Ni dosegljivih prijateljev

Offline Prometson 



Knjiga gostov



Liam_06 - 2008-11-09 20:49
Watch the West Ham Rangers ;-)

Big bear hugs. ;-)

Lukemalla - 2008-11-04 23:27
Unlucky Bo.

Next season will be your "year" mate...That young squad will come of age :-) Mark My Words!!

RobstertheLobster - 2008-11-04 00:40
Go to bed Bo!!! :-)

Liam_06 - 2008-11-03 18:27
Thats better back in me old clothes, bear hugs........

LadyChelseafan - 2008-10-31 19:24
Soon, ok? Pupici duuuuuulci! :D

LadyChelseafan - 2008-10-30 23:43
You are working too much. I miss you. Pupici dulci!

Liam_06 - 2008-10-24 20:22
I would not leave the Master League, but Rangers were going nowhere, and did not want to settle for mid table finishes for the rest of my days..........;-)

Liam_06 - 2008-10-24 12:22
Thanks for being my number 1 supporter.........;-)

Liam_06 - 2008-10-21 15:29
How are you uncle Bo.

StevieGerrard8 - 2008-10-19 16:55
Liverpool is not English,Liverpool is Scouse :DD

StevieGerrard8 - 2008-10-19 16:48
liverpool and arsenal? :(

Starshadow - 2008-10-18 08:37
Did you ever find someone to tickle you? :D

Liam_06 - 2008-10-17 09:05
Uncle Bo, has a great ring to it......Monday is Liams birthday, 2 years old. Cant wait for his day...

rps78 - 2008-10-17 05:28
hehe..yeah i know the reason mate but unfortunately I wont join any other Xpert League than the legendary Ultimate :)

Duffster - 2008-10-17 00:45
Appreciated Bo!!

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