Joueurs Partis

Joueurs toujours agissant qui sont vendus aux autres clubs
Raúl de Rosa 25 D
2024-02-16 rivero 227 700
Antonio Vialli 33 A
2023-10-02 Plain Dealers 3 472 700
Jaime Nóbrega 33 M
2023-09-25 Lokomotiv Irkutsk 7 272 800
Tadeu Brazão 38 D
2023-09-19 The Puma Kings 2 410 300
Blake Powell 23 A
2023-03-02 Dream On FC 3 661 000
Ain Kaljas 23 G
2022-12-31 Fener Bahçe Spor Kulübü 2 888 900
Sten Kahem 23 G
2022-12-22 Kronobergs BK 673 900
Veiko Anniste 22 G
2022-11-11 Green and White Army 534 800
Dominik Nehoda 28 A
2022-11-09 The Magic FC 12 936 700
Evan Astafev 30 M
2022-04-22 Epic Meal Time 12 952 500
Gustavo Luz 34 D
2021-06-06 Coded FC 19 871 100
Kemal Ismail 28 A
2021-06-01 Mornington Remove 12 671 000
Eualdo Ateba 28 M
2021-05-07 The Redeem Team 9 841 800
Dani Rodrigues 37 M
2021-04-08 old grantl 16 049 600
Humberto Galvão 30 G
2021-03-27 KS Gwardia Koszalin 1 115 600
Cimafei Kislyak 32 G
2020-09-03 Boing Boing Albion 5 617 100
Kejstut Cyhalka 31 G
2020-08-10 Skatorna United FC 3 238 400
Dominic Robinson 33 G
2020-04-08 Shooter Nine 833 600
Pascoal Albertino 35 M
2019-10-07 Leith Arthritic II 1 051 800
Arro Vaal 34 D
2019-10-01 Gotland Trailblazers 5 032 200
Pascal de Bruijn 34 M
2019-09-18 FC Green Day 4 680 000
Bas van der Fuillen 33 M
2019-08-01 Trabzon 1967 9 802 500
Marcus Northfield 36 A
2019-05-28 Putets FF 17 596 100
Deyan Furnadjev 38 G
2018-11-24 sp.covilha 1 454 200
Yi Zhuo 39 G
2018-10-04 Victory Horseshoe 47 700

Joueurs qui ont quitté le club
2024-07-31 Küllo Kurul 19 G
50 064 Vendu
2024-02-16 Raúl de Rosa 23 D
191 268 Vendu
2023-12-29 Vali Levente 39 G
0 Quitter
2023-10-02 Antonio Vialli 30 A
2 917 068 Vendu
2023-10-02 Frank Townson 33 M
1 763 160 Vendu
2023-09-25 Jaime Nóbrega 30 M
6 109 152 Vendu
2023-09-23 Leslaw Kaczeniec 33 D
2 061 612 Vendu
2023-09-19 Tadeu Brazão 34 D
2 024 652 Vendu
2023-03-02 Blake Powell 18 A
3 075 240 Vendu
2022-12-31 Ain Kaljas 17 G
2 426 676 Vendu
2022-12-22 Sten Kahem 17 G
566 076 Vendu
2022-12-05 Illar Kivastik 17 G
63 672 Vendu
2022-11-11 Veiko Anniste 17 G
449 232 Vendu
2022-11-09 Dominik Nehoda 22 A
10 866 828 Vendu
2022-06-14 Idi Gaber 18 G
40 068 Vendu
2022-04-22 Evan Astafev 22 M
10 880 100 Vendu
2022-04-08 Braulio Gonçalves 39 G
0 Quitter
2022-03-28 Lars Munk 18 G
0 Licencié
2022-01-14 Mihemed Mohamedi 18 G
40 068 Vendu
2022-01-09 Loran Marouf 17 G
40 068 Vendu
2021-12-03 Rezan Hagohlahi 18 G
40 068 Vendu
2021-11-21 Safet Dzaka 18 G
0 Licencié
2021-09-16 Tae-Soo Hyeung 17 G
49 224 Vendu
2021-09-10 Edward Booys 35 M
0 Quitter
2021-06-19 Hu Poon 18 M
40 068 Vendu
2021-06-06 Gustavo Luz 23 D
16 691 724 Vendu
2021-06-01 Kemal Ismail 18 A
10 643 640 Vendu
2021-06-01 Cristi Diaconescu 26 M
14 838 600 Vendu
2021-05-07 Eualdo Ateba 17 M
8 267 112 Vendu
2021-04-08 Dani Rodrigues 25 M
13 481 664 Vendu
2021-03-27 Humberto Galvão 18 G
937 104 Vendu
2021-01-17 Miraslau Dmitrienko 18 G
40 068 Vendu
2020-12-02 Petka Fomichev 17 G
1 241 436 Vendu
2020-09-30 Grigoriy Kirychenka 18 G
1 042 272 Vendu
2020-09-03 Cimafei Kislyak 18 G
4 718 364 Vendu
2020-08-10 Kejstut Cyhalka 17 G
2 720 256 Vendu
2020-07-21 Des Osborn 19 A
1 088 052 Vendu
2020-07-17 Zach Livingstone 36 M
0 Quitter
2020-07-17 Steve Krosby 37 D
0 Quitter
2020-06-16 Will Mustaine 36 D
173 460 Vendu
2020-05-01 Elbrus Vajciuskevic 19 G
368 172 Vendu
2020-04-08 Dominic Robinson 18 G
700 224 Vendu
2020-04-07 Howard White 34 M
1 271 844 Vendu
2020-03-07 Wesley Quigley 17 G
143 304 Vendu
2020-01-30 Cesar Correia 18 G
40 068 Vendu
2019-12-20 Rocco Kullinger 35 D
0 Quitter
2019-12-06 Fabricio Luxemburgo 19 M
0 Licencié
2019-10-07 Pascoal Albertino 18 M
883 512 Vendu
2019-10-01 Arro Vaal 18 D
4 227 048 Vendu
2019-09-29 Modou Garba 19 G
444 444 Vendu
2019-09-23 Thomas Laws 20 M
6 885 732 Vendu
2019-09-18 Pascal de Bruijn 17 M
3 931 200 Vendu
2019-09-17 Djalminha Gallardo 19 A
513 240 Vendu
2019-09-06 Tadeo Galante 36 D
0 Quitter
2019-08-02 Alexander Toet 20 M
0 Licencié
2019-08-01 Bas van der Fuillen 17 M
8 234 100 Vendu
2019-06-26 Anselmo Juninho 19 A
40 068 Vendu
2019-06-16 Paulinho Zapelini 18 M
0 Licencié
2019-06-01 Léo Denis 18 A
0 Licencié
2019-06-01 Oliver Barmby 18 A
234 108 Vendu
2019-05-28 Marcus Northfield 18 A
14 780 724 Vendu
2019-05-25 Eremia Iovan 18 G
0 Licencié
2019-05-12 Ronald Liddel 35 M
0 Licencié
2019-05-12 Cristofao Asmar 17 M
0 Licencié
2019-05-12 Rico Porto 17 D
0 Licencié
2019-02-17 Joey Victory 19 G
4 985 148 Vendu
2019-02-17 Ruca Dino Martins 20 M
6 400 212 Vendu
2019-02-16 Alojzy Stachyra 19 D
7 443 660 Vendu
2019-02-12 Valdemar Resen 18 A
3 130 344 Vendu
2019-02-08 Benjamin Gardesten 37 M
0 Quitter
2019-01-24 Solomon Shalamanov 17 M
0 Licencié
2019-01-14 Maxime Schneider 19 A
301 728 Vendu
2019-01-10 Niki Konstantinov 18 M
40 068 Vendu
2018-11-24 Deyan Furnadjev 18 G
1 221 528 Vendu
2018-11-07 Fyodor Gladilin 18 M
4 862 172 Vendu
2018-10-30 Joao Haxixe 33 M
1 064 280 Vendu
2018-10-30 John Bloom 17 D
5 000 352 Vendu
2018-10-04 Yi Zhuo 18 G
40 068 Vendu
2018-09-18 Melker Gränström 17 A
207 060 Vendu
2018-09-16 Helly Valke 30 A
4 936 344 Vendu
2018-08-26 Stathis Papadopolou 17 M
200 508 Vendu
2018-08-24 Pavlos Gouziotis 19 D
40 068 Vendu
2018-07-29 Karokh Urmia 19 M
174 804 Vendu
2018-07-25 Sardar Qorbani 19 G
2 247 672 Vendu
2018-07-21 Jin Xing Tze 19 M
214 200 Vendu
2018-07-21 Silvestre Tiago 23 A
3 500 028 Vendu
2018-07-21 Vyacheslav Badaev 20 D
2 571 156 Vendu
2018-07-18 Eistein Gjermundshaug 21 M
0 Licencié
2018-07-17 Rickard Palmström 18 A
543 060 Vendu
2018-07-17 Chris Trower 21 M
1 326 948 Vendu
2018-07-17 Giancarlo La Vista 23 D
11 610 480 Vendu
2018-07-13 Miguel Wilson 18 M
0 Licencié
2018-07-13 Vito Chirimini 20 M
0 Licencié
2018-05-23 Gabriel Dahlberg 19 M
153 972 Vendu
2018-05-20 John Billing 24 M
8 248 212 Vendu
2018-05-20 Douglas Wheeler 25 G
9 481 500 Vendu
2018-05-12 Manne Amnedal 26 M
12 501 972 Vendu
2018-05-12 Earl Ridler 25 D
15 140 160 Vendu
2018-05-12 Ryan Butler 27 D
7 437 360 Vendu
2018-05-08 Quintino Ribeiro 27 A
10 105 620 Vendu
2018-04-24 Amadeu Coitinho 24 M
1 013 208 Vendu
2018-03-30 Benedict Heyes 21 M
0 Licencié
2018-03-30 Evgeni Reznikov 18 D
0 Licencié
2018-03-30 Ferdinand Kessler 19 D
0 Licencié
2018-01-02 Gordon Haskell 20 D
0 Licencié
2018-01-01 Fred Redman 20 A
0 Licencié
2017-12-31 Jerome Piearce 27 G
0 Licencié
2017-12-31 Neal Mayor 28 M
0 Licencié
2017-12-31 Drew Toms 28 M
0 Licencié
2017-11-12 Jamie Denslow 17 G
8 500 044 Vendu
2017-09-30 Rory Hamper 17 M
2 056 068 Vendu
2017-09-10 Leroy Parkin 17 D
2 240 028 Vendu
2017-08-11 Lou Wilkinson 33 M
4 500 048 Vendu
2017-08-05 Glyn Brammer 18 D
40 068 Vendu
2017-06-02 Napo Kindlund 20 D
5 000 016 Vendu
2017-04-29 Burt Johnson 17 D
1 467 060 Vendu
2017-01-14 Khun Sitdhirasdr 33 M
3 004 008 Vendu
2017-01-14 Al Fish 33 D
2 168 040 Vendu
2016-07-13 Rory Cobb 22 M
0 Licencié
2016-06-23 Augusto Pedone 34 A
3 000 060 Vendu
2016-03-25 Jake Genovese 41 G
0 Quitter
2015-12-22 Hugh McCartney 18 G
100 044 Vendu
2015-10-24 Elliott Jagger 19 D
200 004 Vendu
2015-10-09 Micah Isley 18 A
400 008 Vendu
2015-10-09 Jim Milton 19 D
668 052 Vendu
2015-09-28 Richie Morell 19 M
1 000 020 Vendu
2015-09-11 Krom-Luang Na Chiangmai 17 A
484 848 Vendu
2015-08-28 Agostinho Menezes 39 D
0 Quitter
2015-08-28 Cappi Tommasi 39 A
0 Quitter
2015-08-28 Dennis Griffiths 39 M
0 Quitter
2015-05-15 César Sereno 32 G
0 Quitter
2015-05-15 Gary Blücker 37 M
0 Quitter
2015-05-15 Allan Graham 36 D
0 Quitter
2015-01-30 Timmy Kearney 35 M
0 Quitter
2015-01-30 Aquiles Manzanera 37 D
0 Quitter
2014-10-17 Costy Besleagã 36 D
0 Quitter
2014-07-11 Lancelot Nevis 21 D
0 Licencié
2014-07-11 Curt Smithies 23 D
0 Licencié
2014-03-21 Freire Tumbino 40 M
0 Quitter
2014-03-21 Nélson Millo 37 M
0 Quitter
2013-10-23 Gavin Kenyon 20 D
1 018 080 Vendu
2013-10-15 Larry Hooke 17 D
400 008 Vendu
2013-10-15 Charlie Broomes 17 D
400 008 Vendu
2013-10-08 Klyde Kilner 20 D
0 Licencié
2013-10-08 Hal Bevers 24 D
0 Licencié
2013-05-10 Simon Dalton 38 D
0 Quitter
2013-05-10 Abel Sanches 39 A
0 Quitter
2013-01-18 Johnnie Finnton 38 M
0 Quitter
2012-10-05 Radoslaw Turski 39 D
0 Quitter
2012-06-26 Leonardo Amado 20 M
4 048 044 Vendu
2012-05-25 Gareth Furlong 18 M
200 004 Vendu
2012-05-16 Gerry Troughton 20 M
230 076 Vendu
2012-05-02 Jonathan Adamson 18 D
1 968 036 Vendu
2012-03-31 Dale Morse 19 A
1 084 020 Vendu
2012-03-22 Oscar Melton 19 M
1 600 032 Vendu
2012-02-19 Seymour Twiny 19 A
544 068 Vendu
2011-12-19 Paulo Peres 23 D
3 200 064 Vendu
2011-12-09 Samuel Etó 25 A
3 000 060 Vendu
2011-08-25 Bonifácio Fimister 22 M
928 368 Vendu
2011-06-08 Juliano Verdade 17 M
295 008 Vendu
2011-05-23 Miquel Castro 34 G
1 350 048 Vendu
2011-04-11 Amadeu da Luz 17 A
233 016 Vendu
2010-12-16 Paul Plastuitje 20 G
1 018 836 Vendu
2010-10-19 Artur Cristo 18 A
0 Licencié
2010-08-09 Camilo Marto 20 D
285 600 Vendu
2010-07-05 Ricardo Março 16 M
8 064 000 Vendu
2010-06-22 Abelardo Verde 20 G
0 Licencié
2010-03-29 Raul Amor 17 A
756 000 Vendu
2010-03-21 Camilo Ferreira 19 D
0 Licencié
2010-02-03 Ubaldo Briga 17 D
924 000 Vendu
2010-01-24 Álvaro Alvalade 18 D
294 756 Vendu
2009-12-03 Érico Gameiro 19 D
741 996 Vendu
2009-11-05 Godinho Bulhosa 17 A
1 002 456 Vendu
2009-09-10 Melvin Adams 19 D
714 000 Vendu
2009-08-25 Gonçalo Picante 23 M
4 536 000 Vendu
2009-08-21 Keith Walls 27 A
5 208 000 Vendu
2009-08-13 Alexander Fraser 27 A
8 400 000 Vendu
2009-08-11 Niguel Toril 24 D
5 628 000 Vendu
2009-08-11 José Antonio Berizzo 24 M
8 904 000 Vendu
2009-06-25 Cássio Cardigos 20 M
78 876 Vendu
2009-06-24 Armando Fran 27 D
7 728 000 Vendu
2009-06-23 Ribeiro Cook 17 M
924 000 Vendu
2009-06-06 Scott McBeer 29 D
7 308 000 Vendu
2009-06-06 Adalberto Manjerona 19 M
1 512 000 Vendu
2009-06-03 Alan Keeter 35 A
2 704 800 Vendu
2009-06-02 Hamish McIntyre 35 A
2 520 000 Vendu
2009-06-02 Trevor MacPherson 35 G
2 436 000 Vendu
2009-05-30 Don Gers 31 D
2 744 693 Vendu
2009-05-29 Richard McTrigg 36 M
0 Licencié
2009-05-29 Gary Leighton 34 M
1 377 235 Vendu
2009-04-22 Paul Farton 36 G
0 Licencié
2009-01-27 Floriano Picante 20 M
0 Licencié
2009-01-09 David Hardstone 37 D
0 Quitter
2008-11-29 Kevin O´Hower 35 D
0 Licencié
2008-06-13 Andy Jagger 32 M
0 Quitter
2008-03-09 Jonathan Råstedt 32 M
3 464 076 Vendu
2008-02-14 Maximiano Pintos 16 M
1 000 020 Vendu
2008-02-14 Evaristo Góis 18 M
700 056 Vendu
2007-10-28 Teobaldo Pintassilgo 19 M
0 Licencié
2007-10-28 Ramón Vaz Leal 18 D
0 Licencié
2007-10-13 Errol Smallwood 20 D
0 Licencié
2007-09-15 Alistair MacColl 20 A
4 956 000 Vendu
2007-09-15 Honza Petras 34 D
400 008 Vendu
2007-08-27 Aaron Hamill 18 G
0 Licencié
2007-06-18 Craig Shaw 17 G
74 800 Vendu
2007-05-29 Rory Andrew 30 M
0 Licencié
2007-05-14 Maggie Gerd 29 A
210 800 Vendu
2007-05-10 John Drier 34 D
0 Licencié
2007-04-19 Hugh Mouatt 20 A
128 600 Vendu
2007-04-13 Graham MacGall 19 A
75 500 Vendu
2007-03-08 Malcolm Judge 18 A
263 100 Vendu
2007-03-01 Finlay McFadden 29 M
105 300 Vendu
2007-03-01 Ewen Nicol 19 A
58 600 Vendu
2007-01-24 Willy Millar 18 A
152 100 Vendu
2007-01-08 Elvis Clyde 20 D
284 600 Vendu
2006-12-12 Januário Capela 30 M
1 048 600 Vendu
2006-11-09 Iain MacPherson 21 M
251 400 Vendu
2006-10-31 Roy Boston 21 D
90 900 Vendu
2006-06-23 Jamie McRanner 28 D
98 300 Vendu
2006-06-18 Richard MacThomas 20 M
198 500 Vendu
2006-06-15 Leslie Gerrone 32 D
872 200 Vendu
2006-06-14 Thomas Stonehard 26 M
407 500 Vendu
2006-05-25 Angus Barrel 19 M
901 000 Vendu
2006-04-12 Henry McGregor 24 A
368 400 Vendu
2006-04-12 Ryce McBeer 25 M
101 700 Vendu
2006-03-16 Janick Brodie 33 D
0 Licencié
2006-03-14 Ian Iceheart 29 D
0 Licencié

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