Joueurs Partis

Joueurs toujours agissant qui sont vendus aux autres clubs
Adam Lundqvist 18 D
2024-09-19 Cozdogs FC 1 145 600
Jonathon Hamilton 19 M
2024-08-09 Okupas F.C. 3 803 000
Sál Høgnesøe 21 M
2024-06-03 The Lilywhites 15 209 600
Per-Erik Lundh 20 D
2024-06-03 Mackem XI FC 3 160 600
Kjell Ludvigsson 20 D
2024-04-26 Köpperberg FC 806 100
Obdulio Pretti 20 M
2024-04-19 Annika Eleven 2 844 700
Karl Wittfogel 21 M
2024-04-14 Edinburgh Fringe 6 447 700
Logan Irons 21 M
2024-04-07 La Oxie ÄGG 7 736 900
Manuel Carona 21 A
2024-04-07 Ivanhoe FC 11 161 900
Abe Matthews 19 D
2024-02-25 Kurdiska CF 1 958 600
Mustafa Öztürk 21 A
2024-02-01 Nndorong FC 690 200
Léon Uras 23 M
2024-01-24 Big Dog FF 13 165 500
Knut Holmestrand 20 A
2024-01-10 Macks Attacks 622 500
Simon Sesa 21 D
2024-01-05 Performance FC 807 900
Willie Jack 21 M
2023-12-15 Parma Hammers 1 039 100
Bernie Broome 21 M
2023-12-15 Quebra-Ossos F.C. 1 539 100
Herbert Skarin 22 M
2023-09-20 Cats in Windows 642 000
Matias Regina 26 M
2023-09-03 SL35 Pro 10 428 600
Dermott Swire 20 M
2023-08-04 Kings Of The Stone Age 5 722 400
Alvin Tynan 19 M
2023-08-04 Prairie Oysters 1 150 400
Frank Rogers 24 M
2023-07-19 Valente Imortal 13 809 600
Micael Briga 24 D
2023-07-05 Third Hand Steptoes 10 356 000
Grant Forrester 25 D
2023-07-05 FC O.L.A.S 24 083 400
Christian Parker 25 A
2023-06-23 Laxå IF 11 050 000
Klyde Batty Jr 26 D
2023-05-20 Estrellas fc 18 808 400
Vasily Minassian 22 A
2023-05-20 Aska Dragons CF 19 678 600
Rufus Eastwood 24 D
2023-04-05 Dandy Dons 1903 102 300
Egil Olsén 25 M
2023-03-24 Skogstorp GoIF 6 427 400
Fabrizio De Angelo 27 M
2023-03-17 Sporting de Portugal 6 249 900
Florian Breunig 31 M
2023-02-03 Lillestrøm SK 8 828 600
Linford Elding 22 D
2023-01-11 FC Harsprånget 1 824 900
Nario Adani 29 A
2022-09-28 Young Girls FC 14 280 900
Matthew Watson 25 A
2022-09-28 Wojak Warka 9 150 000
Neil Mounsey 24 D
2022-09-28 California Stars 4 871 400
Wilfredo Razzotti 26 D
2022-08-02 chanchitos fc 52 200
Reynir Einarsson 28 M
2022-07-29 Chelsea BC 2 541 800
Joseph-Cyrille Jules 30 A
2022-07-19 Savage Gear FC 13 666 600
Marcelino Penas 28 D
2022-05-25 Glasgow City F.C. 11 059 400
Boris Ludwigsson 27 D
2022-05-02 Bollböjarna FF 497 300
Denny Krook 31 M
2022-04-25 hifk 33 690 400
Jack Downey 33 M
2022-03-30 Ginger-Assasins 18 607 200
Loke Wijkberg 33 D
2022-03-30 Rackesmylingar 17 919 000
Alírio Alexandre 33 D
2022-03-02 Red Sky FC 12 790 200
Albert Vitty 33 M
2022-03-02 Teller Morrow FC 11 559 700
Bryan Garden 35 G
2022-03-02 Larsson FC 15 434 000
Harold Hodge 33 D
2022-02-27 FC Nice 11 383 600
Zdravko Pavlica 31 D
2022-02-19 Caversham F.C. 16 488 100
Roque Dezotti 32 M
2022-01-11 Feeder Road Utd 13 943 600
João Moutinho 25 D
2022-01-01 Arkham City FC 132 100
Maximiliano Mannellino 27 G
2021-12-28 Ren City 416 600
Thorsten Zahn 32 D
2021-12-06 FC Bebaire 8 454 700
Rocco Guerra 27 M
2021-11-12 FC Smog 310 300
Marc Simon 30 M
2021-10-12 Gas-Eds 10 633 300
Ljubivoje Spasic 29 D
2021-10-09 JYXOP 7 152 300
Bruno Zander 31 G
2021-10-05 FowlerStillGod FC 14 284 500
Jacinto Valença 31 A
2021-09-18 Natural Born Kickers 13 404 700
Afonso Jarama 28 D
2021-09-18 Börnis eleven 4 580 900
Pawel Bolf 29 M
2021-09-17 Fc Inter1 4 971 400
Eugénio Forjaz 30 D
2021-09-15 Las Legiones Malditas 7 956 000
Mesari Salleh 28 M
2021-07-04 Kilsmo Rangers 1 576 500
Ruslan Masuri 28 D
2021-06-03 Arevacos 164 700
Azizan Imam 29 M
2021-04-09 Blues BK 314 700
Majid Masrom 29 M
2021-03-04 Edd 297 800
Mohd Zulazlan 33 A
2020-08-18 Vasco FCRJ 7 102 200
Razak Jayrie 36 M
2020-06-02 Trottenham FC 16 666 700
Jamal Lokman 34 D
2020-04-24 Paysandu SC 8 333 400

Joueurs qui ont quitté le club
2024-09-19 Adam Lundqvist 18 D
962 304 Vendu
2024-08-09 Jonathon Hamilton 19 M
3 194 520 Vendu
2024-07-14 Mario Nolasco 24 A
0 Licencié
2024-07-14 Carl Bolam 20 M
0 Licencié
2024-07-13 Aníbal Anjos 31 M
0 Licencié
2024-07-11 Chun Peng 17 M
0 Licencié
2024-07-11 Rafael van Brakel 19 A
0 Licencié
2024-07-08 Adrian Rosebotham 18 M
0 Licencié
2024-07-04 Steven Cronan 35 M
0 Quitter
2024-07-04 Korneliusz Gwalt 37 D
0 Quitter
2024-07-04 Harald Hellkvist 35 D
0 Quitter
2024-06-03 Sál Høgnesøe 20 M
12 776 064 Vendu
2024-06-03 Per-Erik Lundh 19 D
2 654 904 Vendu
2024-04-26 Kjell Ludvigsson 19 D
677 124 Vendu
2024-04-19 Obdulio Pretti 19 M
2 389 548 Vendu
2024-04-14 Karl Wittfogel 19 M
5 416 068 Vendu
2024-04-07 Manuel Carona 19 A
9 375 996 Vendu
2024-04-07 Logan Irons 20 M
6 498 996 Vendu
2024-04-03 Morris Janney 20 D
0 Licencié
2024-03-24 Emmanuel Nolan 18 D
0 Licencié
2024-03-21 Julen Urtasun 35 A
0 Quitter
2024-02-25 Abe Matthews 18 D
1 645 224 Vendu
2024-02-01 Mustafa Öztürk 19 A
579 768 Vendu
2024-01-24 Léon Uras 20 M
11 059 020 Vendu
2024-01-10 Knut Holmestrand 19 A
522 900 Vendu
2024-01-05 Simon Sesa 19 D
678 636 Vendu
2023-12-15 Bernie Broome 19 M
1 292 844 Vendu
2023-12-15 Willie Jack 19 M
872 844 Vendu
2023-12-11 Khaled Ziyad 19 M
0 Licencié
2023-12-07 Dragutin Kern 36 D
0 Quitter
2023-12-07 Manne Jonasson 32 G
0 Quitter
2023-12-07 Jalen Acheson 38 M
0 Quitter
2023-10-18 Ralph Hamberg 18 D
4 030 068 Vendu
2023-09-20 Herbert Skarin 19 M
539 280 Vendu
2023-09-03 Matias Regina 23 M
8 760 024 Vendu
2023-09-02 Duncan Greasley 18 A
0 Licencié
2023-09-02 Brian Vange 18 A
0 Licencié
2023-09-02 Petter Ankelius 19 A
0 Licencié
2023-08-30 Terence Hedley 18 A
0 Licencié
2023-08-24 Joseph Sheridan 41 G
0 Quitter
2023-08-24 Styrbjörn Grobalor 35 A
0 Quitter
2023-08-04 Dermott Swire 17 M
4 806 816 Vendu
2023-08-04 Alvin Tynan 16 M
966 336 Vendu
2023-07-31 Ray Hamilton 30 A
0 Licencié
2023-07-19 Frank Rogers 21 M
11 600 064 Vendu
2023-07-05 Micael Briga 20 D
8 699 040 Vendu
2023-07-05 Grant Forrester 21 D
20 230 056 Vendu
2023-06-23 Christian Parker 21 A
9 282 000 Vendu
2023-06-22 Kevin Nachtigall 19 M
759 864 Vendu
2023-06-12 Jermaine Beasant 18 M
0 Licencié
2023-05-20 Vasily Minassian 18 A
16 530 024 Vendu
2023-05-20 Klyde Batty Jr 21 D
15 799 056 Vendu
2023-05-17 Solomon Maye 20 A
0 Licencié
2023-05-17 Careca Anderson 19 M
0 Licencié
2023-05-11 Byeong Ki Ju 35 M
0 Quitter
2023-05-11 Ciocan Dascãlu 37 D
0 Quitter
2023-04-05 Rufus Eastwood 19 D
85 932 Vendu
2023-03-24 Egil Olsén 21 M
5 399 016 Vendu
2023-03-17 Fabrizio De Angelo 21 M
5 249 916 Vendu
2023-02-03 Florian Breunig 24 M
7 416 024 Vendu
2023-01-26 Tudor Chirpici 38 D
0 Quitter
2023-01-26 Xoán Ribeira 38 A
0 Quitter
2023-01-11 Linford Elding 17 D
1 532 916 Vendu
2022-11-16 Yrjö Strömberg 19 A
0 Licencié
2022-11-16 Percival Bridgewater 19 D
0 Licencié
2022-10-13 Randy Meyes 37 M
0 Quitter
2022-10-13 Rio Josiño 37 D
0 Quitter
2022-09-28 Nario Adani 22 A
11 995 956 Vendu
2022-09-28 Neil Mounsey 18 D
4 091 976 Vendu
2022-09-28 Matthew Watson 19 A
7 686 000 Vendu
2022-08-02 Wilfredo Razzotti 19 D
43 848 Vendu
2022-07-29 Reynir Einarsson 21 M
2 135 112 Vendu
2022-07-19 Joseph-Cyrille Jules 22 A
11 479 944 Vendu
2022-07-05 Kearney Brennan 18 D
0 Licencié
2022-06-30 Knut Krona 20 M
0 Licencié
2022-06-30 Göte Sandersson 18 D
0 Licencié
2022-06-30 Viriato de Azevedo 35 A
0 Quitter
2022-06-11 Farzad Azizi 19 G
0 Licencié
2022-05-25 Marcelino Penas 21 D
9 289 896 Vendu
2022-05-02 Boris Ludwigsson 19 D
417 732 Vendu
2022-04-25 Denny Krook 23 M
28 299 936 Vendu
2022-03-30 Jack Downey 24 M
15 630 048 Vendu
2022-03-30 Loke Wijkberg 24 D
15 051 960 Vendu
2022-03-24 Nesim Temizkan 18 A
0 Licencié
2022-03-24 Oliver Windsor 18 D
0 Licencié
2022-03-24 Gianni Ballotta 18 M
0 Licencié
2022-03-22 Tanguy Eynard 34 D
0 Licencié
2022-03-20 Billy Monkhouse 17 D
0 Licencié
2022-03-17 Leonardo Fuseneco 37 M
0 Quitter
2022-03-02 Alírio Alexandre 24 D
10 743 768 Vendu
2022-03-02 Bryan Garden 26 G
12 964 560 Vendu
2022-03-02 Albert Vitty 24 M
9 710 148 Vendu
2022-02-27 Harold Hodge 24 D
9 562 224 Vendu
2022-02-19 Zdravko Pavlica 22 D
13 850 004 Vendu
2022-01-11 Roque Dezotti 23 M
11 712 624 Vendu
2022-01-01 João Moutinho 16 D
110 964 Vendu
2021-12-28 Maximiliano Mannellino 18 G
349 944 Vendu
2021-12-06 Odd Branting 22 A
2 423 904 Vendu
2021-12-06 Thorsten Zahn 23 D
7 101 948 Vendu
2021-12-03 Sven-Erik Collman 17 D
0 Licencié
2021-12-02 Tito Rolo 18 A
0 Licencié
2021-11-12 Rocco Guerra 17 M
260 652 Vendu
2021-11-10 Don Juan 17 M
0 Licencié
2021-10-18 Paulinho Santos 17 M
0 Licencié
2021-10-12 Marc Simon 20 M
8 931 972 Vendu
2021-10-09 Ljubivoje Spasic 19 D
6 007 932 Vendu
2021-10-05 Bruno Zander 21 G
11 998 980 Vendu
2021-10-04 Gerard Inman 17 D
0 Licencié
2021-10-04 Alex Corzo 17 M
0 Licencié
2021-10-01 Nicolas Scorpone 17 M
0 Licencié
2021-09-19 Kew van Vooder 18 M
1 167 936 Vendu
2021-09-18 Jacinto Valença 21 A
11 259 948 Vendu
2021-09-18 Afonso Jarama 18 D
3 847 956 Vendu
2021-09-17 Timmie Strandlund 19 G
0 Licencié
2021-09-17 Pawel Bolf 19 M
4 175 976 Vendu
2021-09-15 Zulkarnain Balkan 25 G
0 Licencié
2021-09-15 Eugénio Forjaz 20 D
6 683 040 Vendu
2021-09-13 Johannes Markving 37 M
0 Licencié
2021-09-13 Marc Mayer 34 A
0 Licencié
2021-09-11 Andreas Wallén 36 D
0 Licencié
2021-09-11 Ambroz Simoniti 35 M
0 Licencié
2021-08-19 Volker Weimann 37 D
0 Quitter
2021-08-19 Sebastian Revell 36 M
0 Quitter
2021-07-04 Mesari Salleh 17 M
1 324 260 Vendu
2021-06-03 Ruslan Masuri 17 D
138 348 Vendu
2021-05-12 Nico Kleber 36 D
40 068 Vendu
2021-05-06 Douglas Nordbäck 36 M
0 Quitter
2021-05-06 Kaj Nässén 39 D
0 Quitter
2021-04-09 Azizan Imam 17 M
264 348 Vendu
2021-04-08 Nasmawi Azmi 17 A
876 540 Vendu
2021-04-03 Georg Knutsson 36 D
0 Licencié
2021-03-04 Majid Masrom 17 M
250 152 Vendu
2021-01-21 Daniel Bodak 33 D
0 Quitter
2021-01-21 Angus O´Hower 36 A
0 Quitter
2020-10-08 Ulrik Sjullsson 37 D
0 Quitter
2020-10-08 Leonel Doni 37 M
0 Quitter
2020-10-08 Arnt-Ivar Renberg 35 D
0 Quitter
2020-08-18 Mohd Zulazlan 19 A
5 965 848 Vendu
2020-06-30 Azman Katmon 20 M
0 Licencié
2020-06-27 Syedul Ravi 21 M
0 Licencié
2020-06-09 Abdul Ghani Kumar 17 D
40 068 Vendu
2020-06-02 Razak Jayrie 22 M
14 000 028 Vendu
2020-05-27 Nasmawi Zuriman 24 M
8 400 000 Vendu
2020-05-19 Klister Fulfejs 26 G
6 740 076 Vendu
2020-05-10 Megat Bahri 19 D
500 052 Vendu
2020-04-30 Odol Gainza 30 M
4 344 060 Vendu
2020-04-30 Remi Moses 29 A
2 596 020 Vendu
2020-04-30 Holger Öhnedal 31 D
2 404 080 Vendu
2020-04-29 Juliano Estigarribia 29 D
7 929 012 Vendu
2020-04-24 Mateo Pouso 26 M
7 700 028 Vendu
2020-04-24 Gaucho Dalmonte 25 M
13 100 052 Vendu
2020-04-24 Jamal Lokman 18 D
7 000 056 Vendu
2020-03-12 Alexander Heimdal 40 G
0 Quitter
2019-12-11 Hafiz Manan 20 D
0 Licencié
2019-11-28 Chotu Kale 37 M
0 Quitter
2019-11-12 Izwan Antahar 19 D
0 Licencié
2019-11-06 Faisal Abidin 20 A
0 Licencié
2019-10-03 Dean Lennox 24 D
0 Licencié
2019-08-21 Adib Aizuddin Jihad 20 G
0 Licencié
2019-06-25 Kandasamy Baharudin 20 D
0 Licencié
2019-06-21 Hanafi Kamaluddin 19 D
0 Licencié
2019-05-08 Jamal Said 18 M
0 Licencié
2019-05-02 Donald Parrish 35 D
0 Quitter
2019-01-18 Zahid Farook 20 A
0 Licencié
2019-01-18 Yusri Kumar 19 M
0 Licencié
2019-01-18 Fandi Gurusamy 21 G
0 Licencié
2019-01-17 Markus Guldfot 37 M
0 Quitter
2019-01-17 Raymond Skinner 35 A
0 Quitter
2019-01-17 John Andervi 35 D
0 Quitter
2018-10-04 Oscar Granquist 35 D
0 Quitter
2018-08-24 Egil Tuvesson 19 A
0 Licencié
2018-07-30 Shamsul Demak 19 M
0 Licencié
2018-06-21 Dick Paine 37 M
0 Quitter
2018-01-22 Bo-Gunnar Apelstav 17 G
0 Licencié
2018-01-16 Jerker Sjödin 17 D
1 720 824 Vendu
2018-01-12 Miles Billington 30 M
4 568 424 Vendu
2018-01-11 Antero Litos 35 D
1 909 656 Vendu
2018-01-07 Robin Tullare 26 D
12 637 212 Vendu
2017-12-21 Ronnie Wirstrand 17 M
65 772 Vendu
2017-12-15 Janne Stånggren 18 M
40 068 Vendu
2017-12-01 Andreas Börjesson 17 M
66 444 Vendu
2017-11-23 Orlan Bahena 17 D
0 Licencié
2017-11-08 Timmy Viberg 36 D
1 133 412 Vendu
2017-11-08 Ove Jennerstål 17 M
116 340 Vendu
2017-11-08 Christopher Klier 26 M
4 202 100 Vendu
2017-11-06 Guillaume Noyer 18 M
0 Licencié
2017-10-03 Ted Munro 21 A
5 115 012 Vendu
2017-09-29 Pityu Tabán 31 M
3 360 420 Vendu
2017-09-28 Michel Harte 27 M
6 435 156 Vendu
2017-09-26 Felix Kempe 21 M
7 091 280 Vendu
2017-09-22 Hjalmar Karlgren 23 G
0 Licencié
2017-07-21 Greger Ädelfeldt 30 A
6 802 656 Vendu
2017-05-13 Roy Nelson 20 M
6 105 876 Vendu
2017-04-07 Lars Cervin 19 D
3 751 020 Vendu
2017-03-29 Inge Hellkvist 21 A
6 051 444 Vendu
2017-02-21 Siwert Eklöf 17 M
725 424 Vendu
2017-01-16 Toni Eskilson 27 M
6 051 276 Vendu
2016-12-07 Severin Westling 17 D
3 246 936 Vendu
2016-12-02 Xavier Mathieu 31 D
2 531 340 Vendu
2016-10-03 Sverker Axell 21 M
0 Licencié
2016-07-15 Torleif Svendenius 16 D
7 299 768 Vendu
2016-07-02 Patrik Gustavsson 19 D
0 Licencié
2016-06-23 Hardy Wood 25 M
4 838 148 Vendu
2016-06-16 Connor Montgomery 36 D
0 Licencié
2016-06-16 Izal Rojali 37 M
0 Quitter
2016-06-01 Peadar Connely 25 A
4 529 700 Vendu
2016-04-12 Matthias Sandberg 16 M
747 180 Vendu
2015-12-23 Abel Lindekrantz 16 M
9 248 064 Vendu
2015-11-23 Daniel van Buyten 27 D
5 164 740 Vendu
2015-11-19 Roberto Jimenez 36 M
0 Quitter
2015-10-30 Christofer Normberg 17 M
537 600 Vendu
2015-10-03 Åke Wahlström 17 M
2 887 248 Vendu
2015-09-25 Walter Arneving 17 A
1 512 420 Vendu
2015-09-01 Vanni Farrugia 25 M
8 057 280 Vendu
2015-08-25 Henric Åkerblom 17 M
1 286 712 Vendu
2015-08-22 Lage Wenna 18 D
362 460 Vendu
2015-08-11 Cesário Carpinteiros 21 M
4 105 920 Vendu
2015-08-06 Stén av Haalum 35 M
0 Quitter
2015-06-24 Val Brigden 25 A
6 640 032 Vendu
2015-06-19 Herbert Hamberg 18 M
392 364 Vendu
2015-06-04 Ulf Lorin 18 M
290 304 Vendu
2015-06-02 Artur Grönslätt 16 M
2 086 644 Vendu
2015-04-28 Ramiro Saraiva 25 M
4 057 200 Vendu
2015-04-13 Ralph Elmqvist 34 M
0 Licencié
2015-04-13 Divino Lemos 20 G
0 Licencié
2015-04-13 Duane Bacon 35 D
0 Licencié
2015-04-03 Richard Hall 35 M
914 424 Vendu
2015-03-23 Johnny Ingman 19 D
53 508 Vendu
2015-02-16 Ove Sonesson 18 A
522 396 Vendu
2015-01-13 Leo Glasberg 16 M
3 450 972 Vendu
2015-01-08 Brendan Lipsky 35 M
0 Quitter
2014-12-24 Abílio Mello 36 G
304 500 Vendu
2014-12-16 Mika Sporrong 21 A
4 175 808 Vendu
2014-12-09 Fritjof Ehrensvärd 16 D
3 130 680 Vendu
2014-11-30 Pablo Aimar 20 D
275 100 Vendu
2014-11-13 Adrian Lang 16 D
8 705 760 Vendu
2014-10-11 Stanley Koning 20 M
383 712 Vendu
2014-10-09 Olof Severin 21 A
70 140 Vendu
2014-09-29 Frederico Razão 20 M
387 744 Vendu
2014-09-29 José Pablo Delgado 22 D
1 697 556 Vendu
2014-09-11 Abdull Kazim Camarinha 20 G
0 Licencié
2014-09-05 Rodney Stockfeldt 17 M
824 628 Vendu
2014-08-22 Joar Ulleberg 18 D
3 313 968 Vendu
2014-08-09 Adam Elestedt 20 D
1 598 772 Vendu
2014-08-04 Linford Mohan 32 M
0 Licencié
2014-06-20 Roberth Landbring 28 A
0 Licencié
2014-06-16 Tom Prager 19 M
3 246 600 Vendu
2014-06-12 Bernth Block 18 D
0 Licencié
2014-06-12 Roy Laurie 35 M
0 Quitter
2014-04-25 Jens Grenholm 22 G
0 Licencié
2014-03-14 Karl Celsius 20 A
140 952 Vendu
2014-03-03 Franquelino Semana 21 M
1 869 840 Vendu
2014-02-27 Ingmar Folin 26 M
0 Licencié
2014-02-27 Viktor Levin 21 D
0 Licencié
2014-02-06 Jan Lönnberg 23 A
0 Licencié
2014-02-06 Endre Arnelius 28 D
0 Licencié
2013-12-12 Thorvald Netterstedt 27 D
0 Licencié
2013-12-10 Petrus Segerström 26 M
0 Licencié
2013-11-28 Ruben Brobeck 27 A
0 Licencié
2013-11-28 Douglas Waldén 24 D
0 Licencié
2013-11-22 Filip Ekander 23 M
0 Licencié
2013-11-20 Charles Löfkvist 25 M
0 Licencié
2013-11-20 Asbjörn Darnell 24 D
0 Licencié
2013-11-18 Max Gren 28 D
0 Licencié
2013-11-18 Tage Lindahl 19 A
0 Licencié
2013-11-16 Sven-Göran Sandelius 24 G
0 Licencié
2013-11-14 Edmund Liljequist 25 D
0 Licencié
2013-11-14 Åke Nordahl 26 M
0 Licencié
2013-11-14 Urban Almgren 20 M
0 Licencié

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