Plejers Migjubin

Plejers li ghadhom attivi mibjughin lil klabbs ohra
Lionel Bagshaw 19 MF
2024-06-25 Knoghall FC 70 800
Marco Spears 18 MF
2024-05-24 Chelsea London F.C. 162 400
José dos Santos 32 MF
2024-04-15 Pitter Patter FC 2 616 400
Donnie Kerabatsos 33 D
2024-04-13 Arkine FC 2 019 800
Phones Ringindude 32 F
2024-04-08 Ding a ling B Team 741 200
Adriano Garcia 28 D
2024-03-09 Cardiff Angels YMC 626 000
Pismo Beach 18 F
2024-02-05 Stop. Hammertime. 47 700
Jesus Quintana 34 MF
2024-01-13 Natura Dub 310 500
Rori Sato 28 MF
2023-09-18 FC CEAHLAUL 4 202 700
Joseph Mills 20 F
2023-09-08 Bramley Rangers 453 500
Preston Sampson 19 D
2023-08-28 Dängarnas dänggäng 105 000
Tyron Petit 22 D
2023-07-03 Ardoyne United 47 700
Jebadiah Romero 29 F
2023-06-12 Real Bristol 1 034 100
Malibu Deadbeat 25 F
2022-10-14 Ajax U Craiova 915 500
Stefan Hoogeveen 30 F
2022-10-01 Real Makoto CF 320 400
Seattle Seven 23 F
2022-08-13 FC Hali 72 000
Rod Johnson 23 D
2022-07-22 SameSameButDifferent 197 400
Jamel Sawyer 26 D
2022-07-08 Syllydogs 501 000
Marty Ackerman 26 F
2022-01-17 Akdogan Athletic 169 300
Bowling Nixon 26 GK
2021-10-13 Fenerbahce SK 238 600
Marty Ackerman 27 D
2021-06-14 FK sloga vp 52 500
Fawn Knutsen 32 D
2021-02-14 Captain Morgan FC 192 200
Christopher Suarez 27 MF
2021-01-29 Annihilating Rhythm 1 731 500
Lewis Ricci 29 MF
2020-12-07 Bridgwater Rovers 112 200
Herve Roussin 34 GK
2020-01-27 Fc Bajdechi 1992 521 000
Bunny Lebowski 34 GK
2019-12-10 Medilag 840 800
Braeden Reid 33 D
2019-10-13 Freineda 820 400
Gary Bartender 35 MF
2019-08-29 Spurs Sweden 120 800
Other Lebowski 35 D
2019-06-28 Bajen Avalanche 97 700
Dick Dafino 36 MF
2019-04-12 CRI Alhos Vedros 47 700

Plejers li hallew lill-klabb
2024-06-25 Lionel Bagshaw 19 MF
59 472 Mibjugh
2024-05-24 Marco Spears 18 MF
136 416 Mibjugh
2024-04-15 José dos Santos 32 MF
2 197 776 Mibjugh
2024-04-13 Donnie Kerabatsos 33 D
1 696 632 Mibjugh
2024-04-08 Phones Ringindude 32 F
622 608 Mibjugh
2024-03-09 Adriano Garcia 27 D
525 840 Mibjugh
2024-02-25 Walter Sobchak 37 D
0 Spicca
2024-02-05 Pismo Beach 17 F
40 068 Mibjugh
2024-01-22 Jeffrey Lebowski 18 F
40 068 Mibjugh
2024-01-13 Jesus Quintana 33 MF
260 820 Mibjugh
2023-11-24 Hyde Ray 19 F
0 Imkecci
2023-11-24 Whatday Isthis 19 F
0 Imkecci
2023-11-12 Noa Bjurenvall 35 D
0 Spicca
2023-11-11 Tony Chauffeur 19 F
0 Imkecci
2023-09-18 Rori Sato 26 MF
3 530 268 Mibjugh
2023-09-13 Fred Bowman 18 F
0 Imkecci
2023-09-08 Joseph Mills 17 F
380 940 Mibjugh
2023-08-28 Preston Sampson 17 D
88 200 Mibjugh
2023-07-27 Theo Glover 18 D
0 Imkecci
2023-07-03 Tyron Petit 19 D
40 068 Mibjugh
2023-06-12 Jebadiah Romero 26 F
868 644 Mibjugh
2023-06-07 Max Mehnert 35 MF
290 808 Mibjugh
2023-06-03 Kurt Santana 19 D
0 Imkecci
2023-05-11 Royal Dudeness 19 D
0 Imkecci
2023-05-11 Lyle Combs 18 D
0 Imkecci
2023-03-16 Bill Salinger 18 D
0 Imkecci
2023-03-09 Collin Gallagher 18 D
0 Imkecci
2023-02-22 Jim Pate 19 D
0 Imkecci
2023-01-26 Tilitgoes Click 19 F
0 Imkecci
2023-01-01 The Stranger 35 F
0 Spicca
2022-12-28 Jin-Yuan Lei 16 F
0 Imkecci
2022-10-14 Malibu Deadbeat 19 F
769 020 Mibjugh
2022-10-01 Stefan Hoogeveen 24 F
269 136 Mibjugh
2022-08-13 Seattle Seven 17 F
60 480 Mibjugh
2022-07-22 Rod Johnson 17 D
165 816 Mibjugh
2022-07-20 Brian Connor 17 D
0 Imkecci
2022-07-08 Jamel Sawyer 19 D
420 840 Mibjugh
2022-06-19 Philip Marlowe 18 D
0 Imkecci
2022-06-17 Jermaine Robinson 19 D
0 Imkecci
2022-06-05 Fermín Movilla 37 F
0 Spicca
2022-05-05 Mitch Wiggins 17 D
0 Imkecci
2022-05-05 Chase Alexander 19 D
0 Imkecci
2022-04-22 Herbert Sosnica 33 D
448 812 Mibjugh
2022-04-22 Larry Wyatt 35 MF
189 336 Mibjugh
2022-04-10 Ralph Feeney 19 D
0 Imkecci
2022-03-30 Arlen McFarland 18 F
49 644 Mibjugh
2022-02-20 Lukinho Teginho 37 MF
0 Spicca
2022-01-17 Marty Ackerman 18 F
142 212 Mibjugh
2022-01-12 Beau Wagner 19 F
0 Imkecci
2021-12-26 George Peterson 21 F
124 068 Mibjugh
2021-12-25 Andre-Pierre Broissard 38 GK
250 068 Mibjugh
2021-12-04 Will Carson 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2021-10-13 Bowling Nixon 18 GK
200 424 Mibjugh
2021-10-11 Harry Roman 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2021-10-03 El Duderino 18 GK
0 Imkecci
2021-09-13 Unai Sábada 36 D
425 124 Mibjugh
2021-09-08 Smokie Pacifist 17 MF
0 Imkecci
2021-07-27 Robin Diegmüller 19 D
0 Imkecci
2021-06-14 Marty Ackerman 17 D
44 100 Mibjugh
2021-05-29 Nagel Bett 19 D
0 Imkecci
2021-05-29 Arnold Sieg 17 D
0 Imkecci
2021-05-03 Buck Knight 17 F
0 Imkecci
2021-04-21 Autobahn Nagelbett 19 F
0 Imkecci
2021-04-01 Nate Holman 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2021-03-02 Corey Clarkson 17 MF
73 752 Mibjugh
2021-02-15 Izzet Budak 37 MF
280 812 Mibjugh
2021-02-14 Fawn Knutsen 20 D
161 448 Mibjugh
2021-01-29 Christopher Suarez 16 MF
1 454 460 Mibjugh
2021-01-01 Derrick Gross 18 MF
49 560 Mibjugh
2020-12-07 Lewis Ricci 17 MF
94 248 Mibjugh
2020-11-29 Baxter Deery 36 D
535 332 Mibjugh
2020-10-11 Jamel Saunders 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2020-08-12 Jackie Treehorn 33 D
1 268 148 Mibjugh
2020-08-12 Jeffrey Lebowski 32 F
2 716 560 Mibjugh
2020-08-12 Heiner Weiser 34 MF
1 130 640 Mibjugh
2020-07-20 My Johnson 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2020-06-24 Larry Sellers 35 D
292 068 Mibjugh
2020-05-31 Lucas Dunga 36 D
0 Spicca
2020-04-21 Thug Woo 33 MF
226 128 Mibjugh
2020-03-27 Folgers Can 17 F
0 Imkecci
2020-03-02 Marty Akkerman 20 D
0 Imkecci
2020-01-27 Herve Roussin 19 GK
437 640 Mibjugh
2020-01-23 Laurent Brousse 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2019-12-10 Bunny Lebowski 18 GK
706 272 Mibjugh
2019-11-05 Francis Donnely 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2019-11-03 Mário Jacinto 36 GK
0 Spicca
2019-10-13 Braeden Reid 17 D
689 136 Mibjugh
2019-08-31 Sadaharu Oh 20 D
0 Imkecci
2019-08-29 Gary Bartender 19 MF
101 472 Mibjugh
2019-08-09 Theodore Kerabatsos 21 F
96 600 Mibjugh
2019-06-28 Other Lebowski 18 D
82 068 Mibjugh
2019-05-11 Edward Norman 33 GK
0 Imkecci
2019-04-12 Dick Dafino 18 MF
40 068 Mibjugh
2019-02-04 Digby Sellers 17 MF
0 Imkecci
2018-11-15 Knox Harrington 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2018-10-22 Andy MacCalmont 32 F
555 576 Mibjugh
2018-10-22 Brandt Yesman 31 MF
374 640 Mibjugh
2018-09-09 Rudy van den Oetelaar 41 GK
0 Spicca
2018-08-30 Halambos Passalis 16 F
0 Imkecci
2018-08-13 Donnie Kerabatsos 18 F
208 068 Mibjugh
2018-07-13 Arkadiusz Janoszka 17 D
1 515 108 Mibjugh
2018-06-02 Holger Fromme 18 MF
134 064 Mibjugh
2018-05-27 Donnie Kerabatsos 35 D
0 Spicca
2018-05-05 Jan Hiller 18 MF
1 873 032 Mibjugh
2018-04-26 Felício Torrado 33 MF
1 047 564 Mibjugh
2018-03-14 Viva Lasvegas 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2018-02-16 Karl Hungus 31 F
1 365 672 Mibjugh
2017-12-11 Viva Lasvegas 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2017-08-25 Arthur Sellers 17 F
0 Imkecci
2017-08-14 Liam O’Brian 33 MF
768 600 Mibjugh
2017-07-21 Walter Sobchak 17 D
302 316 Mibjugh
2017-06-21 Stanislaw Zdziechowicz 16 D
1 718 220 Mibjugh
2017-05-28 Jesus Quintana 29 MF
1 680 756 Mibjugh
2017-05-28 Daniel Lagavulin 29 D
2 038 008 Mibjugh
2017-04-11 Walter Sobchak 32 D
532 560 Mibjugh
2017-03-18 Big Lebowski 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2017-03-02 Johann Seliger 19 F
0 Imkecci
2017-01-24 Willie Fevre 18 F
0 Imkecci
2017-01-19 Uli Kunkel 17 F
73 836 Mibjugh
2016-11-23 Uli Kunkel 18 F
40 572 Mibjugh
2016-11-13 Knox Harrington 18 F
0 Imkecci
2016-10-29 Uli Kunkel 31 F
3 575 964 Mibjugh
2016-10-19 Ignazio Santisteban 35 D
341 376 Mibjugh
2016-10-10 Ken Berger 17 MF
0 Imkecci
2016-10-02 Vanja Basa 33 F
1 876 476 Mibjugh
2016-10-02 Evan Rhawi 18 GK
40 068 Mibjugh
2016-10-02 Joan Rondo 31 MF
2 531 424 Mibjugh
2016-09-20 Bas Tankink 33 MF
872 340 Mibjugh
2016-09-14 Jim Shaun 17 D
190 260 Mibjugh
2016-08-13 Murrough Ennis 18 D
1 621 032 Mibjugh
2016-08-03 Risteárd Finnigan 18 D
0 Imkecci
2016-07-17 Adriano Bettani 35 D
698 208 Mibjugh
2016-06-20 Aiden Quinn 17 D
0 Imkecci
2016-05-30 Omar Roy 18 MF
64 932 Mibjugh
2016-05-07 Francis Donnelly 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2016-04-12 Sean Christian 18 D
0 Imkecci
2016-03-30 Jack McKenzie 18 F
457 380 Mibjugh
2016-03-04 Bunny Lebowski 18 GK
40 068 Mibjugh
2016-02-19 Jeff Lebowski 32 D
1 009 764 Mibjugh
2016-02-08 Marty Landlord 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2016-01-05 Big Lebowski 17 F
0 Imkecci
2016-01-04 Inigo Montoya 29 F
2 889 180 Mibjugh
2015-10-30 Gavin Medina 17 MF
2 046 576 Mibjugh
2015-10-30 Billy McKelvie 26 MF
3 923 640 Mibjugh
2015-10-25 Roderick Stott 38 GK
0 Spicca
2015-09-06 Creedence Tapes 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2015-08-03 Dave Campbell 17 D
698 460 Mibjugh
2015-07-12 Gottfried Leko 35 MF
0 Spicca
2015-06-13 Kenneth Miles 17 D
225 624 Mibjugh
2015-06-10 Ryan Boone 17 MF
9 258 312 Mibjugh
2015-06-01 Brother Shamus 18 MF
40 068 Mibjugh
2015-05-10 Creedence Tapes 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2015-05-01 Marty Caunce 37 GK
0 Imkecci
2015-04-13 Jackie Treehorn 27 D
1 351 728 Mibjugh
2015-04-03 Rene Lawrence 19 D
40 068 Mibjugh
2015-02-26 Bernie Crosby 18 D
425 376 Mibjugh
2015-01-26 Jacob McLean 18 D
0 Imkecci
2014-12-18 Bunny Lebowski 20 GK
0 Imkecci
2014-12-14 Daley Mumby 37 GK
0 Spicca
2014-10-24 Mauro Enefalk 33 MF
411 852 Mibjugh
2014-10-11 Bunny Lebowski 18 GK
0 Imkecci
2014-09-17 Knox Harrington 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2014-09-01 Dude Abides 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2014-08-10 Damien Ratliff 17 MF
0 Imkecci
2014-07-25 Frank Martinsen 32 MF
278 880 Mibjugh
2014-07-23 Christian Sims 17 MF
87 948 Mibjugh
2014-06-20 Emerson Edinho 31 F
184 968 Mibjugh
2014-06-09 Jeff Dowd 16 MF
1 155 252 Mibjugh
2014-06-05 Hunter Jones 34 MF
0 Imkecci
2014-05-18 Estanislao Aldeondo 35 D
0 Spicca
2014-04-18 Bunny Lebowski 20 F
0 Imkecci
2014-03-04 Dennis Figueroa 19 F
157 920 Mibjugh
2014-03-04 Tyrone Becker 18 F
40 068 Mibjugh
2014-02-27 Matthew Williams 17 F
82 404 Mibjugh
2014-02-11 Bunny Lebowski 19 F
0 Imkecci
2014-02-02 Georgio Morante 36 MF
0 Spicca
2014-01-18 Karl Hungus 17 D
0 Imkecci
2014-01-18 Rudolf Rohde 20 D
0 Imkecci
2013-11-16 The Stranger 18 F
40 068 Mibjugh
2013-11-14 Otto Matic 25 MF
2 879 520 Mibjugh
2013-11-08 Daniil Shtyrov 25 D
5 616 660 Mibjugh
2013-11-04 Inandout Burger 19 MF
40 068 Mibjugh
2013-10-28 José Pablo Delgadillo 20 MF
401 856 Mibjugh
2013-09-16 Karl Hungus 16 MF
629 244 Mibjugh
2013-09-01 George Delaney 18 D
40 068 Mibjugh
2013-08-27 Dano Khimsa 32 MF
396 900 Mibjugh
2013-08-27 Shane Barrick 33 D
156 324 Mibjugh
2013-08-21 Rene van der Kruis 30 MF
796 068 Mibjugh
2013-07-22 Jesus Quintana 19 D
74 844 Mibjugh
2013-07-07 Jamie Halden 35 D
0 Spicca
2013-06-20 Digby Sellers 17 F
8 454 180 Mibjugh
2013-06-18 Larry Sellers 19 F
0 Imkecci
2013-06-16 Jamie Kingsley 34 MF
0 Imkecci
2013-06-02 Ole-Petter Klingen 32 F
58 128 Mibjugh
2013-05-20 Nikolai Bohl 27 MF
0 Imkecci
2013-02-04 Ronald Aldridge 19 MF
40 068 Mibjugh
2013-01-30 Donnie Kerabatsos 17 MF
0 Imkecci
2013-01-19 Guy Ellefson 26 D
141 456 Mibjugh
2012-12-10 Walter Sobchak 19 D
41 076 Mibjugh
2012-12-09 Filbert Shane 25 F
150 948 Mibjugh
2012-12-03 Donny Kerabatsos 18 F
0 Imkecci
2012-12-02 Bernardino Calado 36 D
0 Spicca
2012-11-07 Knox Harrington 17 MF
60 228 Mibjugh
2012-11-01 Victor Eaves 31 D
0 Imkecci
2012-10-20 Dinis Pasat 30 F
766 164 Mibjugh
2012-10-13 Karl Hungus 19 F
0 Imkecci
2012-10-05 Jesus Quintana 17 MF
0 Imkecci
2012-09-23 Jesse Osborne 32 MF
0 Imkecci
2012-09-17 Eddie Dolan 29 GK
0 Imkecci
2012-09-02 Kurt Hargreaves 26 MF
937 860 Mibjugh
2012-08-29 Fat Bastard 18 GK
0 Imkecci
2012-08-19 Steven Harper 34 D
0 Spicca
2012-08-19 Malcolm Alfredson 36 F
0 Spicca
2012-07-30 Francis Begbie 18 GK
0 Imkecci
2012-07-11 Jasper Bleazard 19 F
40 068 Mibjugh
2012-06-24 Paddy O’Furniture 19 D
0 Imkecci
2012-06-01 Terry Cowling 32 MF
46 536 Mibjugh
2012-05-23 Ossian Shamrock 18 F
169 764 Mibjugh
2012-05-06 Rogério Quintino 37 D
0 Spicca
2012-05-06 Elroy McNamara 37 MF
0 Spicca
2012-04-19 Teigh Sellar 31 D
0 Imkecci
2012-03-19 Uli Dudek 31 D
63 168 Mibjugh
2012-03-19 Bram Hooiber 19 MF
333 816 Mibjugh
2012-03-14 Mauro Rödlund 32 F
0 Imkecci
2012-03-10 Frederick Backe 33 D
359 940 Mibjugh
2012-02-19 Mattias Eskilson 19 F
310 464 Mibjugh
2012-02-18 Payton Bleasdale 26 MF
0 Imkecci
2012-02-12 Boon-Mee Samak 20 D
0 Imkecci
2012-02-04 Lennox Ranald 33 F
188 244 Mibjugh
2012-01-30 Ardan Crowe 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2012-01-06 Jie Fei 18 F
40 068 Mibjugh
2012-01-02 Kiki Lechantre 18 F
0 Imkecci
2012-01-02 Christopher Folo 17 F
0 Imkecci
2011-12-28 Tyrone Streep 28 F
0 Imkecci
2011-12-11 José Luis Vellano 18 MF
95 004 Mibjugh
2011-12-07 Vernon Jekyll 23 D
0 Imkecci
2011-12-07 Leopold Charnley 25 MF
0 Imkecci
2011-12-02 Darius Liston 22 D
0 Imkecci
2011-11-21 David Crowley 28 D
0 Imkecci
2011-11-20 Nickie Scully 22 F
40 068 Mibjugh
2011-11-09 Leroy Sharpe 29 MF
0 Imkecci
2011-11-02 Jeff Lyons 27 D
0 Imkecci
2011-10-27 Micah Fletcher 32 MF
0 Imkecci
2011-10-26 Francis Ball 20 F
0 Imkecci
2011-10-14 Arthur Stallard 22 MF
0 Imkecci
2011-10-12 Vinnie Shuttlewood 30 D
0 Imkecci
2011-09-21 Howard Huntley 17 F
40 068 Mibjugh

Menu tat-tim


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