Joueurs Partis

Joueurs toujours agissant qui sont vendus aux autres clubs
Will Smallwood 16 A
2024-05-23 Cobra Town AFC 8 329 500
Randall Malcolm 17 A
2024-03-31 PeaceKeepers 4 767 600
Gherman Mostovoi 18 A
2023-12-11 The flying dragons 1 120 900
Gerry Tomlinson 22 M
2023-06-26 FC Röfors 56 000
Reggie Long 20 D
2023-06-05 Rapid Skogås 1 788 900
Benedict Worthington 20 D
2023-06-05 Bentley Baptist F.C 474 600
Joe Farmer 20 D
2023-05-12 Gårda Bk 1 377 100
Hartmut Weitz 27 D
2023-04-29 Petrosaurios 3 758 100
Bert-Ola Blücker 32 M
2023-04-25 Unathletic Madrid 5 084 900
Nathaniel Algernon 26 M
2023-01-13 FC Monster 356 000
Romeo Lauwers 26 A
2023-01-13 Hallein United 11 640 300
Lois Facey 21 M
2023-01-07 Goldenfield FC 96 600
Dhruv Ganguly 21 M
2022-12-14 Flama e Benfica 7 915 400
Gabriel Snowden 23 D
2022-10-19 White Hart Hotspur 115 600
Ross Puttock 24 D
2022-08-22 Malta Whisky 470 300
Jerrard Moony 23 M
2022-06-13 The Blue Wolf 8 966 300
Calum Deans 24 M
2022-05-18 Åkersberga FC 1 185 400
Howie Pepper 27 M
2022-04-02 Millos FC 208 400
Benjamin Hawtin 25 M
2022-04-01 FC Ghent 1 173 400
Jeff Lines 24 M
2022-04-01 Bettyhill 1 689 000
Dorian Geller 25 M
2021-10-22 Scania 5 306 500
Giuliano Pessotto 32 A
2021-10-16 Lozanos Boys 17 710 200
Benno Askerberg 35 M
2021-10-12 FC Hespeores 12 299 700
Besim Serbecic 31 D
2021-10-03 Beverley Town 14 312 500
Desmond McKay 33 M
2021-10-03 Scooby Doo Inc 14 186 600
Rory Deacon 26 M
2021-09-27 Szekely Legio 5 565 900
Javier Sandoval 33 A
2021-08-20 Old Quarter Pro 12 118 900
Milton Hitchen 26 M
2021-08-18 FC Langansböle 547 500
Rowley Taylor 31 M
2021-08-07 FC San Blue 8 820 300
René Herzum 33 D
2021-08-06 Futebol de Rua FC 9 850 800
Daley Allen 32 M
2021-07-29 Striker FC 8 830 400
Owen Ellershaw 29 D
2021-07-29 Club River Plate 6 018 400
Jonny Cropper 26 M
2021-06-18 FC Pannenkoek 6 143 500
Stuart Bonham 27 M
2021-05-31 Cracks Clube de Lamego 4 992 500
Helmut Freund 35 M
2021-04-15 super 11 898 900
Ksawery Atrymowicz 32 D
2021-04-15 Alto Lumiar 4 758 700
Karl-Heinz Geppert 31 D
2020-12-31 Röke Idrottsförening 5 619 900
Carlton Howarth 29 D
2020-12-08 Yigitspor 360 800
Parker Benn 29 D
2020-10-31 Golden Worriers 3 284 600
Vedat Öcüt 29 D
2020-10-04 FC Harlem All Stars 3 211 800
Nigel Nicholson 28 A
2020-08-20 Spurs Sweden 8 434 500
Bobby Holbrook 32 G
2020-06-25 Teamplay United 472 100

Joueurs qui ont quitté le club
2024-05-23 Will Smallwood 16 A
6 996 780 Vendu
2024-03-31 Randall Malcolm 17 A
4 004 784 Vendu
2024-03-28 Edmund Lawrenson 18 A
0 Licencié
2024-02-25 Viggo Bergdahl 34 A
0 Quitter
2023-12-11 Gherman Mostovoi 17 A
941 556 Vendu
2023-10-06 Oliver Blackmoor 17 A
689 136 Vendu
2023-06-26 Gerry Tomlinson 19 M
47 040 Vendu
2023-06-05 Benedict Worthington 17 D
398 664 Vendu
2023-06-05 Reggie Long 17 D
1 502 676 Vendu
2023-05-12 Joe Farmer 17 D
1 156 764 Vendu
2023-04-29 Hartmut Weitz 23 D
3 156 804 Vendu
2023-04-25 Bert-Ola Blücker 28 M
4 271 316 Vendu
2023-01-13 Nathaniel Algernon 22 M
299 040 Vendu
2023-01-13 Romeo Lauwers 21 A
9 777 852 Vendu
2023-01-07 Lois Facey 17 M
81 144 Vendu
2022-12-14 Dhruv Ganguly 16 M
6 648 936 Vendu
2022-10-19 Gabriel Snowden 17 D
97 104 Vendu
2022-08-22 Ross Puttock 18 D
395 052 Vendu
2022-06-13 Jerrard Moony 16 M
7 531 692 Vendu
2022-05-18 Calum Deans 17 M
995 736 Vendu
2022-04-02 Howie Pepper 20 M
175 056 Vendu
2022-04-01 Benjamin Hawtin 17 M
985 656 Vendu
2022-04-01 Jeff Lines 17 M
1 418 760 Vendu
2022-02-20 Hermínio Manjerona 40 G
0 Quitter
2022-01-17 Galtem Inzaghi 25 A
138 348 Vendu
2021-12-02 Ramiro Roque 37 A
0 Licencié
2021-11-15 Vlademiro Marvão 20 D
0 Licencié
2021-11-14 Cristóvão Baião 32 M
52 836 Vendu
2021-11-10 Homer McAlindon 20 D
0 Licencié
2021-11-10 Edmundo Farias 34 A
0 Licencié
2021-10-22 Dorian Geller 16 M
4 457 460 Vendu
2021-10-16 Giuliano Pessotto 23 A
14 876 568 Vendu
2021-10-12 Benno Askerberg 25 M
10 331 748 Vendu
2021-10-03 Besim Serbecic 22 D
12 022 500 Vendu
2021-10-03 Desmond McKay 24 M
11 916 744 Vendu
2021-09-27 Rory Deacon 17 M
4 675 356 Vendu
2021-08-20 Javier Sandoval 24 A
10 179 876 Vendu
2021-08-18 Milton Hitchen 17 M
459 900 Vendu
2021-08-07 Rowley Taylor 21 M
7 409 052 Vendu
2021-08-06 Nelutu Cristian 19 D
0 Licencié
2021-08-06 René Herzum 23 D
8 274 672 Vendu
2021-07-29 Owen Ellershaw 19 D
5 055 456 Vendu
2021-07-29 Daley Allen 22 M
7 417 536 Vendu
2021-06-18 Jonny Cropper 16 M
5 160 540 Vendu
2021-05-31 Stuart Bonham 17 M
4 193 700 Vendu
2021-05-23 Reko Räty 18 M
295 008 Vendu
2021-04-15 Helmut Freund 24 M
9 995 076 Vendu
2021-04-15 Ksawery Atrymowicz 21 D
3 997 308 Vendu
2021-04-13 Willy Rydlewicz 34 M
0 Licencié
2021-01-02 Boyke Kempenaar 35 A
372 036 Vendu
2021-01-01 Perry McPhearson 32 M
77 028 Vendu
2021-01-01 Collin Sterland 22 A
0 Licencié
2021-01-01 Willy Wallace 20 A
0 Licencié
2021-01-01 Fair T Midlin 21 M
0 Licencié
2021-01-01 Gary Cadogan 19 D
0 Licencié
2020-12-31 Karl-Heinz Geppert 20 D
4 720 716 Vendu
2020-12-08 Carlton Howarth 17 D
303 072 Vendu
2020-10-31 Parker Benn 17 D
2 759 064 Vendu
2020-10-27 Tony Hawkes 35 M
199 080 Vendu
2020-10-27 Terry McKenzie 33 D
895 020 Vendu
2020-10-04 Vedat Öcüt 17 D
2 697 912 Vendu
2020-09-20 Jerome Kitson 21 A
0 Licencié
2020-09-20 Brett Cates 19 A
0 Licencié
2020-09-13 Savio Atouraya 37 D
0 Quitter
2020-08-20 Nigel Nicholson 16 A
7 084 980 Vendu
2020-06-25 Bobby Holbrook 18 G
396 564 Vendu
2020-06-17 Ludovic Schaapkens 34 G
1 614 900 Vendu
2020-05-31 Laban Ewertsson 38 D
0 Quitter
2020-03-18 Big Boris 30 M
2 629 956 Vendu
2020-03-18 Kieron Abree 26 D
2 567 376 Vendu
2020-02-27 Seth Ridings 20 D
0 Licencié
2019-12-24 Joey Snowdon 18 D
47 208 Vendu
2019-11-30 Daniel Henrique 29 D
1 038 072 Vendu
2019-11-29 Emra Kapel 29 D
2 575 776 Vendu
2019-11-29 Lukasz Prus 28 A
439 404 Vendu
2019-11-21 Benny Corpe 28 A
2 920 512 Vendu
2019-11-19 Per-Elvis Haber 37 D
0 Licencié
2019-11-15 Romeo Bridges 26 M
5 000 016 Vendu
2019-11-15 Martyn Hayhurst 27 M
4 125 072 Vendu
2019-11-06 Samuel Jesus da Costa 26 G
0 Licencié
2019-11-06 Donovan Prisk 20 D
0 Licencié
2019-11-06 Nick Ridgewell 21 A
0 Licencié
2019-11-03 Guifré Beltran 35 M
0 Quitter
2019-04-18 Oscar Jenning 28 M
124 100 Vendu
2018-10-23 Rayman Villar 23 A
510 216 Vendu
2018-09-10 Oscar Nolan 19 M
0 Licencié
2018-08-15 Al Haag 22 D
1 000 020 Vendu
2018-08-15 Marius Vlãdoiu 29 M
3 000 060 Vendu
2018-08-11 Tomas Allison 18 A
0 Licencié
2018-02-19 Darius Catlow 33 A
539 280 Vendu
2018-02-16 Ricky Parkinson 33 M
768 516 Vendu
2017-11-16 Cliff Hibbert 21 A
0 Licencié
2017-10-10 Colbert Haysbert 22 M
1 852 872 Vendu
2017-10-03 Yngve Hedberg 24 D
5 573 736 Vendu
2017-10-03 Anibal Cardelli 31 D
3 416 028 Vendu
2017-07-26 Carl Southall 24 D
0 Licencié
2017-07-17 Wayne Nutley 21 D
0 Licencié
2017-04-14 Jasper Pinchon 23 M
5 830 020 Vendu
2017-01-04 Eddie Hintze 29 D
3 265 836 Vendu
2017-01-03 George Portway 22 M
2 640 036 Vendu
2017-01-03 Fred McCoy 20 D
0 Licencié
2017-01-01 Elliott Hackworth 32 G
3 869 712 Vendu
2016-12-28 Terry Haynes 18 M
0 Licencié
2016-12-23 Vlademiro Durão 22 M
4 757 340 Vendu
2016-10-29 Awal Syah Redi 23 M
10 178 700 Vendu
2016-10-19 Frazer Hanson 18 G
0 Licencié
2016-10-10 Big Boris 29 D
5 086 032 Vendu
2016-10-10 Seymour Boobies 31 M
1 422 456 Vendu
2016-10-07 Rory Bushell 28 A
707 280 Vendu
2016-09-10 Caleb Pipe 20 A
1 015 560 Vendu
2016-09-10 Bill Shank 30 M
1 452 024 Vendu
2016-07-22 Thurston Hignet 21 G
0 Licencié
2016-07-21 Elvis Mahony 18 G
0 Licencié
2016-06-09 Stanley Anderton 20 D
0 Licencié
2016-05-31 Lennart Pederup 31 D
2 733 528 Vendu
2016-05-27 Jerrard Abbott 32 M
1 669 500 Vendu
2016-03-22 Hugh Kewell 30 A
450 072 Vendu
2016-03-21 Eliott Mann 18 M
0 Licencié
2016-02-14 Friðbjörn Freysson 24 D
1 368 864 Vendu
2016-02-08 Kris Otway 21 M
0 Licencié
2015-12-11 Ayrton Lopes 28 M
4 089 120 Vendu
2015-10-09 Joel Ferdinand 18 M
6 093 948 Vendu
2015-08-21 Nate Wareing 19 M
0 Licencié
2015-08-14 Daniel Pancu 28 M
3 906 504 Vendu
2015-07-20 Brent Dove 17 D
3 876 180 Vendu
2015-07-18 Calum Newell 16 D
8 068 200 Vendu
2015-07-18 Artie Allmark 21 D
3 408 048 Vendu
2015-05-24 Josh Sheridan 21 M
0 Licencié
2015-05-10 Emilio Amieva 29 D
2 421 048 Vendu
2015-04-07 Ricky Hugosson 22 M
1 911 672 Vendu
2014-09-15 Bobby Bell 26 D
1 221 528 Vendu
2014-07-03 Alastair Badger 18 M
0 Licencié
2014-05-26 Costy Zimbrean 23 M
297 108 Vendu
2014-02-27 Adrian Teale 32 D
0 Licencié
2014-02-27 Randy Pemberton 28 A
0 Licencié
2014-02-07 Calum Jacobs 28 M
1 705 620 Vendu
2013-11-19 Bald Rick 20 M
0 Licencié
2013-09-17 Matt Cropper 26 D
1 427 748 Vendu
2013-09-13 Jeremiah Ballis 27 M
0 Licencié
2013-08-23 Zachery Thurston 22 M
152 124 Vendu
2013-08-13 Ferdinand von Sydow 19 D
0 Licencié
2013-08-13 Ned Willis 18 A
365 232 Vendu
2013-08-12 Edwin Lilywhite 19 A
0 Licencié
2013-07-23 Rob McCulloch 26 G
0 Licencié
2013-07-07 Alonso Touriño 31 M
0 Licencié
2013-05-12 Keith Peake 25 D
0 Licencié
2013-04-18 Dennis Maynes 25 M
90 048 Vendu
2013-04-05 Marcel Bumbescu 31 A
0 Licencié
2013-04-05 Timóteo Ferrão 19 A
0 Licencié
2013-03-25 Clifford Gill 33 D
0 Licencié
2013-02-20 Adam Arkwright 24 M
0 Licencié
2013-02-15 Dirk Parfitt 20 D
0 Licencié
2013-02-15 Argoitz Etxarte 17 M
0 Licencié
2013-02-11 Chad Lowe 24 M
0 Licencié
2013-02-09 Terence Preece 23 A
0 Licencié
2013-02-08 Mart Enders 27 A
0 Licencié
2013-02-08 Fausto Moratón 16 A
0 Licencié
2013-02-07 Maurice Collins 21 D
0 Licencié
2013-02-07 Grant Riley 32 M
0 Licencié
2013-02-06 Lily Holsgrove 27 D
0 Licencié
2013-02-06 Steve Crashaw 20 D
0 Licencié
2012-12-09 Rio Briscoe 22 A
0 Licencié

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