurke^^

Izuka - 2009-12-23 20:43
Cheers mate, you too! :)

CPI_46 - 2009-12-23 20:39

I love this team.
Jose Luis Chilavert will leave the club over 2 weeks.

CPI_46 - 2009-12-23 20:34
Sorry, but not now ...

CPI_46 - 2009-12-23 20:29
Nice, in Romanian Elite i hate 7 HT.

CPI_46 - 2009-12-23 20:29
You can find players hard trainers without evaluation, using amathematical formula.

CPI_46 - 2009-12-23 20:26
Not now, but until the start of the season I hope to be.

CPI_46 - 2009-12-23 20:22
Yeah, maybe ... but i make a hard trainer team.

CPI_46 - 2009-12-23 20:16
Players with avenge form 17-18 (Allan Balfour, Danny Booltier - 17, Locallin Bronah - 18) increased a bar, but 2 players with avange form 16 (Cristian Branet & Rowan Melton) incresed 2 bars. :|

CPI_46 - 2009-12-23 20:07
I hate my CR ... :(

Thanks, merry X-mas !

wayne - 2009-12-23 19:13
Thanks, merry christmas to you too!

TheBraddock - 2009-12-23 15:38
Merry christmas :)

672-658 657-643 642-628 627-613 612-598 597-583 582-568 567-553 552-538 537-523 522-508 507-493 492-478 477-463 462-448 447-433 432-418 417-403 402-388 387-373 372-358 357-343 342-328 327-313 312-298 297-283 282-268 267-253 252-238 237-223 222-208 207-193 192-178 177-163 162-148 147-133 132-118 117-103 102-88 87-73 72-58 57-43 42-28 27-13 12-1

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