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Runy - 2010-08-06 23:43

Wie geht es Ihnen?

Runy - 2010-08-06 23:42
fine..i speak with braddock about an hour :))

how are you ?:d

Runy - 2010-08-06 23:18
now you can speak ?:D

Runy - 2010-08-06 22:10
Hey . How are you my friend ?:D

Runy - 2010-08-06 01:10
yes:) I learn german with a teacher :)...

I have to go now..see you tomorow

Bye Bye

Runy - 2010-08-06 01:03
oooh...yeah...yes:)..but I will enter in RLP Bundesliga soon..I wanna talk with you and Braddock 2 guys are a good company

Runy - 2010-08-06 00:59
I don't understand the question

Runy - 2010-08-06 00:55
yeah..sometimes they just freak me OUT!...but they are nice most of time..

Runy - 2010-08-06 00:53

I love this city..maybey I will be move in Esens in a few years :)because here stayis my girlfriend xD

Runy - 2010-08-06 00:48

Runy - 2010-08-06 00:47
It`s verry nearo North Sea

Runy - 2010-08-06 00:42
oh , nice :)

you know where is Esens ?:D

Runy - 2010-08-06 00:38
you stay near Munchen? or near what?:D

Runy - 2010-08-06 00:29
no problem .. we can speak here;))

Runy - 2010-08-06 00:03
with Yahoo you can talk with any Romanian manager :)

pdw: If you will create one..TheBraddock will create one too :)

672-658 657-643 642-628 627-613 612-598 597-583 582-568 567-553 552-538 537-523 522-508 507-493 492-478 477-463 462-448 447-433 432-418 417-403 402-388 387-373 372-358 357-343 342-328 327-313 312-298 297-283 282-268 267-253 252-238 237-223 222-208 207-193 192-178 177-163 162-148 147-133 132-118 117-103 102-88 87-73 72-58 57-43 42-28 27-13 12-1

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