Joueurs Partis

Joueurs toujours agissant qui sont vendus aux autres clubs
Carl Ulriksen 32 G
2024-06-12 Figueirinha City 5 659 800
Tulev Hani 20 M
2024-04-20 Imajica 3 025 000
Ralph Skelton 29 D
2024-04-11 Red Bull Romania B.L.F 7 490 500
Terrance Strettle 35 D
2024-03-18 FC Malaga 1 470 800
Pent Kaik 20 A
2024-03-03 North Shields 207 800
Ilmar Hüüs 20 M
2023-11-15 jpf 137 900
Montez Pantanelli 21 A
2023-11-13 BK Tåfjutt 501 600
kermo Mansberg 21 M
2023-10-16 Otelul Galati 1 633 500
Margo Nurmesoo 24 M
2023-08-30 SNAFUA 2 878 400
Hasso Kink 21 A
2023-07-31 Objetivo Tu Hermana 447 700
Teo Kiviste 24 D
2023-07-31 Dream Town FC 2 648 600
Konstantin Lidmets 24 A
2023-04-20 FC skitliv 929 800
Shelton Cusack 23 D
2023-04-16 Los Angeles Force 2 499 200
Teo Küts 26 A
2023-04-16 Bristol Bulldogs 6 162 000
Edmund Lindenberg 24 M
2023-01-01 F.C Universitatea Cluj 2 628 600
Leopold Vago 24 M
2022-09-20 Dollis Globetrotters 522 900
Virmo Atonen 25 M
2022-09-18 Cicalengka FC 2 028 900
Roberto Lombardo 31 A
2022-08-30 Artemyx Show 10 087 700
Per-Åke Viberg 25 M
2022-08-25 The Swa 9 822 300
Hiljar Kiljako 28 A
2022-02-21 Red River City 2 814 700
Vaijo Malmila 29 M
2021-11-28 Bayern Munique 911 800
Luukas Kirspuu 26 D
2021-11-07 Rönninge United 8 533 400
Eustácio Junho 35 D
2021-11-07 Hardraade FC 12 904 800
Silvo Kaldma 27 M
2021-11-07 Yozgatspor 10 652 400
Declan Broome 29 D
2021-06-17 Gorgie Thistle 3 685 300
Susi Kaljas 40 G
2021-06-17 Oakland Hustlers 7 029 100
Anton Mikker 30 M
2021-04-29 Rhv 1 306 000
Joosua Jaarman 33 M
2021-04-13 Brooklyn Heights Spurs 3 976 200
Aivo Hirvesoo 28 M
2021-04-11 Buttered Bruisers 47 700
Mihkel Lüütsepp 30 D
2020-12-31 Vesterbrogade FC 104 600
Sven Jõemaa 37 D
2020-12-27 Northeasthampton 10 714 300
Ervo Loid 33 M
2020-09-14 Kaer Morhen 9 538 100
Silvester Kanarik 31 M
2020-05-12 Föreningen Städet 4 045 000
Vaane Hinn 31 M
2020-05-12 The Mcflies 297 700
Fyodor Petrenko 36 D
2019-07-21 Dragons Eye Sweden 11 653 600

Joueurs qui ont quitté le club
2024-06-12 Carl Ulriksen 32 G
4 754 232 Vendu
2024-04-20 Tulev Hani 20 M
2 541 000 Vendu
2024-04-11 Ralph Skelton 28 D
6 292 020 Vendu
2024-03-18 Terrance Strettle 34 D
1 235 472 Vendu
2024-03-03 Pent Kaik 18 A
174 552 Vendu
2024-02-21 Ossian Dalén 36 A
0 Quitter
2023-11-15 Ilmar Hüüs 18 M
115 836 Vendu
2023-11-13 Montez Pantanelli 19 A
421 344 Vendu
2023-11-09 Gert Klimson 17 D
0 Licencié
2023-10-16 kermo Mansberg 19 M
1 372 140 Vendu
2023-08-30 Margo Nurmesoo 21 M
2 417 856 Vendu
2023-07-31 Hasso Kink 18 A
376 068 Vendu
2023-07-31 Ade Ayinla 21 M
1 033 452 Vendu
2023-07-31 Teo Kiviste 21 D
2 224 824 Vendu
2023-04-20 Konstantin Lidmets 20 A
781 032 Vendu
2023-04-16 Teo Küts 22 A
5 176 080 Vendu
2023-04-16 Shelton Cusack 19 D
2 099 328 Vendu
2023-03-14 Ainar Avikson 19 D
0 Licencié
2023-01-01 Edmund Lindenberg 19 M
2 208 024 Vendu
2022-09-21 Graham Branch 31 M
4 933 824 Vendu
2022-09-20 Leopold Vago 18 M
439 236 Vendu
2022-09-18 Leo Merimaa 19 D
0 Licencié
2022-09-18 Virmo Atonen 19 M
1 704 276 Vendu
2022-09-16 Teedo Näpping 18 D
0 Licencié
2022-08-30 Roberto Lombardo 25 A
8 473 668 Vendu
2022-08-25 Per-Åke Viberg 19 M
8 250 732 Vendu
2022-07-21 Toivo Kassarits 18 D
146 580 Vendu
2022-07-14 Kalle Õunsaar 18 G
1 713 432 Vendu
2022-06-21 Elmar Kisand 19 D
0 Licencié
2022-06-01 Christian Tironiuc 37 D
0 Quitter
2022-06-01 Howie Garrard 36 M
0 Quitter
2022-05-17 Guido Lume 18 M
0 Licencié
2022-02-21 Hiljar Kiljako 20 A
2 364 348 Vendu
2022-01-30 Pärtel Vahtramägi 18 A
0 Licencié
2021-11-28 Vaijo Malmila 20 M
765 912 Vendu
2021-11-07 Eustácio Junho 26 D
10 840 032 Vendu
2021-11-07 Luukas Kirspuu 17 D
7 168 056 Vendu
2021-11-07 Silvo Kaldma 18 M
8 948 016 Vendu
2021-11-03 Zeljko Tikvic 40 M
0 Quitter
2021-08-24 Aimo Koitmaa 32 M
5 582 976 Vendu
2021-08-23 Leemet Käomets 31 D
4 684 008 Vendu
2021-07-25 Leemo Kenusar 19 M
0 Licencié
2021-07-21 Nikolai Kermas 18 M
0 Licencié
2021-06-17 Declan Broome 19 D
3 095 652 Vendu
2021-06-17 Susi Kaljas 30 G
5 904 444 Vendu
2021-06-17 Manolo Njamba 32 A
4 721 976 Vendu
2021-04-29 Anton Mikker 19 M
1 097 040 Vendu
2021-04-13 Joosua Jaarman 22 M
3 340 008 Vendu
2021-04-11 Aivo Hirvesoo 18 M
40 068 Vendu
2021-02-01 Bernhard Kurs 18 D
78 960 Vendu
2020-12-31 Mihkel Lüütsepp 18 D
87 864 Vendu
2020-12-31 Nat Sandford 27 A
6 168 036 Vendu
2020-12-27 Sven Jõemaa 25 D
9 000 012 Vendu
2020-11-12 Kristjan Ajalik 17 D
190 176 Vendu
2020-09-14 Ervo Loid 20 M
8 012 004 Vendu
2020-09-09 Malcolm Wenton 38 D
0 Quitter
2020-07-01 Alfred Nõmmemaa 18 M
360 024 Vendu
2020-05-12 Vaane Hinn 18 M
250 068 Vendu
2020-05-12 Silvester Kanarik 17 M
3 397 800 Vendu
2020-03-11 Marin Golem 21 M
5 000 016 Vendu
2020-01-09 Heiki Muuga 32 M
4 670 904 Vendu
2019-11-04 Herman Lodde 19 D
1 466 976 Vendu
2019-07-28 Kaupo Kubpart 29 D
6 998 964 Vendu
2019-07-21 Heiko Ausmees 18 M
0 Licencié
2019-07-21 Fyodor Petrenko 19 D
9 789 024 Vendu
2019-06-13 Hélder Aviz 29 A
6 846 924 Vendu
2019-06-01 Asko Karhu 30 G
6 998 964 Vendu
2019-04-18 Joosu Kipper 19 M
60 144 Vendu
2019-04-08 Leho Kaareste 19 M
958 272 Vendu
2019-02-10 Terrence Tolley 33 D
2 838 948 Vendu
2019-02-10 Tiago Capotti 30 M
6 998 964 Vendu
2018-12-29 Vladislav Iskrenovic 17 M
185 556 Vendu
2018-12-28 Harro Loot 21 M
220 836 Vendu
2018-12-25 Pierre Ameobi 24 M
5 182 968 Vendu
2018-12-19 Stellan Ulander 36 D
0 Quitter
2018-11-09 Innar Kenner 18 M
40 068 Vendu
2018-10-04 Paul Lõiv 31 M
3 342 948 Vendu
2018-09-15 Hando Liiske 18 M
449 148 Vendu
2018-07-26 Vambola Kusma 20 D
647 052 Vendu
2018-05-03 Kaarel Aava 18 M
1 315 440 Vendu
2018-01-23 Anti Jänesmäe 21 M
2 166 948 Vendu
2018-01-23 Immo Kallasse 16 M
183 204 Vendu
2018-01-17 Georg Kriisa 20 M
348 180 Vendu
2017-11-26 Joel Coid 18 D
3 266 928 Vendu
2017-10-29 Ahto Kusma 19 M
2 670 948 Vendu
2017-10-25 Aarne Lutsik 36 M
0 Quitter
2017-10-10 Aleks Juuresoo 17 M
998 928 Vendu
2017-09-09 Archibald Ord 33 A
6 854 904 Vendu
2017-08-20 Alan Kay 35 G
3 342 948 Vendu
2017-06-23 Devin Joyce 31 M
7 686 924 Vendu
2017-06-23 Kalev Lausma 36 D
314 244 Vendu
2017-06-14 Tudor Gaitã 29 A
8 930 964 Vendu
2017-06-14 Manivald Kurgpõld 31 M
7 846 944 Vendu
2017-06-01 Linnar Kivari 19 M
166 068 Vendu
2017-04-02 Talvo Konks 17 A
250 068 Vendu
2017-02-25 Ervo Lõugas 18 D
498 960 Vendu
2017-02-10 Vambola Kolka 18 A
40 068 Vendu
2017-01-01 Madis Makkar 20 M
1 105 944 Vendu
2016-12-28 Fabian Knapp 33 M
4 998 924 Vendu
2016-11-29 Ullo Eelsoo 17 M
10 650 948 Vendu
2016-11-22 Vaido Kahr 19 D
40 068 Vendu
2016-08-15 Kristjan Kermas 18 M
2 594 928 Vendu
2016-05-25 Meelik Kirch 18 M
324 828 Vendu
2016-04-30 Hilderaldo Bellini 20 D
15 998 976 Vendu
2016-02-09 Dale Chase 32 D
6 006 924 Vendu
2016-02-03 Jorge Peceño 36 M
0 Licencié
2016-01-15 Koit Metsnõmm 17 D
14 810 964 Vendu
2016-01-15 Tauri Hanson 18 M
5 019 840 Vendu
2015-12-30 Villem Naer 17 M
1 849 680 Vendu
2015-11-14 Gerard Taylor 34 D
998 928 Vendu
2015-10-06 Per-Egil Angeltveit 16 M
9 223 368 Vendu
2015-10-06 Erki Laanesoo 19 G
871 080 Vendu
2015-10-01 Laido Otsmaa 17 A
682 920 Vendu
2015-08-22 Raino Laurmaa 19 A
0 Licencié
2015-07-26 Jürgen Lillemäe 18 M
86 604 Vendu
2015-07-15 Pent Lauringson 23 M
6 030 948 Vendu
2015-06-23 Egoi Otal 17 A
6 299 328 Vendu
2015-06-23 Ulrich Ahrens 17 M
3 668 700 Vendu
2015-06-14 Uno Kaljumägi 17 M
191 352 Vendu
2015-06-06 Hengo Heidemaa 17 G
9 294 936 Vendu
2015-04-11 Tarmu Luhamets 21 D
866 880 Vendu
2015-03-29 Yegor Diveev 18 D
129 108 Vendu
2015-03-05 Laido Oviir 17 M
4 256 700 Vendu
2015-02-02 Ardo Kors 18 M
0 Licencié
2015-01-14 Markus Gille 20 G
56 112 Vendu
2015-01-14 Veevo Neumann 18 M
4 431 504 Vendu
2014-12-19 Vahto Ojaste 17 M
0 Licencié
2014-11-21 Julian Kerry 33 G
3 174 948 Vendu
2014-11-15 Spence Buxton 22 D
11 098 920 Vendu
2014-11-12 Maanus Koluboi 17 M
4 269 636 Vendu
2014-11-08 Berti Roos 32 M
2 426 928 Vendu
2014-11-03 Otto Möldre 17 M
47 712 Vendu
2014-10-22 Ants Lepik 17 M
47 880 Vendu
2014-09-21 Leonhard Läänelaid 17 M
0 Licencié
2014-08-31 Taavo Merila 23 M
3 067 512 Vendu
2014-08-27 Jeremiah Wall 36 M
0 Quitter
2014-07-25 Are Kõomägi 19 A
2 056 068 Vendu
2014-07-04 Meeme Evik 18 M
0 Licencié
2014-06-15 Ardi Help 18 M
0 Licencié
2014-06-02 Valdo Paarmets 17 M
427 308 Vendu
2014-05-15 Ard Linssen 35 A
0 Licencié
2014-04-26 Luukas Avamägi 17 A
8 861 748 Vendu
2014-04-20 Simmo Vaikmets 17 M
4 248 804 Vendu
2014-03-28 Timo Lepasepp 18 D
166 068 Vendu
2014-03-21 Graham Exton 36 M
0 Licencié
2014-03-16 Joonas Kadajane 17 M
298 956 Vendu
2014-02-03 Karl-Petter Gilleström 22 A
6 518 904 Vendu
2014-01-29 Harvey Malcolm 38 D
0 Quitter
2013-12-01 Esko Kiili 17 M
2 334 948 Vendu
2013-10-16 Kris Hendon 38 M
0 Quitter
2013-09-28 Kallo Kuuse 18 M
3 739 680 Vendu
2013-09-26 Kert Lokko 17 A
2 040 024 Vendu
2013-07-11 Filomeno Barcia 19 D
71 400 Vendu
2013-07-10 Baxter Trent 24 M
11 258 940 Vendu
2013-07-10 Jordan Baird 20 A
6 998 964 Vendu
2013-07-06 Darren Gandon 17 D
5 998 944 Vendu
2013-06-18 Tõivot Kokkonen 17 M
6 272 280 Vendu
2013-05-02 Edgar Harding 28 M
2 998 968 Vendu
2013-05-02 Harvey Minter 30 D
898 968 Vendu
2013-04-14 Karl-Oskar Alexander 34 M
0 Licencié
2013-03-28 Leidur Kuusiste 20 D
401 856 Vendu
2013-02-26 Ragnar Kivest 17 D
2 408 868 Vendu
2013-02-21 Veijo Alpenfeldt 19 M
8 967 924 Vendu
2013-02-02 Ainar Maaser 17 D
1 250 928 Vendu
2013-01-29 Kalev Lauren 17 D
240 828 Vendu
2012-12-30 Reggie Patton 28 A
4 452 924 Vendu
2012-12-02 Bernardo Manta 19 M
2 078 916 Vendu
2012-11-08 Roome Hanneste 19 A
52 668 Vendu
2012-10-26 Alexandru Nãvod 34 D
0 Licencié
2012-10-11 Marc Holdsworth 24 D
5 135 340 Vendu
2012-10-10 Peppino Maresca 32 G
460 320 Vendu
2012-09-09 Hans-Ove Hedström 18 A
0 Licencié
2012-08-20 Karl Lokuta 19 M
4 507 944 Vendu
2012-08-19 Sid Abercrombie 23 A
3 499 944 Vendu
2012-08-15 Benjamin Zenkic 32 D
0 Licencié
2012-05-23 Marek Krivan 26 M
4 670 904 Vendu
2012-05-09 Rasmus Nilbe 18 M
0 Licencié
2012-04-10 Tammo Kommussaar 18 D
98 868 Vendu
2012-04-06 Valvo Üüde 16 A
2 389 800 Vendu
2012-02-21 Lee Keating 30 A
3 330 936 Vendu
2012-02-19 Mihkel Aabloo 19 A
149 940 Vendu
2012-02-03 Urmo Koovik 18 G
81 732 Vendu
2012-01-24 Arnold Quayle 30 D
3 576 468 Vendu
2012-01-22 Lucas Oliveira 32 D
2 062 956 Vendu
2012-01-22 Thomas Götherström 30 M
1 379 952 Vendu
2011-12-05 Hardy Kirkby 18 D
40 068 Vendu
2011-11-26 Cedric Harsley 18 D
381 948 Vendu
2011-11-19 Lou Mayer 18 D
2 251 704 Vendu
2011-11-05 Cuthbert Cash 18 D
371 616 Vendu
2011-10-17 Cuthbert Fallon 17 M
113 400 Vendu
2011-10-14 Austin Rincewind 17 D
1 543 500 Vendu
2011-08-27 Reginald Austin 32 M
191 604 Vendu
2011-08-26 Russell Levine 18 M
796 068 Vendu
2011-07-15 Jack Blackburn 19 M
108 276 Vendu
2011-07-15 Carl Kitchen 34 A
2 360 820 Vendu
2011-06-07 Thurston Sleight 17 M
0 Licencié
2011-05-02 Neo Lansbury 19 M
0 Licencié
2011-04-04 Robert Bevers 18 D
0 Licencié
2011-02-17 Dermot Nixon 17 D
105 420 Vendu
2011-01-14 Godfrey Hobb 19 D
40 068 Vendu
2010-12-06 Nils-Gunnar Oskarson 33 M
867 636 Vendu
2010-11-27 Crofton Abbot 17 D
0 Licencié
2010-11-24 Roberto Hoff 36 D
0 Quitter
2010-08-21 Timothy Kalimos 20 M
155 400 Vendu
2010-08-16 Russell Bridges 32 G
2 174 760 Vendu
2010-07-07 Staffan Steen 30 M
0 Licencié
2010-07-07 Pinchas Kemalov 18 M
0 Licencié
2010-06-04 Maxwell Lovatt 19 M
0 Licencié
2010-05-06 Aras Avseren 25 D
7 644 000 Vendu
2010-04-28 Simon Cougar 31 M
0 Quitter
2010-04-05 Chesley Bing 17 M
1 260 000 Vendu
2010-03-04 Randall Ashwell 20 M
73 752 Vendu
2010-02-07 Frazer McCafferty 18 M
112 308 Vendu
2010-01-29 Jesse Gill 20 A
220 500 Vendu
2009-12-24 Marc Pritchard 18 M
40 068 Vendu
2009-12-20 Chester Menza 20 M
0 Licencié
2009-11-24 Lou Stanworth 19 M
352 800 Vendu
2009-11-12 Martyn Hartigan 33 D
672 000 Vendu
2009-10-23 Ash Fletcher 33 D
2 940 000 Vendu
2009-10-09 Jerome Barrowcliff 33 M
1 680 000 Vendu
2009-10-05 Calvin Long 31 A
0 Licencié
2009-07-05 Rhys Butters 35 D
0 Licencié
2009-05-26 Malcolm Svanson 20 D
40 068 Vendu
2009-05-21 Glenn Beckham 17 D
1 008 000 Vendu
2009-04-06 Irving Crossland 20 M
210 672 Vendu
2009-03-17 Nicholas Lord 17 D
0 Licencié
2009-02-15 Christian Saunders 18 M
0 Licencié
2009-01-05 Laurence Ackling 20 M
0 Licencié
2008-11-24 Guy Bergman 30 D
165 732 Vendu
2008-11-23 Mart Coles 18 D
84 420 Vendu
2008-11-23 Lance Andshield 23 A
554 232 Vendu
2008-11-09 Slaven Racic 34 D
0 Licencié
2008-10-23 Eliott Ludden 17 D
904 008 Vendu
2008-10-16 Titus Stockley 16 A
0 Licencié
2008-09-11 Barry Ashley 30 G
142 212 Vendu
2008-08-15 Özden Evcimen 17 M
296 520 Vendu
2008-08-15 Mathew Briscoe 17 M
454 776 Vendu
2008-08-10 Daniel Turesson 20 D
257 880 Vendu
2008-07-03 Chavalit Sutabuhr 22 A
1 470 000 Vendu
2008-06-12 Ryan Poppe 20 M
60 900 Vendu
2008-06-10 Trevor Gray 17 M
0 Licencié
2008-05-02 Henry Skinner 29 D
274 344 Vendu
2008-05-02 Agustin Jesuli 28 D
137 928 Vendu
2008-03-22 Wilbur Nogan 30 A
0 Licencié
2008-03-14 Emile Gerrard 26 M
183 624 Vendu
2008-03-11 Vel Key 19 M
0 Licencié
2008-02-19 Jason Bayley 27 A
771 960 Vendu
2008-02-16 George Byron 19 D
924 000 Vendu
2008-02-08 Jalen Oakes 28 D
0 Licencié
2008-02-06 Harvey Dobie 26 G
2 268 000 Vendu
2008-02-02 Wes Ripley 31 M
0 Licencié
2008-01-31 Hayden Filan 28 M
4 800 012 Vendu
2008-01-18 Jon Sheringham 27 D
0 Licencié
2008-01-18 Oscar Higginbottom 28 D
0 Licencié
2008-01-16 Johnny Shore 29 D
0 Licencié

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