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AndyM2033 - 2008-12-21 14:43
Yo fool, you about?

AndyM2033 - 2008-12-21 14:43
Yo fool, you about?

Jimbo_204 - 2008-12-19 10:45
Andy batty-marhsall isnt that good is he. LOLOLOLOLOL neneneneneneonninononononoinoiniuniuobuo

AndyM2033 - 2008-12-15 16:34
Theres so many managers that have higher manager skills now that instead of jumping 50 odd like you used to its more lik 300 now. I have an 11 skill bar, you needed to be ranked 150 to get that before! S + D is harder but it will help your Team DM game.

Daisy_D - 2008-12-15 12:50
Well I didn't post it with those intentions but yeah its amusing hehe, ah its all good fun ;)

Daisy_D - 2008-12-15 12:42
Behave on my superhero thread you :D

DrFlugel - 2008-12-13 19:05
I already told you lord of the gays, on monday I will be gone.

DrFlugel - 2008-12-08 00:01
Bitch you know the side
World motha fecking wide!

West side!


JohnnyButane - 2008-12-04 19:51
Or indeed the other parent who said "It's disgusting that they have used Eid or the Muslim community as a scapegoat for bad organisation at the school."

JohnnyButane - 2008-12-04 19:50
Or for a more balanced view Zola check this out.

I particularly like the quote from a parent "It is like they are blaming Eid for cancelling the play because it falls at the same time."

DrFlugel - 2008-12-03 11:23
I am fecking working!!!!!!!

DrFlugel - 2008-12-03 10:45
And hotlunch is from urban dictionary, I wasn't offering you a x-mas hot lunch with capors thrown in

DrFlugel - 2008-12-03 10:44
It was Hitler's favourite. Made him feel that he wasn't alone in the world.

DrFlugel - 2008-12-02 16:02
Can I offer you a "hotlunch"?

DrFlugel - 2008-12-01 23:21
I think Andy is the one with the silver spoon up his arsehole. He has lots of things up his arsehole apparently

739-725 724-710 709-695 694-680 679-665 664-650 649-635 634-620 619-605 604-590 589-575 574-560 559-545 544-530 529-515 514-500 499-485 484-470 469-455 454-440 439-425 424-410 409-395 394-380 379-365 364-350 349-335 334-320 319-305 304-290 289-275 274-260 259-245 244-230 229-215 214-200 199-185 184-170 169-155 154-140 139-125 124-110 109-95 94-80 79-65 64-50 49-35 34-20 19-5 4-1

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