Joueurs Partis

Joueurs toujours agissant qui sont vendus aux autres clubs
Sofús Hóydam 31 M
2024-02-06 Fc Dinamos 3 719 400
Hans Skála 19 G
2023-11-13 Kungsladugård BK 47 700
Peder Ólavshus 30 D
2023-09-27 Os Lusos 4 496 000
Alfred Grenholm 33 A
2023-09-27 Chuckles Town 1 418 800
Frankie King 31 D
2023-07-09 The Foxy Mackerels 8 841 200
Ketil Raaberg 31 D
2022-12-02 The Tartan Spartans 5 651 500
Tróndur Olsen 35 M
2022-08-19 CDS Town 3 864 900
Steffan Debesøe 24 A
2022-06-15 Blue lock Swe 1 072 600
Jón av Reyni 24 A
2022-06-15 Green Giant 2 615 000
Martin Bondí 28 A
2021-02-12 Time to shine 1 119 000
Christian Broðam 29 M
2020-12-23 Väderstad IK 502 600
Aksel Thyling 30 A
2020-09-17 West Lisbon United 2 647 700
Ronnie á Bø 30 G
2020-09-05 Brigada dos Genéricos 1 007 700
Grímur Jakobsen 35 M
2019-09-22 MQFC 623 900
Ulrik Brems 36 G
2018-12-28 Gravesham Galaxy 1 019 100

Joueurs qui ont quitté le club
2024-02-06 Sofús Hóydam 30 M
3 124 296 Vendu
2023-11-13 Hans Skála 17 G
40 068 Vendu
2023-09-27 Alfred Grenholm 31 A
1 191 792 Vendu
2023-09-27 Peder Ólavshus 28 D
3 776 640 Vendu
2023-07-09 Frankie King 28 D
7 426 608 Vendu
2023-03-07 Nis Videsøe 33 M
1 438 332 Vendu
2022-12-02 Ketil Raaberg 26 D
4 747 260 Vendu
2022-08-26 Willy Schaffer 32 D
1 852 116 Vendu
2022-08-19 Tróndur Olsen 29 M
3 246 516 Vendu
2022-08-09 Ketil Tjørnfjørður 22 A
0 Licencié
2022-06-15 Steffan Debesøe 17 A
900 984 Vendu
2022-06-15 Jón av Reyni 17 A
2 196 600 Vendu
2022-06-14 Tummas Torfasen 19 A
0 Licencié
2022-05-07 Sofús Brede 17 A
0 Licencié
2022-04-19 Símun Djuursøe 30 A
2 044 644 Vendu
2022-04-11 Atilla Kulbilge 33 M
3 253 740 Vendu
2022-03-21 Steffan Ólavsnés 33 D
123 564 Vendu
2021-12-21 Herbert Wahlqvist 33 A
3 959 340 Vendu
2021-12-15 Jiang Tou 30 G
256 452 Vendu
2021-12-02 Sven-Inge von Schlebrügge 38 G
0 Quitter
2021-10-08 Arnis Behrami 32 M
3 867 528 Vendu
2021-08-23 Ronnie Cederlöf 32 D
2 266 320 Vendu
2021-08-19 Olí Djuursøe 19 M
0 Licencié
2021-07-16 Niklas Arrhebo 30 A
955 836 Vendu
2021-07-16 Olivúr Eigilsvík 17 A
40 068 Vendu
2021-05-18 Anfinn Kruse 33 D
314 748 Vendu
2021-05-06 Davúr Reinert 36 M
0 Licencié
2021-04-12 Elías Jarleshus 19 D
0 Licencié
2021-02-12 Martin Bondí 17 A
939 960 Vendu
2021-02-09 Reinaldo Vasco 30 D
770 952 Vendu
2021-01-22 Quigley Lyons 34 A
0 Licencié
2021-01-04 Martin Ólavsnés 18 M
0 Licencié
2020-12-23 Christian Broðam 17 M
422 184 Vendu
2020-10-08 Aksel Mikinés 32 M
0 Licencié
2020-09-17 Aksel Thyling 17 A
2 224 068 Vendu
2020-09-05 Ronnie á Bø 17 G
846 468 Vendu
2020-07-28 Christoffer Justinushus 21 A
0 Licencié
2020-07-19 Havgrímur Rasmussen 32 D
2 023 224 Vendu
2020-05-01 Heitor Pontes 32 D
4 067 784 Vendu
2020-05-01 Paulí Elttør 29 M
1 513 008 Vendu
2019-10-28 Toygar Köseoglu 34 M
0 Licencié
2019-09-22 Grímur Jakobsen 19 M
524 076 Vendu
2019-04-11 Jerry Billing 31 A
1 851 024 Vendu
2019-04-09 Anfinn Hóydal 19 M
59 556 Vendu
2019-04-09 Kristian Daníeðam 19 M
0 Licencié
2019-03-09 Bretislavo Lendvai 33 M
1 859 004 Vendu
2018-12-28 Ulrik Brems 17 G
856 044 Vendu
2018-12-26 Froði Patúrsson 18 M
81 984 Vendu
2018-12-14 Daniel Cíger 20 A
964 068 Vendu
2018-10-30 Jeffrey Banks 30 A
1 439 928 Vendu
2018-10-12 Ognjen Vasic 22 G
936 684 Vendu
2018-10-08 Pascal Rhodin 34 G
1 552 572 Vendu
2018-09-17 Valdemar Mikkelsen 18 M
517 104 Vendu
2018-09-11 Fríðrikur av Haalum 17 M
6 419 784 Vendu
2018-08-10 Fritjof Hammershus 23 A
2 535 288 Vendu
2018-08-10 Viggo Arenvík 20 M
44 268 Vendu
2018-07-20 Ulrik Lassen 19 D
124 068 Vendu
2018-07-01 Sebastian Hobb 33 D
840 840 Vendu
2018-05-18 Vitor Danílson 33 D
530 712 Vendu
2018-02-05 Carl Rosenmeyer 17 D
1 384 068 Vendu
2018-02-01 Heini av Gótu 18 D
4 051 740 Vendu
2018-01-07 Amariel Johansen 17 D
168 840 Vendu
2018-01-05 Jógvan Kamp 17 D
588 420 Vendu
2018-01-05 Lucas Pelegrino 33 D
2 038 512 Vendu
2017-12-14 Roi Gayoso 32 M
1 260 504 Vendu
2017-11-23 Vegard Vassbotn 34 D
0 Licencié
2017-09-24 Martin Lützen 17 A
40 068 Vendu
2017-09-21 William Bygdahl 18 A
376 068 Vendu
2017-09-12 Jenis av Gótu 17 A
40 068 Vendu
2017-08-25 Theobald Whalley 30 D
412 776 Vendu
2017-07-23 Høgni Arvík 18 A
0 Licencié
2017-07-19 Pedro Vicente 32 A
3 221 232 Vendu
2017-06-23 Gheorghe Nicã 32 M
3 881 304 Vendu
2017-03-10 Torkjetíl Gaðting 19 M
0 Licencié
2016-11-15 Burt Wu 32 G
2 537 976 Vendu
2016-11-15 Andreas Argé 18 D
40 068 Vendu
2016-11-09 Valfrid Brändewall 31 M
2 197 020 Vendu
2016-11-02 Heðin Eigilsen 19 D
1 099 056 Vendu
2016-10-07 Cristofao Novaes 29 A
1 044 960 Vendu
2016-10-03 Fergus Marshall 32 M
1 684 620 Vendu
2016-09-29 Ubaldo Nazário 33 M
0 Licencié
2016-06-29 Severin Hammersdahl 16 D
3 204 852 Vendu
2016-06-21 Christiano Scarcia 32 D
3 045 420 Vendu
2016-06-20 Chris Parry 23 M
2 721 768 Vendu
2016-03-07 Tyson Cornforth 34 G
1 848 756 Vendu
2016-02-05 Niels Peter Knudsen 18 D
5 381 040 Vendu
2016-01-13 Tórolvur Nielsen 17 M
1 701 756 Vendu
2016-01-09 Pál Bramsen 17 M
1 098 804 Vendu
2015-12-23 Roger Foumer 26 G
5 080 404 Vendu
2015-11-29 Marcos Sabadin 30 M
2 266 404 Vendu
2015-11-27 Grímur Kjellsen 17 M
61 236 Vendu
2015-10-22 Tómas Niklasen 17 D
709 968 Vendu
2015-09-25 Jákup Bøgvík 17 D
2 865 324 Vendu
2015-06-29 Ike Raymond 18 D
8 404 536 Vendu
2015-05-16 Bengt-Arne Wahlstedt 32 A
1 667 736 Vendu
2015-05-15 Benedict Abercrombie 35 D
0 Licencié
2015-05-12 Telmo Luz 33 M
853 356 Vendu
2015-04-26 Rufus McGibbon 20 A
0 Licencié
2015-01-14 Neal Whiteman 34 G
2 024 064 Vendu
2015-01-08 Mickey Hendrix 37 D
0 Quitter
2014-12-23 Tony Elms 18 A
1 693 776 Vendu
2014-12-19 Ryan Trower 17 A
98 448 Vendu
2014-10-28 Frazer Humphries 18 M
40 068 Vendu
2014-10-15 Allan Bergendorff 37 G
320 040 Vendu
2014-10-01 Dion Howarth 20 D
92 148 Vendu
2014-10-01 Shola Sabitu 34 M
2 736 216 Vendu
2014-09-02 Pablo Nistri 33 A
1 543 164 Vendu
2014-09-01 Nicky Foran 17 D
2 417 100 Vendu
2014-06-16 Eamon Casey 32 D
686 112 Vendu
2014-01-31 Dave Stuart 32 D
2 236 500 Vendu
2014-01-24 Andres Zakay 17 M
62 580 Vendu
2013-11-22 Magnus Flenning 33 M
2 536 128 Vendu
2013-11-22 Rory Inman 33 A
1 874 628 Vendu
2013-11-18 Ussa Zegarra 35 D
0 Licencié
2013-08-10 Lucas Assayg 17 D
105 420 Vendu
2013-08-06 Quentin Montgomery 33 M
1 873 116 Vendu
2013-05-29 Ayrton Edu 17 M
1 071 924 Vendu
2013-05-25 Edson Lima 17 M
49 056 Vendu
2013-04-29 Cadwgawn Stoneley 32 M
513 744 Vendu
2013-04-23 Ramón Vicente 18 M
961 212 Vendu
2013-03-15 Vitor Simao 18 M
4 908 120 Vendu
2013-02-20 Dorin Ivan 33 D
3 065 832 Vendu
2013-02-17 Krishna Sikdar 32 M
2 048 004 Vendu
2012-12-31 Denilson Peres 18 D
0 Licencié
2012-12-31 Nigel Cullen 33 M
2 921 940 Vendu
2012-11-20 Donald Price 19 M
509 040 Vendu
2012-11-15 Ewan Partridge 32 A
2 235 744 Vendu
2012-10-09 Michael Clarke 33 G
1 492 932 Vendu
2012-09-24 Thomas Saunders 32 M
4 808 916 Vendu
2012-08-14 Damon Ralston 17 G
0 Licencié
2012-07-27 Homer Howard 18 M
1 274 028 Vendu
2012-06-07 Trent Drysdale 33 D
874 860 Vendu
2012-05-15 Lucas Neil 17 D
5 462 016 Vendu
2012-05-01 Graeme Beckford 17 D
252 336 Vendu
2012-04-21 Al Fish 17 D
675 864 Vendu
2012-04-06 Owen Hill 16 D
1 724 016 Vendu
2012-03-23 Marc Hopkins 33 D
2 078 160 Vendu
2012-03-05 Joe Davies 17 D
0 Licencié
2012-02-16 Louis Broomes 35 A
0 Quitter
2011-10-12 Errol Bedford 17 A
857 808 Vendu
2011-08-22 Iker Casillias 30 G
1 460 928 Vendu
2011-07-01 Iain Tarbuck 16 A
10 945 872 Vendu
2011-05-15 Nuno Gouveia 17 A
172 200 Vendu
2011-04-16 Serj Tankian 29 M
6 047 244 Vendu
2011-02-03 Guido Sabadin 30 A
7 999 572 Vendu
2011-02-03 Jonathan Bixby 17 D
3 221 568 Vendu
2011-02-01 Jamie Dillon 17 A
1 125 264 Vendu
2011-01-13 Dermot Kaye 30 M
4 315 080 Vendu
2010-11-13 Waylon Ogmore 18 A
2 868 936 Vendu
2010-10-29 Liam Cleghorn 28 A
7 389 937 Vendu
2010-10-09 Wesley Roscoe 31 D
3 959 760 Vendu
2010-09-20 Dean Carfield 30 M
2 772 000 Vendu
2010-08-18 Wynfor O`Malley 16 A
255 444 Vendu
2010-08-02 Henry Norris 16 M
2 789 205 Vendu
2010-07-16 Neil Blackwell 29 G
6 720 000 Vendu
2010-06-12 Evan Kyffin 28 A
5 601 960 Vendu
2010-03-15 Dafydd Ball 18 M
2 688 000 Vendu
2010-02-27 Alvin Hollingdale 30 G
3 108 000 Vendu
2010-01-17 Craig Watkins 19 M
504 000 Vendu
2009-11-16 Andrew Powys 25 D
8 820 084 Vendu
2009-09-13 Zeke Hill 18 G
2 730 027 Vendu
2009-09-06 Dean Parry 19 D
561 708 Vendu
2009-08-03 John Dobson 32 D
4 006 081 Vendu
2009-07-28 Enrico Quattrocchi 20 D
0 Licencié
2009-04-29 Hector Mapleton 31 M
1 848 000 Vendu
2009-04-25 Samson Conway 32 M
4 000 080 Vendu
2009-04-10 Christian Hill 18 G
0 Licencié
2009-03-01 Donald Walters 18 D
83 580 Vendu
2009-02-11 Tony Dent 18 M
124 236 Vendu
2009-02-08 Dylan Chester 19 D
0 Licencié
2009-01-15 Alastair Rendell 24 A
10 836 000 Vendu
2009-01-12 Walter Hendon 32 M
0 Licencié
2008-12-03 Graham Parry 20 D
198 240 Vendu
2008-10-21 Lyndon Bedford 18 A
0 Licencié
2008-08-15 Daniel Kitson 31 A
1 766 268 Vendu
2008-08-04 Kirk Beckford 17 G
809 340 Vendu
2008-06-26 Walton Prenderville 31 D
672 000 Vendu
2008-06-26 Boine Hildebrand 31 M
1 512 000 Vendu
2008-05-30 Daley Crick 29 A
0 Licencié
2008-05-26 Russell Jevons 31 D
1 634 976 Vendu
2008-02-14 Iain Morris 18 D
119 364 Vendu
2008-02-14 Shaun Weale 19 D
2 016 000 Vendu
2007-11-07 Nickie Kitchen 28 G
0 Licencié
2007-11-02 Burt Heckingbottom 29 D
756 000 Vendu
2007-09-24 Rodger Stokoe 19 A
217 476 Vendu
2007-08-30 Melvin Lawson 18 M
0 Licencié
2007-08-21 Herbert Toms 27 D
309 876 Vendu
2007-08-18 Hugh Downer 17 G
0 Licencié
2007-07-23 Rob Daltry 27 A
1 680 000 Vendu
2007-07-20 Godfrey Stowell 33 M
292 825 Vendu
2007-07-12 Alexander Biddle 27 A
0 Licencié
2007-06-14 Vince Upton 24 M
160 100 Vendu
2007-06-10 Lage Marin 23 M
288 000 Vendu
2007-06-07 Curtis Lescott 19 M
171 800 Vendu
2007-05-03 Colbert Astle 27 A
60 200 Vendu
2007-04-30 Peyton Saunders 27 D
47 000 Vendu
2007-04-26 Leslie Whitmarsh 22 M
116 200 Vendu
2007-04-25 Wade Freedman 31 M
178 500 Vendu
2007-04-23 Nicky Deayton 30 M
95 000 Vendu
2007-04-22 Alan Pembridge 26 M
0 Licencié
2007-04-09 Gavin Greenacre 35 D
0 Licencié

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