Joueurs Partis

Joueurs toujours agissant qui sont vendus aux autres clubs
Kjell Vestlinder 18 D
2024-08-26 FC Kevlar 631 700
Laban Skagerlid 20 D
2024-04-24 Murallas de Ceuta F.C. 1 311 600
Jari Barkevall 19 D
2024-01-08 etoile du sahel 119 000
Armindo Laranja 25 M
2023-11-12 Mjällby 9 780 300
Marlon Bemrose 25 M
2023-11-12 amuay 7 718 100
Finn Pehrsson 20 D
2023-09-03 Gil Vicente FC 6 190 500
Ivan Emanoil 25 M
2023-04-24 Uvijek Vjerni 2014 4 135 500
Ulrik Berkeby 25 D
2023-04-23 FC SeaDogs 5 869 500
Placido Guillermo 24 M
2023-04-23 Slottet Uppsala City 8 950 200
Caolan Byrne 25 M
2023-04-16 Rumney Razorblades 5 818 000
Geoffrey Bryan 25 D
2023-04-16 Rumney Razorblades 5 943 100
Sven-Göran Åkerlund 25 G
2023-04-16 South Harrow FC 4 329 200
Maximilian Bausch 26 M
2023-04-16 PNE FC 9 431 000
Marquinhos Corrêa 27 D
2023-04-16 Dragons Eye Sweden 11 114 000
Richard Martin 26 G
2023-01-08 Wexford Youths 5 390 300
Tobias Hölzel 26 D
2023-01-08 Internacional B.A. 5 599 400
Sebastiano Di Marco 25 D
2023-01-08 Linces de Aluche 3 683 600
Winston Rodwell 26 M
2023-01-08 Sunshine on Leith FC 4 130 900
Cristoffer Anger 26 M
2023-01-01 Sunshine on Leith FC 5 936 900
Mathéus Prata 27 A
2023-01-01 Albatera f.c. 4 832 400
Ronnie Gill 25 D
2023-01-01 Real Portuguesa FC 3 274 800
Fionnbarra Kerrigan 26 M
2023-01-01 One Winged Angels 3 976 000
Errol Stuart 26 M
2023-01-01 Stockaryd BK 5 893 700
Andy Rafferty 23 D
2022-11-08 H.C. Vimio 387 900
Ivanildo Justino 27 D
2022-09-23 Chupen Giles 5 590 300
Gregor Disley 27 M
2022-09-23 Zajebani FK 7 066 700
Nbagwe Hbaidi 27 M
2022-09-22 Hikken 8 347 700
Robbie Hinton 26 M
2022-09-18 Académico Viseu 4 469 300
Amo Nahro 25 D
2022-09-18 Kingsway FC 8 494 600
Mathúin McFadden 27 M
2022-09-18 Froggle Rock 7 317 000
Daniel Strid 26 D
2022-09-18 Stavre IF 7 388 500
Ivan Zanozin 26 M
2022-09-18 Liverpool New Skool 5 907 700
Martin Kane 23 A
2022-08-14 Queijas e Alegria 47 700
Kendrick Ackley 32 M
2022-06-05 Queens PR 9 011 600
Mickäel Larsson 32 A
2022-06-05 Buffalo Soldiers 7 705 900
Gordan Duff 36 D
2022-06-05 Waterloo FC 6 562 800
Palle Solbjerg 34 G
2022-06-05 Önsvala FC 7 555 000
Winston Dahmer 34 M
2022-05-17 THE GHOSTERS 9 174 700
Dario Bruto 33 M
2022-05-15 FC O.L.A.S 10 165 200
Rober Villalba 32 D
2022-05-15 Tsubasa Team 9 996 000
Ron Shaw 32 A
2022-05-15 Metralhas 14 420 800
Darren Callow 28 M
2022-05-12 TURBO PANTER 1 938 100
Leandro Nazario 31 M
2022-05-01 F.C.Sporting 5 956 800
Davy Boyd 28 D
2022-05-01 The Red Branch Knights 1 121 600
Simon Frykman 29 D
2022-05-01 Red Bull Romania B.L.F. 6 978 500
Ryan McCaffery 27 M
2022-03-18 AFC Mango 47 700
John Barry 28 M
2022-03-05 Russia 47 700
Hugh Campbell 25 M
2021-12-02 Atlético de Madrid 80 600
Hannibal Tolsa 28 M
2021-07-02 Hobsonshoodies 3 428 600
Raymond Moore 31 D
2021-04-11 Real Verga FC 119 100

Joueurs qui ont quitté le club
2024-09-18 Logi Helgasson 38 M
0 Quitter
2024-08-26 Kjell Vestlinder 18 D
530 628 Vendu
2024-06-05 Sture Domander 37 D
0 Quitter
2024-06-05 Rory Long 38 A
0 Quitter
2024-04-24 Laban Skagerlid 18 D
1 101 744 Vendu
2024-02-21 Marcos Coco 38 M
0 Quitter
2024-01-08 Jari Barkevall 17 D
99 960 Vendu
2023-11-12 Armindo Laranja 22 M
8 215 452 Vendu
2023-11-12 Marlon Bemrose 22 M
6 483 204 Vendu
2023-11-08 Jens Ambjörnsson 39 D
0 Quitter
2023-11-08 Luis Bile 37 D
0 Quitter
2023-10-07 Matthias Thörn 17 D
40 908 Vendu
2023-10-02 Fredrick Glimbert 18 D
40 068 Vendu
2023-09-03 Finn Pehrsson 17 D
5 200 020 Vendu
2023-08-11 Karl-Gustav Gullin 18 M
0 Licencié
2023-07-26 Andrew Anderson 37 M
0 Quitter
2023-07-26 Jonny Boland 41 A
0 Quitter
2023-04-24 Ivan Emanoil 20 M
3 473 820 Vendu
2023-04-23 Placido Guillermo 19 M
7 518 168 Vendu
2023-04-23 Ulrik Berkeby 20 D
4 930 380 Vendu
2023-04-23 Hans-Ove Godmo 20 D
4 594 548 Vendu
2023-04-16 Sven-Göran Åkerlund 20 G
3 636 528 Vendu
2023-04-16 Caolan Byrne 20 M
4 887 120 Vendu
2023-04-16 Geoffrey Bryan 20 D
4 992 204 Vendu
2023-04-16 Marquinhos Corrêa 22 D
9 335 760 Vendu
2023-04-16 Maximilian Bausch 21 M
7 922 040 Vendu
2023-04-16 Cristialdo Rolando 17 D
0 Licencié
2023-04-14 Dennis Grenholm 19 D
0 Licencié
2023-04-14 Eskil Thelin 18 D
0 Licencié
2023-04-14 Zacarias Julho 18 M
0 Licencié
2023-04-13 Andres Javier 17 M
0 Licencié
2023-01-08 Sebastiano Di Marco 19 D
3 094 224 Vendu
2023-01-08 Richard Martin 20 G
4 527 852 Vendu
2023-01-08 Tobias Hölzel 20 D
4 703 496 Vendu
2023-01-08 Winston Rodwell 20 M
3 469 956 Vendu
2023-01-01 Ronnie Gill 19 D
2 750 832 Vendu
2023-01-01 Cristoffer Anger 20 M
4 986 996 Vendu
2023-01-01 Fionnbarra Kerrigan 20 M
3 339 840 Vendu
2023-01-01 Mathéus Prata 21 A
4 059 216 Vendu
2023-01-01 Errol Stuart 20 M
4 950 708 Vendu
2023-01-01 Peter Stock 37 M
0 Licencié
2023-01-01 Toni Checa 18 M
0 Licencié
2022-12-31 Parker Clarke 19 M
0 Licencié
2022-12-31 Frej Hagerth 24 A
0 Licencié
2022-12-30 Ryan Curry 18 D
0 Licencié
2022-11-08 Andy Rafferty 17 D
325 836 Vendu
2022-09-23 Gregor Disley 20 M
5 936 028 Vendu
2022-09-23 Ivanildo Justino 20 D
4 695 852 Vendu
2022-09-22 Nbagwe Hbaidi 20 M
7 012 068 Vendu
2022-09-18 Robbie Hinton 19 M
3 754 212 Vendu
2022-09-18 Amo Nahro 18 D
7 135 464 Vendu
2022-09-18 Ivan Zanozin 20 M
4 962 468 Vendu
2022-09-18 Mathúin McFadden 20 M
6 146 280 Vendu
2022-09-18 Daniel Strid 19 D
6 206 340 Vendu
2022-09-18 Ugo Vialli 23 D
0 Licencié
2022-09-15 Dean Nanpersad 32 D
0 Licencié
2022-09-15 Romeo Afiankoi 32 M
0 Licencié
2022-08-14 Martin Kane 16 A
40 068 Vendu
2022-06-08 Haitz Etxeberria 18 G
0 Licencié
2022-06-05 Marco Rode 33 M
2 904 300 Vendu
2022-06-05 Palle Solbjerg 27 G
6 346 200 Vendu
2022-06-05 Mickäel Larsson 24 A
6 472 956 Vendu
2022-06-05 Gordan Duff 28 D
5 512 752 Vendu
2022-06-05 Kendrick Ackley 24 M
7 569 744 Vendu
2022-06-05 Bill Doherty 19 M
0 Licencié
2022-06-05 Brian Higgins 17 M
0 Licencié
2022-06-05 Joe Leonard 18 A
0 Licencié
2022-06-04 Samson Fowler 20 A
0 Licencié
2022-06-03 Emilio Solimeno 20 D
0 Licencié
2022-06-03 Niall McPeak 19 M
0 Licencié
2022-05-17 Artur Liberadzki 33 D
2 840 040 Vendu
2022-05-17 Winston Dahmer 26 M
7 706 748 Vendu
2022-05-15 Dario Bruto 25 M
8 538 768 Vendu
2022-05-15 Rober Villalba 24 D
8 396 640 Vendu
2022-05-15 Ron Shaw 24 A
12 113 472 Vendu
2022-05-12 Darren Callow 19 M
1 628 004 Vendu
2022-05-01 Leandro Nazario 23 M
5 003 712 Vendu
2022-05-01 Davy Boyd 20 D
942 144 Vendu
2022-05-01 Simon Frykman 21 D
5 861 940 Vendu
2022-03-18 Ryan McCaffery 18 M
40 068 Vendu
2022-03-05 John Barry 19 M
40 068 Vendu
2021-12-25 Darren Mackin 17 M
200 004 Vendu
2021-12-02 Hugh Campbell 16 M
67 704 Vendu
2021-10-25 Marty Booth 17 M
0 Licencié
2021-07-24 Shaun Pollock 20 D
0 Licencié
2021-07-02 Hannibal Tolsa 17 M
2 880 024 Vendu
2021-05-17 Chris Hinton 18 A
0 Licencié
2021-04-11 Raymond Moore 19 D
100 044 Vendu
2021-04-07 Stu Blackton 35 A
0 Quitter
2021-01-26 Vidoje Bozanovic 34 D
1 602 720 Vendu
2021-01-01 Zachary Roy 34 M
2 910 012 Vendu
2021-01-01 Immanuel Pick 33 M
1 000 020 Vendu
2020-12-30 Ulrich Adams 33 G
4 216 044 Vendu
2020-11-02 Ryan Howland 35 M
765 240 Vendu
2020-05-27 Romeo Roberts 35 D
0 Quitter
2020-02-20 Evaristo Tê 31 A
8 371 104 Vendu
2019-11-04 Rodger Angel 33 D
700 056 Vendu
2019-07-23 Gareth Bodin 33 M
1 750 056 Vendu
2019-04-03 Malcolm Edge 35 D
0 Quitter
2019-04-03 Lewis Krippner 36 D
0 Quitter
2019-02-05 Mark Hayward 35 M
684 012 Vendu
2018-09-10 Damon Whalley 34 M
918 036 Vendu
2018-06-02 Ralf Rislund 34 G
2 414 076 Vendu
2018-05-28 Dean Campbell 33 M
5 352 060 Vendu
2018-05-23 Jasper Deans 36 D
0 Quitter
2017-06-27 Jason McCaffery 18 A
0 Licencié
2017-04-02 Stuart Chisholm 34 M
836 136 Vendu
2017-03-29 Calvin Matthews 36 D
0 Quitter
2017-02-03 Tauno Alatalo 34 A
1 500 576 Vendu
2016-12-19 Donald Allmark 28 A
2 100 000 Vendu
2016-09-04 Niilo Karvonen 33 M
2 000 040 Vendu
2016-02-13 Mel Greenfield 35 G
3 390 492 Vendu
2016-02-07 Frederick Ripley 24 A
3 386 544 Vendu
2015-10-26 Bo Etelämäki 33 M
2 532 012 Vendu
2015-10-26 Bertil Nicolausson 34 M
1 879 500 Vendu
2015-07-17 Mickey Doherty 16 M
40 068 Vendu
2015-07-12 Walter Viviani 33 D
1 170 792 Vendu
2015-07-08 Kiac Mondialu 35 D
0 Quitter
2015-06-23 Liam Larmour 16 M
5 278 812 Vendu
2014-12-14 Willie Peake 33 G
1 700 664 Vendu
2014-12-14 Darrel Suter 33 M
1 273 776 Vendu
2014-07-23 Frederick Hartford 34 A
818 580 Vendu
2014-06-07 Dudley Collis 34 D
686 028 Vendu
2014-02-07 Shane Brooks 34 M
2 432 052 Vendu
2014-01-05 Giles Ingle 18 D
1 002 036 Vendu
2013-11-17 Laurence Curran 36 M
343 980 Vendu
2013-11-13 Nathan Sefton 34 D
1 656 060 Vendu
2013-10-16 Dexter Ling 35 A
0 Quitter
2013-09-23 Hayden Forbes 16 D
1 217 916 Vendu
2013-08-25 Jermaine Pittman 18 D
0 Licencié
2013-08-11 Dominic Bauer 18 D
0 Licencié
2013-03-13 Fritjof Svärd 36 D
0 Quitter
2012-11-09 Edmond McGregor 17 D
3 270 036 Vendu
2012-11-01 Theobald Winston 17 D
100 044 Vendu
2012-10-30 Jimmy Perry 18 D
686 028 Vendu
2012-07-18 Bart Cowling 19 D
313 236 Vendu
2012-06-10 Brett McAleese 33 D
2 256 072 Vendu
2012-06-05 Santiago Jorquera 22 A
5 000 016 Vendu
2012-05-19 Gianluca Porchia 21 D
900 060 Vendu
2012-05-15 Christopher Ewane 31 M
2 640 036 Vendu
2012-03-06 Jöns Lindahl 28 D
4 600 008 Vendu
2012-03-05 Rob Ball 24 M
8 950 032 Vendu
2012-01-26 Horner Caldwell 20 A
23 500 008 Vendu
2012-01-25 Heikki Laitinen 20 A
320 124 Vendu
2012-01-18 Vesa Turpeinen 20 A
0 Licencié
2011-11-23 Topias Vilmunen 18 A
0 Licencié
2011-11-11 Anton Sastamoinen 19 A
0 Licencié
2011-10-24 Deano Beck 30 A
303 828 Vendu
2011-09-17 Jukka Alkula 17 A
774 060 Vendu
2011-09-14 Gene Ware 25 M
11 500 020 Vendu
2011-09-10 Nat Stanton 34 G
0 Licencié
2011-06-26 Thomas Potts 19 D
1 198 008 Vendu
2011-06-07 Hank Ackley 19 G
222 012 Vendu
2011-05-05 Lazar Milosevic 26 G
8 500 044 Vendu
2011-03-19 Natanael Jensby 26 M
1 800 036 Vendu
2011-03-19 Henry Ruffer 19 M
2 600 052 Vendu
2011-03-14 Geert Wolters 25 D
14 900 004 Vendu
2011-03-09 Santiago Díez 34 A
0 Licencié
2011-02-02 Robin McKechnie 18 M
0 Licencié
2011-01-16 Lilian Bourguet 23 D
6 200 040 Vendu
2011-01-06 Zach Lynch 22 M
1 400 028 Vendu
2011-01-05 Wes Leach 19 A
0 Licencié
2010-11-24 Oliver Renner 36 M
0 Quitter
2010-11-09 Jeffrey Bould 31 M
560 028 Vendu
2010-09-22 Nelson Lambert 19 A
2 100 000 Vendu
2010-09-14 César Rios 21 M
378 000 Vendu
2010-09-10 Bob Jefferson 21 M
0 Licencié
2010-07-23 Frazer Pittendreigh 18 M
117 012 Vendu
2010-07-19 Acton Fowler 18 M
0 Licencié
2010-07-15 Rowan Edge 19 M
0 Licencié
2010-06-11 Innocenzio Cardone 18 M
390 012 Vendu
2010-05-26 Eugene Royston 18 M
0 Licencié
2010-05-07 Marjan Ognjanovic 19 M
0 Licencié
2010-04-28 Ross Rain 36 A
0 Quitter
2010-04-09 Alf Lacey 18 A
0 Licencié
2010-04-02 Gregor Hooke 19 M
0 Licencié
2010-03-10 Ash Victory 18 G
0 Licencié
2010-02-07 Jesse Deacy 19 A
0 Licencié
2010-01-26 Derek Benstead 22 D
13 400 016 Vendu
2010-01-16 Archie Kinsella 33 M
0 Licencié
2010-01-13 Caupolicán Aizkorreta 36 A
0 Quitter
2009-12-27 Nenad Kovac 31 A
0 Licencié
2009-12-18 Darcy Telfer 31 D
0 Licencié
2009-12-16 Vernon Trott 18 M
0 Licencié
2009-11-11 Scott Stewart 17 M
200 004 Vendu
2009-11-09 Jarvis Mortimer 19 M
156 324 Vendu
2009-10-22 George Abbey 18 M
0 Licencié
2009-10-16 Russell Beagrie 19 M
0 Licencié
2009-10-16 Jon Abbot 31 D
145 068 Vendu
2009-10-07 Ergun Çelik 33 M
1 200 024 Vendu
2009-10-04 Manny McGorry 30 M
450 072 Vendu
2009-09-22 Randall Caples 18 D
0 Licencié
2009-08-14 Mortimer Eastwood 23 D
0 Licencié
2009-08-10 George Burnham 25 A
4 000 080 Vendu
2009-08-08 Rob Gower 33 G
0 Licencié
2009-08-03 Jim Doherty 25 D
135 156 Vendu
2009-07-15 Michael Melville 25 M
600 012 Vendu
2009-06-23 Jonathan Pryor 24 M
0 Licencié
2009-06-19 Steven Reed 26 A
0 Licencié
2009-06-19 Iain Warhurst 27 A
0 Licencié
2009-06-18 Lily Quigley 30 D
0 Licencié

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