

Offline Richardfenn 



Księga Gości



GRASSBANDITS - 2010-03-24 15:06
ps Harsh hourglass times for the Pythons. Those 16 skillers don't grow on trees :(

GRASSBANDITS - 2010-03-24 14:37
Not half as cool as My Lovely Horse, but my avvy is taken from the pop video of Evil by Interpol. I heart the Father Ted :)

DaXtremist - 2010-03-12 00:22
My Lovely Horse...

Bejjita - 2010-03-07 03:57
Good luck with the run later today!

TheNakedChef - 2010-02-16 02:32
Please mate, dont worry bout the one month VIP when you don't continue on with the league. Cheers mate. Cheffe.

GRASSBANDITS - 2010-02-15 13:27
Just thought its a good platform to make stuff cool. Noone in my family has needed blood if thats what you meant.

GRASSBANDITS - 2010-02-15 13:22
Initially I was trying to raise awareness for giving blood but now a few of us are looking at concerted messages for similar causes.

Soyaball - 2010-02-03 02:44
Hope you don't mind i made a thread out of your "tips for beginners" post. Thought it would be nice to say thanks as i have used it :)

Bejjita - 2010-02-02 16:48
Happy belated birthday sir. :)

Bejjita - 2010-01-16 15:04
Cheers Rich!

Three now and 4 tomorrow. ;)

Saint_Ash - 2010-01-14 13:07
Cheers mate. Looked at the set up before watching in play and he had me done on counter tactics. got my wing plays, went TPs when I tightened wings, got me prepared when I hadn't done 352 in a while, I never got his PM. Then he let himself down by going Very Offensive, bruise and pressure away! phew

Skandtripathi - 2010-01-06 22:43
Hey RF..

I would be interested in joining your league Xpert 101, so if you have a vacancy or decide to expand then please let me know.

Nokia2610 - 2009-12-31 09:37
The new year is put down before us as an unwritten volume with 365 blank pages. We wish you only write them with good things, accomplishments and happiness for the end of the volume to read it with joy.

Bejjita - 2009-12-30 05:39
12 skill bars, you must be proud. ;)

BobHop - 2009-12-27 11:58
Many thanks Rich. It all helps buddy.

291-277 276-262 261-247 246-232 231-217 216-202 201-187 186-172 171-157 156-142 141-127 126-112 111-97 96-82 81-67 66-52 51-37 36-22 21-7 6-1

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