Polar Utd 1 (1 - 0) 1 Southampton FC
Runda 7 in Division 2b
Sezon 63 in Dream League
Polar Utd Arena 2023-06-04 21:30
Arbitru: Justin Thyme (P5, S7)
The jersey is in the laundry
Polar Utd
P M Brock
F H Stant
F E Kalimos
F T Charnley
M J Hording
M L Cámporas (C)
M G Holbrook
M L Ling
M R Narraway
A Ö Albertsson
A F Telfer
R L Tomlinson
R A Grady
R J Gillett
R T Ackley
R D Abbott

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18 Russ Narraway a primit cartonas galben
32 1 - 0 Penalty: Gol inscris de Elroy Kalimos
35 Björn Rüppel de la Southampton FC a fost accidentat si inlocuit cu Mart Whittaker
46 Erik Fredricsson de la Southampton FC a fost inlocuit cu Lubomir Holec
61 Lawrence Ling de la Polar Utd a fost inlocuit cu Tom Ackley
76 1 - 1 Contra-atac: Gol inscris de Lubomir Holec din pasa lui Guido Martinelli
80 Thomas Charnley de la Polar Utd a fost inlocuit cu Dennis Abbott
89 Russ Narraway a fost eliminat
Posesie: 40 - 60 (42-58)
Sanse de gol: 4 - 5 (3-1)

Gazde - Omul Meciului - Oaspeti
Elroy Kalimos Manisa Maricevic

The jersey is in the laundry
Southampton FC
P R Junho
F G Bartlett
F C Daniels
F M Maricevic
F S Ruostela
M K Brownlie
M P Rui Costa
M B Rüppel
M S Hessler
M G Martinelli (C)
A E Fredricsson
R M Urosevic
R S Heskey
R E Clooney
R M Whittaker
R L Holec

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