Pemain-pemain Dijual

Still active players sold to other clubs
Remi Denoyelle 18 PT
2025-02-16 SNCF Cerbère 137 900
Jean-Antoine Viala 18 PT
2025-02-02 Torre España FC 102 700
Sid Crofts 28 S
2025-01-03 FC Vale do Cobro 1 598 400
Jermaine Wainman 18 S
2024-11-22 Marseille 1899 98 500
Rod Sauzee 17 PT
2024-11-21 KAIF 149 600
Camilo Maniche 33 PT
2024-10-18 Sampdoria 2024 1 047 100
Celestin Christin 18 S
2024-09-25 Parma Calcio 1913 110 000
Ousmane Plessis 19 S
2024-09-07 SLBiseu 3 847 900
Kjartan Ìngmarson 31 PG
2024-05-31 Gravesham Galaxy 5 580 400
Tobias Zweigler 37 PT
2024-03-02 Copenhagen Cobras 1 682 900
Ferdinand Le Foll 22 S
2024-02-10 Sainte-Marie SC 144 800
Yoann Ansart 21 S
2024-01-08 The Swa 412 500
Bruno Batisse 24 S
2023-01-06 Albanian Valley 2 076 600
Marlon Brunaud 23 S
2022-11-08 FC Dermatina Timisoara 7 372 000
Rodolphe Dugas 26 PG
2022-04-08 Farnborough Town FC 1 060 000
Jean-Francois Garcia 28 PG
2022-03-17 FC Inter 624 200
Philippe Cottin 28 PG
2021-12-25 FC Piranhas 410 400
Léo Habert 29 PG
2021-07-28 La Habana Gazspurs 437 900
Albert Wetterstrand 39 T
2021-05-25 Atletico Fonte da Prata 8 039 000
Augustin Francoise 30 T
2021-04-14 SNCF Cerbère 150 600
Gaston Mongin 33 T
2021-01-22 Red Star 152 500
Christien Labatut 31 PG
2020-11-10 The Merry Pranksters 493 600
Pascal Fabre 33 PT
2020-08-23 Kilmarnock United 2 088 400
Oscar Malet 33 PT
2020-07-18 Beasts of Burden 2 850 500
Matthias Rouvier 34 PT
2020-03-19 Rusta IFK 293 500
Joseph Julia 33 PT
2020-01-26 Ash Samba Boyz 7 070 800
Armand Pericard 34 PT
2019-11-04 F.C. Firebirds 6 731 200
Jules Gaude 36 T
2019-05-27 Sarawak FC 825 500
Jourdan Abraham 38 PG
2019-01-06 Hardraade FC 630 000
Vikash Klein 38 PG
2018-08-27 F.C. Juventus 1897 448 000

Players that left the club
2025-03-10 Francis Bats 18 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2025-02-16 Remi Denoyelle 18 PT
115 836 Dijual
2025-02-02 Jean-Antoine Viala 18 PT
86 268 Dijual
2025-01-03 Ray Moulis 19 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2025-01-03 Sid Crofts 28 S
1 342 656 Dijual
2024-12-16 Aimé Hans 18 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2024-11-22 Jermaine Wainman 17 S
82 740 Dijual
2024-11-21 Rod Sauzee 16 PT
125 664 Dijual
2024-11-14 Charles Andreani 18 S
0 Dipecatkan
2024-10-21 Tristan Ferry 18 S
0 Dipecatkan
2024-10-18 Camilo Maniche 32 PT
879 564 Dijual
2024-10-10 Clément Poupard 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2024-10-08 Jean Pierre Coutarel 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2024-09-30 Herea Botan 36 S
455 868 Dijual
2024-09-25 Celestin Christin 17 S
92 400 Dijual
2024-09-21 Edmund Normkvist 34 T
0 Dipecatkan
2024-09-20 Daniel Melot 17 S
266 868 Dijual
2024-09-07 Ousmane Plessis 17 S
3 232 236 Dijual
2024-08-12 Georges Alcazar 18 S
0 Dipecatkan
2024-08-12 Emilien Berry 17 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2024-08-02 Willy Fourneau 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2024-07-16 Thomas Pigeon 17 S
0 Dipecatkan
2024-05-31 Kjartan Ìngmarson 29 PG
4 687 536 Dijual
2024-05-15 William Grange 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2024-04-19 Florent Giraudoux 17 S
214 620 Dijual
2024-03-14 Mandel Delpierre 18 S
0 Dipecatkan
2024-03-02 Tobias Zweigler 34 PT
1 413 636 Dijual
2024-02-25 Sydney Baillet 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2024-02-10 Ferdinand Le Foll 19 S
121 632 Dijual
2024-01-08 Yoann Ansart 18 S
346 500 Dijual
2024-01-08 Henri Ceccaldi 17 S
135 324 Dijual
2023-12-27 Alexandre Sauvageot 18 S
0 Dipecatkan
2023-12-20 Leroux Kopp 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2023-10-30 André Vedrenne 17 S
0 Dipecatkan
2023-10-29 Sigur Hauksson 30 S
0 Dipecatkan
2023-10-28 Ousmane Hauguel 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2023-09-18 Michele Fortune 18 S
0 Dipecatkan
2023-09-09 Charles Madeleine 18 S
0 Dipecatkan
2023-09-02 Sauville Cure 16 S
0 Dipecatkan
2023-08-24 Soltan Mayer 32 PT
4 360 104 Dijual
2023-08-23 Simon Longuet 18 S
0 Dipecatkan
2023-08-19 Fernand Rabat 33 T
1 373 652 Dijual
2023-08-02 Brys Levacher 17 S
72 576 Dijual
2023-05-29 Vince Delancey 20 S
458 304 Dijual
2023-05-14 Roland Michaud 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2023-04-05 Jesus Cederlöf 31 PG
3 943 632 Dijual
2023-03-21 Doran Reshef 35 S
0 Bersara
2023-03-06 Jourdan Crochet 18 S
0 Dipecatkan
2023-02-22 Noël Foucher 17 S
0 Dipecatkan
2023-02-15 Melker Lövström 27 S
3 746 316 Dijual
2023-01-29 Gaston Baert 18 S
0 Dipecatkan
2023-01-06 Bruno Batisse 17 S
1 744 344 Dijual
2022-12-21 Oscar Jacobs 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2022-11-08 Marlon Brunaud 16 S
6 192 480 Dijual
2022-10-03 Stuart Bremner 31 T
2 628 528 Dijual
2022-09-29 Jean-Christophe Bellier 18 S
0 Dipecatkan
2022-09-28 Joel Morrell 28 T
2 306 472 Dijual
2022-09-10 Jules Chabaud 17 S
0 Dipecatkan
2022-08-24 Roland Terrien 18 S
0 Dipecatkan
2022-08-03 Frédéric Valat 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2022-06-28 Vincent Terrien 17 S
154 728 Dijual
2022-06-24 Pascal Volant 17 S
0 Dipecatkan
2022-06-19 Michele Courbin 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2022-06-03 Peter Meldrum 31 PT
3 827 460 Dijual
2022-05-28 Zinedine Gabin 18 S
0 Dipecatkan
2022-05-15 Enzo Boissin 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2022-05-10 Jaques Cayla 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2022-04-08 Rodolphe Dugas 17 PG
890 400 Dijual
2022-04-08 Nestor Guy 18 PG
189 420 Dijual
2022-03-18 Yannick Bedeau 17 PG
304 752 Dijual
2022-03-17 Jean-Francois Garcia 18 PG
524 328 Dijual
2022-03-13 André Bertaud 17 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2022-02-09 Raoul Miquel 19 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2022-01-31 Franck Bouzin 18 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2022-01-09 Pierluigi De Santis 26 PT
3 032 316 Dijual
2021-12-25 Philippe Cottin 17 PG
344 736 Dijual
2021-12-07 Darren Booth 26 T
0 Dipecatkan
2021-12-06 Derek Quinton 26 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2021-11-18 Noël Le Bot 19 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2021-11-14 Dominique Clerget 28 PG
13 840 428 Dijual
2021-10-25 Joseph Sylvestre 19 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2021-10-18 Remi Aubanel 19 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2021-09-22 Tristan Richert 18 PG
323 400 Dijual
2021-09-22 Vincent Perez 17 PG
143 724 Dijual
2021-09-09 Raoul Poidevin 18 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2021-08-18 Noël Hascoet 32 S
3 964 128 Dijual
2021-08-05 Reve Magne 19 PG
112 728 Dijual
2021-07-28 Léo Habert 17 PG
367 836 Dijual
2021-07-20 Noël Paquier 18 T
0 Dipecatkan
2021-06-30 Pierre Brard 18 T
0 Dipecatkan
2021-06-06 Bruno Vigouroux 17 T
114 324 Dijual
2021-06-03 Marcus Mazzola 28 PT
4 265 856 Dijual
2021-05-30 Vincent Tardieu 19 T
0 Dipecatkan
2021-05-25 Albert Wetterstrand 26 T
6 752 760 Dijual
2021-05-01 Abdelkader Mailly 17 T
0 Dipecatkan
2021-04-16 Marc Triboulet 18 T
0 Dipecatkan
2021-04-14 Augustin Francoise 17 T
126 504 Dijual
2021-03-27 Ahmad Muta 31 T
508 368 Dijual
2021-03-16 Amado Minotes 26 T
0 Dipecatkan
2021-02-23 Patrice Loiseau 20 T
114 576 Dijual
2021-02-23 Desire Molinier 18 T
0 Dipecatkan
2021-01-22 Henry Vignes 18 T
0 Dipecatkan
2021-01-22 Gaston Mongin 18 T
128 100 Dijual
2021-01-06 Gil Lemercier 18 T
82 740 Dijual
2021-01-04 Benjamin Paulus 20 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2020-12-24 Brys Soyer 19 PG
157 248 Dijual
2020-12-06 Youri Vivien 18 PG
959 616 Dijual
2020-11-10 Christien Labatut 17 PG
414 624 Dijual
2020-10-25 Rodolfo Migueláñez 27 S
1 344 672 Dijual
2020-10-18 Tibor Petrovy 33 T
330 456 Dijual
2020-10-11 Anton Mesnard 19 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2020-09-21 Tristan Le Coq 18 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2020-09-13 Willy Mercier 19 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2020-09-12 Gérard Rougerie 19 PG
609 504 Dijual
2020-08-23 Pascal Fabre 17 PT
1 754 256 Dijual
2020-08-03 Dénes Óhegyi 32 S
1 177 260 Dijual
2020-07-30 Hugo Saget 19 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2020-07-27 Frank Carriere 19 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2020-07-18 Oscar Malet 17 PT
2 394 420 Dijual
2020-06-21 Louis Barreau 18 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2020-05-17 Rafael Crnas 28 S
0 Dipecatkan
2020-05-15 Mathieu Collinet 17 PT
354 312 Dijual
2020-05-05 Thomas Tough 37 T
0 Bersara
2020-05-05 Craig Westlake 35 PT
0 Bersara
2020-05-05 Elvis Ramsay 36 PT
0 Bersara
2020-04-29 Caleb Strachan 37 T
0 Dipecatkan
2020-04-29 Eurico Malaquias 35 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2020-04-23 Jean-Philippe Boutonnet 17 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2020-03-30 Richard Ducloux 19 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2020-03-19 Matthias Rouvier 17 PT
246 540 Dijual
2020-03-08 Carlo Pinault 18 PT
1 452 360 Dijual
2020-03-04 Théodore Bancarel 20 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2020-03-04 Tanguy Barge 20 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2020-02-26 Anselmo Pinto 29 PG
4 862 340 Dijual
2020-02-18 Marcel Fradin 24 S
0 Dipecatkan
2020-02-09 Ray Gourgues 30 PT
4 823 028 Dijual
2020-01-26 Joseph Julia 16 PT
5 939 472 Dijual
2020-01-21 Gustaf Vilgotsson 35 PT
0 Bersara
2020-01-21 Roy Claverie 35 T
0 Bersara
2019-12-18 Javier Cadoux 18 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2019-11-16 Gascon Bourgin 33 S
1 399 440 Dijual
2019-11-16 Audric Henriet 17 PT
172 452 Dijual
2019-11-06 Rein Koning 26 PT
6 563 760 Dijual
2019-11-04 Armand Pericard 16 PT
5 654 208 Dijual
2019-10-26 Manuel Oberle 19 T
83 328 Dijual
2019-10-21 Claude Badin 27 T
8 564 808 Dijual
2019-10-09 Maurice Portier 26 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2019-09-11 Denis Pardielhan 18 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2019-09-04 Sorrell Pavageau 19 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2019-09-04 Gil Bourbotte 19 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2019-07-24 Louis Billard 18 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2019-05-29 Lucas Augustin 17 T
1 366 344 Dijual
2019-05-27 Jules Gaude 17 T
693 420 Dijual
2019-05-17 Kevin Malraux 23 T
0 Dipecatkan
2019-04-23 Dominique Joulin 18 T
310 464 Dijual
2019-04-19 Paul Duvivier 18 T
0 Dipecatkan
2019-03-20 Stéphane Pardielhan 20 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2019-01-31 Marc Lambert 28 PG
5 986 596 Dijual
2019-01-06 Jourdan Abraham 17 PG
529 200 Dijual
2018-12-25 Isaac Gabriel 18 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2018-12-03 Samir Peter 20 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2018-11-03 Ludovic Loquet 18 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2018-10-22 Augustin Jacq 18 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2018-09-26 Bertrand Tetart 18 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2018-09-03 Gaston Noury 17 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2018-08-27 Vikash Klein 17 PG
376 320 Dijual
2018-07-29 Jules Germond 20 S
0 Dipecatkan
2018-07-29 Philipe Luc 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2018-06-24 Théo Anstett 20 S
0 Dipecatkan
2018-05-02 Maxime Baret 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2018-03-10 Javier Robespierre 19 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2018-02-18 Alexie Begon 19 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2018-02-12 Sebastien Milcent 17 PT
210 252 Dijual
2017-12-14 Armand Estrade 18 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2017-12-04 Hector Thiery 17 S
0 Dipecatkan
2017-11-24 Théophile Pamarot 17 S
410 676 Dijual
2017-11-05 Gascon Negre 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2017-10-13 Oscar Maubert 16 S
8 234 352 Dijual
2017-10-09 Edmond Jeanson 18 S
0 Dipecatkan
2017-09-18 Arnou Hillairet 29 S
2 694 132 Dijual
2017-09-07 Mathéo Briot 17 S
132 720 Dijual
2017-09-01 Adrien Duche 18 S
63 420 Dijual
2017-09-01 Jean-Michel Charpy 18 S
189 420 Dijual
2017-08-03 Sveto Simic 18 S
0 Dipecatkan
2017-08-02 Aly Bourg 20 S
0 Dipecatkan
2017-07-08 Jules Rivet 18 T
0 Dipecatkan
2017-06-20 Guy Delapierre 36 S
0 Dipecatkan
2017-06-05 Alfred Lakei 25 T
5 236 140 Dijual
2017-05-31 Aubrey Segard 17 PT
699 468 Dijual
2017-05-22 Klavier Le Ray 20 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2017-05-19 Maurice Coutarel 18 PT
78 456 Dijual
2017-04-13 Fernand Bourdache 18 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2017-04-06 Jay Briand 37 T
0 Dipecatkan
2017-03-16 Daniel Laget 18 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2017-03-07 Reginald Pethick 36 PT
0 Bersara
2017-02-14 Francois Carrie 17 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2017-02-04 Samuel Hourcade 18 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2017-01-12 Hugo Mandanda 23 PG
2 777 880 Dijual
2016-12-19 Jean Pierre Lacouture 20 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2016-11-27 Mandel Terral 16 S
2 206 260 Dijual
2016-11-22 Mathieu Carriere 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2016-11-22 Parker Stamp 35 PT
0 Bersara
2016-11-07 Roupen Boudakian 18 S
0 Dipecatkan
2016-11-07 Yohan Gaborit 18 S
0 Dipecatkan
2016-10-12 Fabien Baudouin 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2016-09-29 Yann Gombert 18 PT
44 268 Dijual
2016-09-20 Jean-Francois Quignon 18 T
0 Dipecatkan
2016-08-24 Nestor Filez 18 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2016-08-14 Clément De Blasis 21 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2016-07-08 Anton Bellamy 18 PG
109 116 Dijual
2016-06-24 Serge Jaeger 18 PG
63 504 Dijual
2016-06-22 Gustave Bordenave 18 PG
63 420 Dijual
2016-06-16 Luc Leydier 18 PG
1 456 560 Dijual
2016-05-26 Christoffer Nordbeck 21 T
3 190 320 Dijual
2016-05-18 Gaël Vrignaud 18 PG
76 356 Dijual
2016-05-04 Arnaud Barbe 21 PT
8 441 832 Dijual
2016-05-04 Armandino Marítimo 26 PT
3 197 460 Dijual
2016-04-04 Cezar Pãdure 31 T
1 656 312 Dijual
2016-04-02 Christopher Whyte 28 T
2 551 836 Dijual
2016-04-02 Alou Rousseau 25 S
2 761 416 Dijual
2016-03-29 Jurica Slavica 29 T
2 018 352 Dijual
2016-03-29 Willy Dabney 27 PG
8 849 652 Dijual
2016-03-29 Jérémy Paret 28 PT
5 052 768 Dijual
2016-03-29 Zeke Matteusson 28 PT
4 968 516 Dijual
2016-03-29 Lars-Göran Milesson 27 S
5 436 480 Dijual
2016-03-06 Alou Delamare 16 S
5 252 604 Dijual
2016-02-14 Louis Chesneau 19 PT
131 208 Dijual
2016-02-11 Jay Courtois 17 PT
2 030 952 Dijual
2016-01-14 Pierrick Routier 18 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2015-12-15 Jean-Paul Humeau 19 T
0 Dipecatkan
2015-12-08 Christophe Dieuze 18 T
0 Dipecatkan
2015-11-19 Joacim Anjevall 27 PT
3 724 476 Dijual
2015-11-13 Olivier Hognon 17 T
322 140 Dijual
2015-11-08 Yann Pongolle 19 PG
40 068 Dijual
2015-10-12 Michele Pontier 19 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2015-10-04 Lenard Nahro 22 PG
945 420 Dijual
2015-09-09 Richardo de Cunha 21 T
224 700 Dijual
2015-08-30 Nathan Noel 18 T
0 Dipecatkan
2015-08-20 Jean-Christophe Dumortier 18 T
0 Dipecatkan
2015-08-10 Olivier Tourneux 18 PT
53 676 Dijual
2015-08-09 Florent Ferron 20 T
0 Dipecatkan
2015-08-03 Philip Peronnet 19 T
58 632 Dijual
2015-08-03 Rafael Pecqueur 18 T
0 Dipecatkan
2015-07-16 Devendra Lahiri 27 T
3 364 704 Dijual
2015-07-06 Gabriel Labourdette 19 T
0 Dipecatkan
2015-07-04 Michele Baillet 20 T
0 Dipecatkan
2015-06-19 Jean-Jacques Broyer 35 T
0 Dipecatkan
2015-06-01 Urban Strömner 20 T
181 272 Dijual
2015-05-28 Francois Carrez 18 T
0 Dipecatkan
2015-05-21 Youri Gabard 19 T
57 456 Dijual
2015-04-29 Gaspard Bochet 18 T
0 Dipecatkan
2015-04-28 Théophile Guiraud 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2015-03-11 Alou Soufflet 18 T
53 424 Dijual
2015-02-16 Thadée Christ 17 T
0 Dipecatkan
2015-02-12 Jean-Claude Thebaud 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2015-02-06 Elias Cristas 26 PG
712 740 Dijual
2015-01-22 Bixente Delille 19 T
0 Dipecatkan
2015-01-21 Leroux Reymond 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2015-01-18 Richard Bidault 18 T
144 564 Dijual
2014-12-28 Noël Buchet 19 S
40 068 Dijual
2014-11-27 Sauville Rannou 28 T
223 524 Dijual
2014-11-23 Gérard Tillet 23 PT
1 181 712 Dijual
2014-11-23 Jérémy Geslin 18 S
73 668 Dijual
2014-11-18 Lilian Schweitzer 18 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2014-11-02 Jaime Machado Cosmes 27 S
611 604 Dijual
2014-10-28 Aurelien Fourny 19 T
40 068 Dijual
2014-10-24 Zoumana Raison 19 S
49 392 Dijual
2014-08-12 Isaac Compeyrat 17 PT
1 213 968 Dijual
2014-07-06 Tanguy Bonis 17 PT
222 264 Dijual
2014-07-06 Jean Pierre Vandamme 17 PT
357 252 Dijual
2014-06-13 Arnou Bentz 17 PT
52 920 Dijual
2014-06-13 Willy Vandamme 18 T
41 412 Dijual
2014-05-24 Alphonse Potel 17 T
85 848 Dijual
2014-05-05 Earl Judd 26 PT
1 238 580 Dijual
2014-04-27 Raymond Gault 20 T
110 964 Dijual
2014-04-08 Jean Piot 18 T
0 Dipecatkan
2014-03-15 Hector Marion 18 T
59 976 Dijual
2014-03-09 Djibril Abidal 18 T
52 500 Dijual
2014-01-13 Rod Battesti 18 S
131 208 Dijual
2013-12-17 Gil Guitard 19 S
0 Dipecatkan
2013-11-30 Eric Samson 17 S
257 796 Dijual
2013-11-26 Sebastián Victorino 24 S
289 464 Dijual
2013-10-26 Grégoire Cauchy 17 S
0 Dipecatkan
2013-10-16 Rafael Lavielle 30 PT
86 520 Dijual
2013-10-03 Marjan Zec 23 T
367 416 Dijual
2013-09-29 Claude Marquet 29 T
0 Dipecatkan
2013-09-28 Vincent Troadec 20 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2013-09-28 Karim Guivarch 20 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2013-09-28 Marco Évora 23 S
206 304 Dijual
2013-09-20 Nestor Mollier 19 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2013-09-04 Audric Bonnel 30 PG
40 824 Dijual
2013-08-15 Richard Leclercq 18 PG
53 256 Dijual
2013-08-14 Nathan Laure 18 T
0 Dipecatkan
2013-08-07 Andre-Pierre Hamel 19 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2013-07-13 Gaspard Angot 19 PG
86 520 Dijual
2013-05-18 Jean Corneille 19 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2013-05-14 Maurice Hurtevent 19 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2013-05-14 Norbert Meslin 19 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2013-04-29 Oscar Bec 21 T
0 Dipecatkan
2013-04-17 Carl Barriere 27 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2013-04-09 Kevin Caillon 22 S
0 Dipecatkan
2013-04-06 Yannick Postel 27 S
0 Dipecatkan
2013-03-30 Leroux Fichot 21 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2013-03-21 Gustave Harchéche 22 PT
0 Dipecatkan
2013-03-20 Andre-Pierre Gauchet 25 PG
0 Dipecatkan
2013-03-20 Lassana Sabathier 17 S
0 Dipecatkan
2013-03-14 Raymond Pech 27 T
0 Dipecatkan
2013-03-10 Louis Lemasson 28 S
0 Dipecatkan
2013-03-08 Javier Pillard 29 PT
40 068 Dijual

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