Joueurs Partis

Joueurs toujours agissant qui sont vendus aux autres clubs
Emiel van der Pennen 19 M
2024-09-16 FC BEE 47 700
Tom Denneboom 20 M
2024-05-14 Brighton FC 47 700
Sandro Corvelo 22 M
2024-01-26 Newark Knights AFC 112 300
Christiaan Hermans 19 D
2024-01-15 Britt FF 2 494 600
Berry Oesterweld 20 D
2023-11-29 FC Micalaca 3 053 900
Theodor Ravelli 32 A
2023-10-17 K2O3 8 157 200
Michel Eveleens 28 D
2023-10-12 FC Paradise 9 523 900
Milan Hobbelen 31 D
2023-10-10 Winslow Warriors 6 454 800
Sheamus Carrick 32 M
2023-10-08 GSVM Aldi 14 285 800
Sidónio Paranhos 30 M
2023-10-07 Resurgents FC 10 133 400
Asedil Bashri 31 M
2023-10-06 N17 7 957 200
Henrik Visser 21 D
2023-07-06 Lovely Lions 7 426 200
Matteus Eveleens 21 D
2023-04-23 Hyannisport 2 411 000
Hylke Vanenburg 24 D
2023-03-06 Bezalona FC 298 100
Jan-Willem Trustfull 21 D
2023-01-04 FC Vance Refrigeration 4 283 000
Bertrando Brighi 23 A
2022-12-22 The Devils 235 800
Barry Ganesvoort 23 M
2022-11-18 Rasrisk IF 246 700
Nabil van der Bruijn 22 M
2022-10-04 Morrowind 8 957 200
Frits Bosschart 24 M
2022-09-13 Borussia Hovshaga 1 619 200
Ger van Noord 24 M
2022-08-30 Besiktas IK 11 900 800
Sven Starke 24 M
2022-03-20 Sparkaboll BK 58 400
Jacob van der Mooren 28 M
2022-03-11 blue fc 89 300
Folko Westerveldt 26 M
2022-01-19 Ängeldags IF 3 628 900
Ajo Steijn 27 M
2021-12-08 Bulldozer 834 300
Arjen Zondervan 26 M
2021-11-07 FC Fjätervålen 2 046 600
Jaap van de Ree 28 M
2021-06-22 Svartlien BK 9 533 400
Lucas Hilbers 30 M
2021-04-07 Olympus 47 700
Piet Sium 30 M
2020-12-10 Lukaspojkarna 1 122 800
Ajo Otterloo 30 M
2020-12-02 Fredsgatan FC 2 421 000
Jochem van Leijden 29 M
2020-11-10 Luqa St.Andrews 1 120 300
Job Wyman 33 D
2020-02-05 Gördes Belediyespor 507 200
Bryan Kenselaar 34 D
2019-12-31 Southside United 475 400
Ko Burg 32 D
2019-12-07 Bolivar S.C 18 557 700
Andre Drent 34 D
2019-10-11 The Living Alternate 1 918 600
Fríðfinnur Stefanson 35 M
2019-08-28 C.D. Nazare 321 600
Antwan Dooier 35 M
2019-07-27 Banken Boys 483 400
Sjaak Brouwer 35 M
2019-05-07 fivers 783 400
Marvin van der Schaaf 35 M
2019-04-08 Icebreaker 1 136 500

Joueurs qui ont quitté le club
2024-09-16 Emiel van der Pennen 19 M
40 068 Vendu
2024-05-14 Tom Denneboom 19 M
40 068 Vendu
2024-04-18 Theo van der Leegte 37 M
0 Quitter
2024-01-26 Sandro Corvelo 20 M
94 332 Vendu
2024-01-15 Christiaan Hermans 17 D
2 095 464 Vendu
2023-11-29 Berry Oesterweld 17 D
2 565 276 Vendu
2023-10-17 Theodor Ravelli 29 A
6 852 048 Vendu
2023-10-12 Michel Eveleens 25 D
8 000 076 Vendu
2023-10-10 Milan Hobbelen 28 D
5 422 032 Vendu
2023-10-08 Sheamus Carrick 28 M
12 000 072 Vendu
2023-10-07 Sidónio Paranhos 27 M
8 512 056 Vendu
2023-10-06 Asedil Bashri 28 M
6 684 048 Vendu
2023-09-21 Inácio Xavier 37 G
0 Quitter
2023-07-06 Henrik Visser 17 D
6 238 008 Vendu
2023-04-23 Matteus Eveleens 17 D
2 025 240 Vendu
2023-03-06 Hylke Vanenburg 19 D
250 404 Vendu
2023-03-01 Steven Borkes 32 M
4 504 080 Vendu
2023-01-21 Ralph Rain 19 M
81 732 Vendu
2023-01-16 Teyo Cervantes 33 M
2 082 612 Vendu
2023-01-12 Tony Granaht 34 D
4 098 276 Vendu
2023-01-04 Jan-Willem Trustfull 16 D
3 597 720 Vendu
2022-12-22 Bertrando Brighi 17 A
198 072 Vendu
2022-12-12 Stefan Buumeijer 19 M
0 Licencié
2022-11-18 Barry Ganesvoort 17 M
207 228 Vendu
2022-10-04 Nabil van der Bruijn 16 M
7 524 048 Vendu
2022-09-30 Owen Pritchard 34 M
2 989 224 Vendu
2022-09-30 Srdjan Romanic 34 D
1 561 056 Vendu
2022-09-30 Sílvio Fartura 33 A
3 941 868 Vendu
2022-09-30 Vernon Boyle 35 G
4 162 956 Vendu
2022-09-13 Frits Bosschart 17 M
1 360 128 Vendu
2022-08-30 Ger van Noord 17 M
9 996 672 Vendu
2022-03-20 Sven Starke 16 M
49 056 Vendu
2022-03-11 Jacob van der Mooren 19 M
75 012 Vendu
2022-01-19 Folko Westerveldt 17 M
3 048 276 Vendu
2021-12-08 Ajo Steijn 18 M
700 812 Vendu
2021-11-07 Arjen Zondervan 17 M
1 719 144 Vendu
2021-07-28 Menno van Genabeek 19 D
165 060 Vendu
2021-06-22 Jaap van de Ree 17 M
8 008 056 Vendu
2021-05-24 Bert Nanninga 18 M
0 Licencié
2021-04-07 Lucas Hilbers 18 M
40 068 Vendu
2021-03-20 Marino Meijer 18 M
2 041 200 Vendu
2021-03-10 Asmar Zabrosa 29 A
4 048 212 Vendu
2021-02-18 Leonel Rast 37 A
0 Quitter
2021-02-18 Colin Hook 38 D
0 Quitter
2020-12-10 Piet Sium 17 M
943 152 Vendu
2020-12-02 Ajo Otterloo 17 M
2 033 640 Vendu
2020-11-14 Joep van Wijk 34 M
1 604 064 Vendu
2020-11-14 Job van der Wagen 35 M
908 208 Vendu
2020-11-12 Hayat Habib 36 D
1 184 652 Vendu
2020-11-10 Jochem van Leijden 16 M
941 052 Vendu
2020-11-05 Rudy van der Cammen 38 M
0 Quitter
2020-08-15 Chris Waterreus 18 D
40 068 Vendu
2020-06-10 Rafael Landseer 17 D
1 586 256 Vendu
2020-05-16 Boudewijn van Basten 17 D
598 500 Vendu
2020-02-05 Job Wyman 17 D
426 048 Vendu
2019-12-31 Bryan Kenselaar 18 D
399 336 Vendu
2019-12-07 Ko Burg 16 D
15 588 468 Vendu
2019-10-11 Andre Drent 17 D
1 611 624 Vendu
2019-09-12 Careca Lopes 38 G
0 Quitter
2019-08-28 Fríðfinnur Stefanson 17 M
270 144 Vendu
2019-07-27 Antwan Dooier 18 M
406 056 Vendu
2019-05-07 Sjaak Brouwer 17 M
658 056 Vendu
2019-04-08 Marvin van der Schaaf 17 M
954 660 Vendu
2019-02-14 Nils-Erik Book 35 M
0 Quitter
2019-01-01 Jan van Nistelrooy 18 M
40 068 Vendu
2018-11-15 Edgar de Haan 34 M
2 063 376 Vendu
2018-11-09 Stig Ekecrantz 19 M
254 772 Vendu
2018-11-09 Martin Bergman 19 M
86 772 Vendu
2018-11-09 Ajo van Dieren 20 D
2 000 040 Vendu
2018-11-01 Genaro Colon 37 A
0 Quitter
2018-10-04 Bas Weidman 17 M
48 972 Vendu
2018-10-02 Edgar Witvoet 17 A
2 000 040 Vendu
2018-08-14 Alexander Of Hesslink 20 A
103 404 Vendu
2018-07-19 Clint McLean 35 D
0 Quitter
2018-04-19 Jordi Brandenhut 32 M
4 504 080 Vendu
2018-04-15 Martino Bertotto 29 M
4 340 028 Vendu
2018-04-14 Gav Maxwell 32 D
5 504 016 Vendu
2018-04-11 Theobald Mosley 34 G
5 008 080 Vendu
2017-11-24 Camden Pollock 29 A
7 192 080 Vendu
2017-10-31 Jelle van Steeg 16 M
145 068 Vendu
2017-10-31 Pieter Ates 17 M
945 840 Vendu
2017-09-30 Giovanni Kamper 18 A
447 048 Vendu
2017-09-15 Sybren Redeker 17 G
40 068 Vendu
2017-09-07 Michael Mesick 19 G
0 Licencié
2017-08-24 Johan Dans 20 G
0 Licencié
2017-08-14 Edwin van der Werff 18 A
1 610 700 Vendu
2017-05-30 Henry Bak 18 M
1 104 516 Vendu
2017-04-27 Tjeerd Slot 19 M
40 068 Vendu
2017-04-24 Cees Vedder 17 M
3 168 060 Vendu
2017-04-23 Bob ten Thije 16 M
229 656 Vendu
2017-03-03 Nikki Prein 17 M
8 304 072 Vendu
2017-03-03 Stephan Rijnders 19 D
5 020 008 Vendu
2017-02-17 Johannes Hellemons 18 D
2 023 644 Vendu
2017-01-10 Henrik Lagendijk 16 M
133 812 Vendu
2016-12-22 Rudy Silooy 17 M
50 316 Vendu
2016-12-06 Kew van Bommel 17 D
98 532 Vendu
2016-11-21 Max Baart 17 D
96 600 Vendu
2016-10-27 Phil Blake 36 M
0 Quitter
2016-09-23 Stef Prul 17 M
627 480 Vendu
2016-06-29 Arjen Schoenmakers 18 D
0 Licencié
2016-06-29 Roger van de Korput 17 D
284 172 Vendu
2016-05-21 Joseph Heerkens 18 D
2 023 560 Vendu
2016-05-05 Raymond Friesen 19 M
245 532 Vendu
2016-04-15 Odd Norrby 34 D
1 500 072 Vendu
2016-03-31 Juan José Santa Cruz 35 G
0 Quitter
2016-01-26 Christiaan Wiggers 28 M
6 508 068 Vendu
2015-12-25 Ger Weidman 19 M
2 000 040 Vendu
2015-12-23 Rick de Wit 17 M
200 004 Vendu
2015-12-17 Frankie Keeter 36 M
0 Quitter
2015-09-09 Piet Meyer 18 M
72 912 Vendu
2015-09-06 Faik Bolukbasi 30 G
0 Licencié
2015-08-02 Gyôzô Piroska 17 D
750 036 Vendu
2015-07-19 Kurt Tamerus 17 M
1 668 072 Vendu
2015-05-30 Graeme Lumphinans 22 D
4 000 080 Vendu
2015-05-10 Raimond Kruijntjens 17 M
0 Licencié
2015-04-15 Luc Leemans 18 M
250 068 Vendu
2015-03-29 Germano Arantes 18 M
0 Licencié
2015-03-22 Gavin Samways 18 M
200 004 Vendu
2015-03-10 Chano Fernandes 18 D
2 500 008 Vendu
2015-03-03 Jasper Boersma 21 M
7 916 076 Vendu
2015-02-28 Floris Lokhof 19 M
410 004 Vendu
2015-02-14 Philip Neville 34 D
0 Licencié
2015-02-14 Savo Samardzic 34 M
0 Licencié
2015-02-12 Oscar Alflen 24 A
7 500 024 Vendu
2015-02-10 Frank Nanninga 20 D
694 008 Vendu
2015-02-05 Adão Santos 19 M
0 Licencié
2014-12-08 Gudmund Edenberg 18 M
250 068 Vendu
2014-12-01 Patric Boogerd 18 D
92 064 Vendu
2014-11-19 Stephan van Haren 17 D
602 028 Vendu
2014-09-25 Mattos Gonsales 18 A
0 Licencié
2014-09-25 Minel Retezeanu 18 A
1 200 024 Vendu
2014-09-22 Ieroklis Kavazis 18 M
1 540 812 Vendu
2014-09-05 Lucas Thoor 18 M
2 500 008 Vendu
2014-09-03 Frits van Heijswijk 17 M
1 350 048 Vendu
2014-09-01 Léo Massa 18 D
918 036 Vendu
2014-07-24 Danny Wilson 28 D
4 172 028 Vendu
2014-07-15 Trifun Cvorovic 19 M
400 008 Vendu
2014-07-15 Thomas Müller 19 A
1 588 020 Vendu
2014-07-15 Steve Mangala 19 D
2 900 016 Vendu
2014-06-25 Cees de Kort 17 M
1 252 020 Vendu
2014-05-19 Marcus van der Gouw 18 M
836 052 Vendu
2014-05-17 Angel Davidovski 18 A
1 250 004 Vendu
2014-05-16 Emanuel Franco 18 M
1 500 072 Vendu
2014-05-15 Patrick Koswal 18 M
0 Licencié
2014-05-04 Stuart Duffy 32 G
4 336 080 Vendu
2014-04-09 Andrew Yole 36 G
0 Licencié
2014-04-07 Victor Melcea 25 M
7 676 004 Vendu
2014-04-06 Igor Kalyuzhny 25 M
14 680 008 Vendu
2014-04-06 Albaro Ballarin 26 D
8 348 004 Vendu
2014-04-05 Abel Nijevelt 18 D
0 Licencié
2014-03-31 Ludwig Ström 35 D
950 040 Vendu
2014-03-27 Gunnar Melin 19 M
0 Licencié
2014-03-27 Alfredo Cambiasso 35 A
0 Quitter
2014-03-27 Oran Nolan 37 M
0 Quitter
2014-03-11 Jack van der Terp 17 D
5 504 016 Vendu
2014-03-01 Fabio Ponzio 19 A
900 060 Vendu
2014-02-08 Roberto Pires Lima 18 A
788 004 Vendu
2014-01-28 John van der Sloot 20 D
250 068 Vendu
2014-01-25 Humberto Constantino 19 D
5 508 048 Vendu
2014-01-17 Samuel Brandquist 18 D
950 040 Vendu
2013-12-27 Robbie MacManaman 36 D
920 052 Vendu
2013-12-26 Johannes Molenaar 19 M
950 040 Vendu
2013-12-16 Abe Groves 19 A
334 068 Vendu
2013-12-16 Karl Grape 20 D
946 008 Vendu
2013-11-27 Erik Koordes 17 M
0 Licencié
2013-11-11 Jurgen Smulders 20 M
0 Licencié
2013-10-28 Adriano Tavares D`Almeida 18 A
1 400 028 Vendu
2013-10-14 Bruce Stonebridge 19 A
2 750 076 Vendu
2013-10-13 Tiberiu Ancuta 18 D
1 800 036 Vendu
2013-10-07 Yoshi Abukara 35 M
1 500 072 Vendu
2013-09-17 Maart Jorritsma 21 D
5 188 008 Vendu
2013-09-09 Daniel MacAlley 34 D
0 Licencié
2013-08-29 Raymond van Zuid 19 A
0 Licencié
2013-07-19 Siem Hilbers 17 A
0 Licencié
2013-05-23 Gjermund Tangen 23 A
1 500 072 Vendu
2013-05-23 Patricio Mallo 28 M
4 040 064 Vendu
2013-04-18 Richard van der Berg 17 A
3 800 076 Vendu
2013-04-14 Arnstein Sørensen 24 A
8 000 076 Vendu
2013-03-18 Maart Krol 18 A
500 052 Vendu
2013-02-08 Ronald Heimdal 33 A
0 Licencié
2013-01-31 Des Carragher 31 M
500 052 Vendu
2013-01-08 Ben-Zion Albalah 18 A
2 000 040 Vendu
2012-12-16 Roy Anrell 19 A
0 Licencié
2012-10-26 Rio Sands 29 D
4 676 028 Vendu
2012-10-24 Gustavo Tamudo 19 A
0 Licencié
2012-10-20 Álvaro Carvalheira 25 A
3 422 076 Vendu
2012-10-15 Paul Chaplain 34 A
0 Licencié
2012-08-14 Aaron McAnespie 17 A
589 932 Vendu
2012-07-03 Nigel Hignet 31 M
1 489 908 Vendu
2012-06-28 Hugh Keaton 36 D
0 Quitter
2012-05-31 Robbie MacRae 19 D
1 157 268 Vendu
2012-04-25 Laird Leonard 20 D
0 Licencié
2012-04-03 Elliot Stevens 18 D
1 460 928 Vendu
2012-03-15 Leonardo Sjöstedt 35 M
0 Quitter
2011-12-05 Maurice Halvarsson 28 D
7 134 120 Vendu
2011-10-09 Davy MacCorkhill 19 D
132 300 Vendu
2011-09-03 Ross MacAdam 29 A
0 Licencié
2011-08-26 Haris Scaleman 28 M
7 560 168 Vendu
2011-08-21 Noel Heath 31 D
3 905 076 Vendu
2011-01-25 Paul Renwick 31 G
5 583 144 Vendu
2011-01-25 Colin MacKettrick 27 M
10 406 760 Vendu
2010-10-17 Raymond Livingston 29 A
4 837 728 Vendu
2010-08-06 Jed MacBay 16 M
1 278 228 Vendu
2010-08-02 Timothy Kitchen 30 D
8 164 464 Vendu
2010-06-28 Obrad Protic 28 M
9 873 360 Vendu
2010-05-24 Willie McDundee 18 D
429 072 Vendu
2010-05-18 Pascal Williamsson 29 D
7 540 176 Vendu
2009-07-01 Robert Kreków 33 G
1 436 736 Vendu
2009-05-09 Kurt Gunke 30 M
7 476 000 Vendu
2009-04-28 Markus Ellemann 30 M
0 Licencié
2009-04-28 Mario Hagström 32 A
0 Licencié
2009-02-05 Bernard McCarroll 27 D
7 067 508 Vendu
2009-02-05 Finlay Yole 30 M
9 646 980 Vendu
2009-01-16 Dariusz Warowski 32 D
0 Licencié
2008-12-12 Michael Symington 19 M
0 Licencié
2008-10-31 Fergus Allison 18 M
0 Licencié
2008-10-31 Alan McCoist 19 M
0 Licencié
2008-10-10 Bengt-Arne Wilde 29 D
4 912 320 Vendu
2008-08-11 Jonas Thorman 29 M
7 560 000 Vendu
2008-07-03 Karl-Erik Hägg 29 M
7 305 312 Vendu
2008-07-03 Anselmo Palinha 30 A
6 133 260 Vendu
2008-03-18 Grant Taggart 17 A
829 164 Vendu
2008-03-13 Mark MacCardie 17 A
1 079 400 Vendu
2008-01-25 Kamil Stanislawów 29 D
7 308 000 Vendu
2008-01-21 Krzysztof Schwederski 30 M
4 526 424 Vendu
2008-01-06 Frankie Bairdie 20 A
0 Licencié
2007-12-29 Zurab Fomitj 29 D
5 670 000 Vendu
2007-12-14 Ignado Zorro 31 M
4 417 056 Vendu
2007-12-10 Ross MacCullie 17 A
0 Licencié
2007-08-23 Çlirim Gjakova 17 A
431 676 Vendu
2007-08-15 Jan Tatarata 31 D
2 302 608 Vendu
2007-08-06 Lachlan Eccles 17 A
0 Licencié
2007-06-23 Neil MacCleir 19 A
183 900 Vendu
2007-06-18 Kyle Trigger 17 A
141 100 Vendu
2007-06-17 Robert McDonald 20 A
215 100 Vendu
2007-06-10 Ted Dunlop 18 A
228 300 Vendu
2007-05-15 Alfred Pressley 17 A
234 600 Vendu
2007-05-14 Alfie Lennox 18 A
546 200 Vendu
2007-04-08 Nediljko Barisic 32 G
97 900 Vendu
2007-03-18 Gavin MacCalman 17 A
142 300 Vendu
2007-03-09 Alexander Walach 29 D
312 500 Vendu
2007-02-18 Fergus MacAldonich 18 M
558 000 Vendu
2007-02-07 Carmine Di Matteo 28 A
455 100 Vendu
2007-02-05 Wojtek Lewinsky 30 M
489 000 Vendu
2007-01-29 Leonard Aderklint 30 A
409 300 Vendu
2007-01-29 Marvin Kox 29 D
621 000 Vendu
2007-01-21 Swent Kryszalowicz 30 M
112 500 Vendu
2007-01-13 Tarik Ameri 31 D
105 100 Vendu
2007-01-12 Olek Rasiak 18 D
355 700 Vendu
2007-01-11 Tomasz Szücs 31 M
0 Licencié
2007-01-01 Bartlomie Bucior 29 A
0 Licencié
2006-11-28 Alekszander Stanislawów 18 D
155 400 Vendu
2006-11-09 Piotrus Walach 18 D
274 300 Vendu
2006-10-09 Lukasz Kielbasa 20 M
214 000 Vendu
2006-10-07 Piotr Kupa 18 D
258 500 Vendu
2006-10-06 Darek Kuska 20 D
480 000 Vendu
2006-09-16 Devis Nikha 18 G
395 800 Vendu
2006-08-18 Tomas Tatarata 17 M
274 500 Vendu
2006-07-23 Grzegorz Skrowniak 33 D
235 500 Vendu
2006-07-09 Lech Davidovich 19 D
111 800 Vendu
2006-07-03 Marcin Smolarek 20 M
510 300 Vendu
2006-06-27 Dennis Mikolaj 32 M
403 000 Vendu
2006-06-25 Matthias Szymbowski 32 A
362 700 Vendu
2006-06-08 Mateusz Dymek 18 D
409 500 Vendu
2006-06-08 Artur Oborski 18 A
189 500 Vendu
2006-05-16 Adam Sikala 18 M
45 400 Vendu
2006-05-06 Albin Bruckenthal 32 D
334 400 Vendu
2006-04-25 Wlodzimierz Frankowski 23 A
426 400 Vendu
2006-04-22 Arkadiusz Gawor 18 D
87 300 Vendu
2006-04-19 Krzysztof Stefanski 17 A
286 000 Vendu
2006-04-08 Maciej Pudzianowski 31 M
251 100 Vendu
2006-03-20 Patryk Mikolajewski 21 A
463 300 Vendu
2006-03-20 Igor Pyszek 25 G
46 300 Vendu
2006-03-16 Edward Gorski 24 D
191 400 Vendu

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