

Offline Z0la 






TheNakedChef - 2010-08-16 12:58
He probabably just found some very butch ladyboy in a Prague club which unless I engage in some threesome, probably wont happen but ill talk to him nonetheless.

TheNakedChef - 2010-08-16 11:04
Innit, I'll give it a proper looksy when Ive finished this assignment.

Yeah, Prague. Apparantly it's where the cool young hipsters go these days.

TheNakedChef - 2010-08-15 18:05
Early morning cunts.

Hi The Z.

No, but I just watched 10 minutes of it on youtube. And whilst I appreciate British tv a lot, that was about as funny as the US version of the office and about as chavvish as Skins.

Celticlegend - 2010-08-04 14:47
Well it is class :)

Celticlegend - 2010-08-04 12:44
Lol at your avvy :D

Leftblank - 2010-05-26 11:25
Only thing Im pissed orf about is I forgot to copy my favourite team list and cant remember half the people on it which is a bit of a git.

I'm happy that I'm part of the other half. Good luck with your new team. Will we ever meet in the XCL heaven?

FC_CHELSEA_FC - 2010-05-24 15:32
Good luck with your new team! See you in XCL some day! :)

BobHop - 2010-05-20 15:28
Some work required there mate..good luck with em. Mind you 17th richest in your league, you must have a few econ to waste...er spend..lol

Daisy_D - 2010-05-20 09:29
Good luck with the new err old team Z0la ;-)

Jimbo_204 - 2010-05-20 02:31
Gonna miss the old side?

Jimbo_204 - 2010-05-20 02:27
Mate that new team is absolute pony. Have fun. Haha.

TheNakedChef - 2010-05-13 11:38
Must run in the family as I hear Smalls had to have his little toe amputated and stuck where his shlong should be.

TheNakedChef - 2010-05-12 02:03
It's ok mate! Just having some banter with you too. And I luvs you too, just not as much as Smalls sister. Don't hold it personally.

TheNakedChef - 2010-05-11 08:28
Ginger tosser? Ouch you are just the worst kind Z. At least you were polite in saying afternoon you chav glory hunting scum which leads to, why are you still with Blues of West London when you haven't won anything since the birth of Christ? Have a good day.

FC_CHELSEA_FC - 2010-05-10 22:43
Keep the Blue flag flying high!

739-725 724-710 709-695 694-680 679-665 664-650 649-635 634-620 619-605 604-590 589-575 574-560 559-545 544-530 529-515 514-500 499-485 484-470 469-455 454-440 439-425 424-410 409-395 394-380 379-365 364-350 349-335 334-320 319-305 304-290 289-275 274-260 259-245 244-230 229-215 214-200 199-185 184-170 169-155 154-140 139-125 124-110 109-95 94-80 79-65 64-50 49-35 34-20 19-5 4-1

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