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Dmandmythdledge - 2010-05-30 15:33
I'm not doing too bad anyway, haven't really been active on the site the past while (even in terms of team building etc), just seem to have lost the spark for some reason. Finished exams on Wednesday anyway, have been out each night since Friday since...so good to be finished!

Dmandmythdledge - 2010-05-30 15:32
Yeah, that's what I was thinking..sure he had even turned down C24 so you must have done some job to persaude him. ;)

You guys seem to be doing quite well then, all three drawn against different teams so if they all get through that's a guaranteed final berth!

Dmandmythdledge - 2010-05-29 16:24
Just noticed you got Ogman to join Team England...nice coup there!

GRASSBANDITS - 2010-05-29 09:58
He's nice hiddens of course. I didn't want to do business at inflated prices and have players without hearts in the XCL (assuming I qualify) but I probs should have bought a freekicking defender.

GRASSBANDITS - 2010-05-29 09:55
Dunno about that mate. Xpert League transfer window was such a fucking bun fight last season I thought I'd take my chances now to give me more rolls of the dice to avoid the retirement mail.

Nice win yesterday Nath. Looks like you're almost out of the relegation battle ;)

BobHop - 2010-05-28 18:00
About bloody time..lol

_angst_ - 2010-05-28 17:01
The truth is that I'm the worst captain of the best team ever ^

Fcbprofetu - 2010-05-27 06:48
Yeah! And he's not very expensive :)

Fcbprofetu - 2010-05-22 18:14
A great transfer :) After the transfer the player make 87.000.000.

Dfault - 2010-05-19 23:09
Missed to comment a question you asked. Yes I am a videogame fan. But as a father to two children the time is not there to play. Waiting for them to grow up enough so I can play the games with them. :)

Dfault - 2010-05-19 21:57
Thanks!! You think my username gives me away? Dfault ot dfault that it should be (the site made a capital D)is just a different version of default, I think they are said out loud the same. If you say the letter D out its like you say "dee"... You get the "e" for free. Do I make any sence??

Dfault - 2010-05-19 21:40
I have posted there. Not so much but a little. I posted a some info a while back when they took away the boost button and there where new questions where it was every day. Have not contributed much because I feel like I can´t fully express myself in English. A bit afraid to make a fool out of myself

Dfault - 2010-05-19 21:22
That´s a way to go. Will consider it if I will be admin on a permanent basis. Just a stand in for the moment.

Yes I read the English forum and have learned a lot from it.

Dfault - 2010-05-19 20:54
Do not really know if an league admin in an official league has that much impact. Feels like you need to get the right managers in the league to make it good.

Besides, why gone crazy in the forum today? A bit nostalgic or?

Shinozu - 2010-05-19 05:38
Did I? keke... can't remember it clearly. Well, would not say the same level of playing field. I took over the squad and considered 1 season behind the leading pack. Just look at my team value.. pathetic! Care for a swap with me? :p haha...

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