Forfar Athletic 1 (0 - 0) 1 Glasgow Perthshire
Runda 2 in Highland League
Sezon 29 in Scottish Fitba
Station Park DD8 3BT 2023-02-20 16:30
Arbitru: Warren Peace (P5, S5)
The jersey is in the laundry
Forfar Athletic
P M McCallum
F M Gillies
F A Hutchinson
F T Abed
F Y Hussain
M C Moore
M N Flanagan
M T Brindley
M J Jack
M K Hutton
A B Armour (C)
R A Munro
R W Rhodes
R L Sanderson
R F Robson
R M Aitken

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5 Eirik Cederqvist a primit cartonas galben
46 1 - 0 Sut de la mare distantã: Gol inscris de Tomas Brindley din pasa lui Joshua Jack
49 Steven Lambert de la Glasgow Perthshire a fost inlocuit cu Danny Selbie
62 Glen Forrester de la Glasgow Perthshire a fost accidentat si inlocuit cu Elvis Lindstrand
75 Ben Armour de la Forfar Athletic a fost inlocuit cu Matthew Aitken
77 Danny Selbie a primit cartonas galben
87 Gavin McBride de la Glasgow Perthshire a fost inlocuit cu Stevie McKnight
91 1 - 1 Contra-atac: Gol inscris de Eirik Cederqvist din pasa lui Danny Selbie
Posesie: 64 - 36 (67-33)
Sanse de gol: 5 - 1 (1-0)

Gazde - Omul Meciului - Oaspeti
Max Gillies Hamish Dranier

Comentarii despre joc
Alte comentarii
Swann (Forfar Athletic) 2023-02-20 
Ha ha epic George well done mate. done for me there!!

Georgethebear (Glasgow Perthshire) 2023-02-20 
managed to get one right at the end. late goal is the best as not much time to lose another

The jersey is in the laundry
Glasgow Perthshire
P H Dranier (C)
F J Penton
F D McLeod
F T Gerd
F G Forrester
M B McIlwraith
M C Irwin
M S Lambert
M G McBride
A G Ekberg
A E Cederqvist
R T Bett
R P MacCorkhill
R E Lindstrand
R S McKnight
R D Selbie

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