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Offline Z0la 






Devilfish - 2009-01-08 15:54
I like to play a lot of games

Smallfry - 2009-01-02 21:55
Edited by support. Watch the language please.

You just jessing or is that real?

Josef09 - 2009-01-01 10:37
Happy new year to you and your family mate, and take care! ;)

BobHop - 2008-12-31 17:58
Happy new year mate. All the best for 2009

A1anw - 2008-12-24 23:00
Have a great festive season and good luck with all your teams!

NortonAntivirus - 2008-12-24 22:10
Merry Christmas and all the best for 2009...and a thank you on behalf of all Liverpool fans for your (Chelsea's) generosity. :)

Daisy_D - 2008-12-24 21:21
Well I'm just enjoying a nice glass of Australian Shiraz Viognier - Stamford Brook. So I would like to chill please :)

CosmicRichie - 2008-12-24 21:14
Landan Gianfranco! My 12 incher will do nicely. Merry Christmas to you too and look forward to 2009 :)

Arveladze - 2008-12-24 20:53
I hope you have a lovely Christmas Z0la and all the best for 2009 big man =)

Coach_Sparks - 2008-12-24 20:28
Lmao you get used to people tryin to 'gay you up' in STYA ;P Have a good one bud n hope 09 is a cracker ;)

Katman - 2008-12-24 20:13
looks like we crossed in cyberspace - all the best....again

Katman - 2008-12-24 20:12
Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year

Everton1977ace - 2008-12-24 17:43
Here,s wishing you and your family a Merry X-mas and all the very best for 2009!!:-))))

Josef09 - 2008-12-24 15:08
I hope you, your family & friends etc have a fantastic Christmas. And a happy new year of 2009....

Daisy_D - 2008-12-24 14:59
Merry Christmas spooky Z0la, have a great New Year ;)

739-725 724-710 709-695 694-680 679-665 664-650 649-635 634-620 619-605 604-590 589-575 574-560 559-545 544-530 529-515 514-500 499-485 484-470 469-455 454-440 439-425 424-410 409-395 394-380 379-365 364-350 349-335 334-320 319-305 304-290 289-275 274-260 259-245 244-230 229-215 214-200 199-185 184-170 169-155 154-140 139-125 124-110 109-95 94-80 79-65 64-50 49-35 34-20 19-5 4-1

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