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Ktieb tal-Vizitaturi



DrFlugel - 2008-11-05 19:00
I'll tell you about some of their latest mentalist activities, but by mail, as they're probably lurking in a bush somewhere!!!

DrFlugel - 2008-11-05 18:58
Muskateer is his bumchum and elom, few others also.

DrFlugel - 2008-11-05 18:48
And not so recently too!

DrFlugel - 2008-11-05 18:47
Yes he is. Him and his mates have serious mental issues it seems by their actions recently.

DrFlugel - 2008-11-05 15:22
You are spot on. But expect "The stalker guy" to stalk you for another hundred years now!!!!

DrFlugel - 2008-11-03 14:53
Andy is pregnant?

DrFlugel - 2008-11-03 14:48

Howz it at the farm?

(am I allowed to sya that now?)

DrFlugel - 2008-11-03 14:45
Oh right, I thought you'd gone portsmouth on our ass!

Why have you got him as an avatar?

did he invent either the glock, or glockenspiel?

DrFlugel - 2008-11-03 14:26
ur avatar

DrFlugel - 2008-11-03 14:24
Is that fucking tony adams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DrFlugel - 2008-10-30 13:02
I would watch it z :(

BenWalker7 - 2008-10-24 00:40
Quality bif of business you done with the keepers in your Pro League team :)

Doomonyouall - 2008-10-09 22:28
Well its gone now. He really likes me that guy.

Doomonyouall - 2008-10-09 19:20
Been meaning to delete that for a while. What kinda weirdo stalker are you?

BobHop - 2008-10-07 16:03
Came back quicker than expected.
Work went tits up on the busy side.

Was looking to come back at the end of this month. Stuck in division 8 of dream league. Will fester for a few seasons before moving on...lol

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