


Offline Bejjita 





Al3xnhinno - 2012-06-23 23:23
retired ?

Androne - 2012-06-23 23:22
But why? were for some time and have won the team title, what made ??you walk away from it and the official?

Androne - 2012-06-23 22:56

Duffster - 2012-06-22 19:12
A few have been kept despite double jumping, CR is nxt week, see how it goes after that, cheers.

GRASSBANDITS - 2012-06-13 21:18
C'mon bigman, one game left, three points needed. Time to show your class and dominite with eassssseeee!!

audub - 2012-05-31 11:08
I'm not sure mate.

Se7enman - 2012-05-25 09:15
Swole twat!

Squarehead13 - 2012-04-27 18:33
Thanks, still a bit of a way off of your trophy haul :(

Fabbyulous - 2012-04-24 20:37
Big words from you mate :) must say it owed to the contributions of everyone else including you so thankyou for contributing and for the compliments :) mucho appreciation.

Ross_smith24 - 2012-04-16 09:35
Thanks Bejjita, club has a great history so looking to keep that going.

Colinzink - 2012-04-13 21:14
lol, I never need an egg-beater... :D

GRASSBANDITS - 2012-04-09 13:11
Thanks fella. Would be cool to see you back in the top 5 with deep runs in cup and xcl next season. Grats again on a superb league campaign :)

Basilbrush303 - 2012-04-06 14:26
well done on XCL, though it was only a matter of time.

shame to see you go in C24. hope you are joining a league i am in.

Daniel.G - 2012-03-28 21:23
Seems like we'll meet in the XCL afterall ;)

Easy_boy - 2012-03-23 23:32
Im 6` tall. U have longer path of motion so it is kind of a harder for U :/ Absolute strength is awesome but I`ve always been follower of lifted weight per kg of body mass ;) Thats the beauty !!!

1601-1587 1586-1572 1571-1557 1556-1542 1541-1527 1526-1512 1511-1497 1496-1482 1481-1467 1466-1452 1451-1437 1436-1422 1421-1407 1406-1392 1391-1377 1376-1362 1361-1347 1346-1332 1331-1317 1316-1302 1301-1287 1286-1272 1271-1257 1256-1242 1241-1227 1226-1212 1211-1197 1196-1182 1181-1167 1166-1152 1151-1137 1136-1122 1121-1107 1106-1092 1091-1077 1076-1062 1061-1047 1046-1032 1031-1017 1016-1002 1001-987 986-972 971-957 956-942 941-927 926-912 911-897 896-882 881-867 866-852 851-837 836-822 821-807 806-792 791-777 776-762 761-747 746-732 731-717 716-702 701-687 686-672 671-657 656-642 641-627 626-612 611-597 596-582 581-567 566-552 551-537 536-522 521-507 506-492 491-477 476-462 461-447 446-432 431-417 416-402 401-387 386-372 371-357 356-342 341-327 326-312 311-297 296-282 281-267 266-252 251-237 236-222 221-207 206-192 191-177 176-162 161-147 146-132 131-117 116-102 101-87 86-72 71-57 56-42 41-27 26-12 11-1

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