

Offline Sayan44 






Andrey2008 - 2011-11-21 18:43
It's made by miself.

Andreyi7 - 2011-11-20 14:03
The Legacy is here :d

Brovwal88 - 2011-11-19 22:30
lived in Goa 30ishh years ago allways stayed with me i suppose
..were amazing great times growing up...

Andreyi7 - 2011-11-19 18:21
My avatar says "Really?" :))

SuperSprint - 2011-11-18 19:35
Thanks and as I said in C24, congratz with your top 5 achievment as well!

Andreyi7 - 2011-11-17 19:48

So,what it is the problem in Power League(you can send me a PM if you want not to appear here)

Andreyi7 - 2011-11-17 19:40
Why? :P

And,how about Ultimate League?:)

Andreyi7 - 2011-11-17 19:38
Your team doesn't look like the previous season :(

Many friends told me to go to the Classic League,I am thinking about Ultimate or Power League

I really DK (don't know)

Andreyi7 - 2011-11-17 19:33
Well,quite good :)

Waiting for the CR at the official team

Thinking about a brand new team,in what league should I start etc.

You ?:)

Andreyi7 - 2011-11-17 19:27
Support fan-club :P


UKsNo1 - 2011-11-12 15:11
I had to leave them, they will go far but if I ever acheived anything with them some would always point the finger!

There will be a new Comfortably Numb somewhere some day ;)

Nikester - 2011-11-12 10:59
Yeah its supermonkey in Dexters lab.. lol

Facece - 2011-11-10 00:33
Holy shit Banterman, nicely done :)

Robbo_the_Red - 2011-11-09 19:48
Woot! You made the Lobby - well done mate.

TheBraddock - 2011-11-09 19:03
Finally the Lobby :)

1449-1435 1434-1420 1419-1405 1404-1390 1389-1375 1374-1360 1359-1345 1344-1330 1329-1315 1314-1300 1299-1285 1284-1270 1269-1255 1254-1240 1239-1225 1224-1210 1209-1195 1194-1180 1179-1165 1164-1150 1149-1135 1134-1120 1119-1105 1104-1090 1089-1075 1074-1060 1059-1045 1044-1030 1029-1015 1014-1000 999-985 984-970 969-955 954-940 939-925 924-910 909-895 894-880 879-865 864-850 849-835 834-820 819-805 804-790 789-775 774-760 759-745 744-730 729-715 714-700 699-685 684-670 669-655 654-640 639-625 624-610 609-595 594-580 579-565 564-550 549-535 534-520 519-505 504-490 489-475 474-460 459-445 444-430 429-415 414-400 399-385 384-370 369-355 354-340 339-325 324-310 309-295 294-280 279-265 264-250 249-235 234-220 219-205 204-190 189-175 174-160 159-145 144-130 129-115 114-100 99-85 84-70 69-55 54-40 39-25 24-10 9-1

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