

Offline Lampertron 

Vip Moderator Podpora


Knjiga gostov



TheBraddock - 2010-12-24 13:13
Ma was deutsches in dein GB ;)

Frohe weihnachten^^

Kaftanimp - 2010-12-24 12:41
I think my translation may have been a bit incorrect there :-0 It should have been MERRY not Marry :-0

Kaftanimp - 2010-12-24 12:32
Heiraten Sie Weihnachten meinen Freund, essen Sie, Getränk und seien Sie fröhlich :-)

TsaKe - 2010-12-24 12:22
Merry Christmas!

Ronaldoooooo - 2010-12-24 10:58
Merry Christmas

Mrcode - 2010-12-24 10:48
Tack, o God jul Lampertron =)

SRC_10 - 2010-12-23 20:25
Merry Christmas! :)

Jambo_1991 - 2010-12-23 19:56
SambaSven and Nobego are indeed legends!

Celticlegend - 2010-12-23 14:13
Merry Christmas Lampers :)

Jambo_1991 - 2010-12-23 14:06
Fair play mate, makes sense :)

Jambo_1991 - 2010-12-23 13:59
OK then mate! :P

The only way I'd be impressed with a manager is if they took a team they created from scratch to lift one of the main Xpert titles (excluding xpert ladies, that's for wanabees) :P

Hotdog007 - 2010-12-23 13:47
Thanks mate, Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to you. :o)

Hyena - 2010-12-23 13:45
Can't accept your wish. It has come too early or waaaaaaaaaaaay too late :P
Frohe weihnachten :)

Jambo_1991 - 2010-12-23 13:41
Hall of Fame doesn't mean anything in the ladies league!

That just means your not good enough to do it in the big leagues!

That's like winning the league with Arsenal Ladies and saying you've won the EPL!

Whatever floats your boat though mate ;)

wayne - 2010-12-23 13:38
Frohe Weihnachten Lampertron! :)

672-658 657-643 642-628 627-613 612-598 597-583 582-568 567-553 552-538 537-523 522-508 507-493 492-478 477-463 462-448 447-433 432-418 417-403 402-388 387-373 372-358 357-343 342-328 327-313 312-298 297-283 282-268 267-253 252-238 237-223 222-208 207-193 192-178 177-163 162-148 147-133 132-118 117-103 102-88 87-73 72-58 57-43 42-28 27-13 12-1

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