

Offline Bejjita 





Onzazero - 2010-04-11 18:42

Give me a few months, I'll work on it. :)

Sommers - 2010-04-10 17:39
However even with that in mind, I have been weighing up my options and might make a few changes to the squad over the off-season. Not just to suit the DV changes, but also to help my boys compete a little better in the higher divisions... should be in for a great CR this time around anyway!

Sommers - 2010-04-10 17:38
Well I'm not too sure what I think about the DV changes yet because not one of my leagues has undergone the change, so there's a bit of wait and see there. Basically I want to experience it first-hand before I do anything drastic...

Sommers - 2010-04-10 17:23
Yeah I noticed you've picked up some great players lately, you're building a nice squad... and I wish I could find 18/6s for around $4m! My lads are coming along nicely, fingers crossed we can hold on for another title this season and finally get back into the top few divisions!

Sommers - 2010-04-10 17:05
Hehe yeah I might have just been having a bit of a quiet snoop around your club mate... I guess I don't post in the main forums anymore, but I still do a lot of reading, so there's a few teams out there I like to keep an eye on ;)

Biglad152 - 2010-04-10 14:29
Don't worry it is still simmering on the back boiler , been trying to strengthen my Team buy sell off a couple of my better players and bringing in players who will get us a bit further. Watch this space for PR's soon lol (-¿o)

Chrille - 2010-04-10 05:03
I don't wanna wait too long either, like buy players 2-3 rounds in to the season, would be quite risky, especially if they come with low form. So I'm not exactly sure, the next players I buy though are the one's I plan to keep.

Chrille - 2010-04-10 05:01
...but the players I'm interested in are those kinds that one needs to mail managers about because they are so rare, so I've been keeping my eyes open on the juniors coming in in the xpert league's - so far it's been tough to find anyone.

Chrille - 2010-04-10 04:59
I agree with that, the game's a lot tougher nowadays than it was before. And even having a high skilled team doesn't guarantee anything, there have been plenty of managers to prove that.

I wanted to do the midfield this season, like 7 of them, and then do the rest of the squad next season...

Biglad152 - 2010-04-10 01:10
Same as Man Utd m8, falling apart at the seams :( and I can't even spell my own frigging name lol :)

Chrille - 2010-04-10 00:12
I kinda miss the old days a little...

Chrille - 2010-04-10 00:11
Cheers Nat, it's been tougher than expected to double jump them though, that despite high average form.

Yeah - back in the day it was pretty much just a competition between Nobego and Rps78 about the top spot, it's just now in the modern days there are more fighting for it.

Biglad152 - 2010-04-10 00:06
Big respect young Man from Fighting Irish and their Youngish Manager Baglad. :)

GRASSBANDITS - 2010-04-09 18:53
I was pleased to see a Brit get my old team too :)

GRASSBANDITS - 2010-04-09 18:48
No - Had the 19/9 keeper in my notes, but lost them when I changed teams :(

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