

Offline Lampertron 

Vip Moderator Support





Runy - 2010-08-06 00:00

Runy - 2010-08-05 23:54
Did you creat a Yahoo ID ?:D

Sayan44 - 2010-08-05 23:21
Good night , Laters , :)

Sayan44 - 2010-08-05 23:17
I 'm regular there , as I am too much addicted to this website rather than the game :d

Sayan44 - 2010-08-05 23:13
've seen you in the global forums , that's why added you :p

Sayan44 - 2010-08-05 23:05
Hey :)

CPI_46 - 2010-08-05 22:05
I send you a request.

CPI_46 - 2010-08-05 22:00
Ok, thank's Nicklas. :P

CPI_46 - 2010-08-05 21:58
Eh. I wanted see a picture with you. ;))

CPI_46 - 2010-08-05 21:56
Too old for me and i have girfriend. :P

Btw, what is your facebook/hi5/myspace ? :)

CPI_46 - 2010-08-05 21:47
I love Veikkausliga & FC Lahti is my fav team. :P
I learned finnish with a blonde teacher, who was 20 years. :D Awww yeah baby. :xxx

CPI_46 - 2010-08-05 21:40
I started learning finnish 5 months ago :P

CPI_46 - 2010-08-05 21:17
Speak Swedish? nice, i speak finnish. :P seriously. :D

Runy - 2010-08-05 21:13
I don't know

Runy - 2010-08-05 20:22
is a she..and yes she is in Germany

672-658 657-643 642-628 627-613 612-598 597-583 582-568 567-553 552-538 537-523 522-508 507-493 492-478 477-463 462-448 447-433 432-418 417-403 402-388 387-373 372-358 357-343 342-328 327-313 312-298 297-283 282-268 267-253 252-238 237-223 222-208 207-193 192-178 177-163 162-148 147-133 132-118 117-103 102-88 87-73 72-58 57-43 42-28 27-13 12-1

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