
Fixtures From Super League

1 2024-11-19 11:30 IFK Sunne - KraxKrax FC 0 - 3 (0 - 2)
2024-11-19 11:30 Hawks United - East Station 2 - 2 (2 - 1)
2024-11-19 11:30 Fireballs FC - Sultans of Swing 3 - 0 (2 - 0)
2024-11-19 11:30 Penwortham FC - BK Baksmälla 1 - 1 (0 - 1)
2 2024-11-26 11:30 BK Baksmälla - Hawks United 1 - 3 (0 - 2)
2024-11-26 11:30 East Station - Fireballs FC 0 - 3 (0 - 1)
2024-11-26 11:30 KraxKrax FC - Sultans of Swing 1 - 2 (1 - 1)
2024-11-26 11:30 Penwortham FC - IFK Sunne 3 - 0 (2 - 0)
3 2024-12-03 11:30 East Station - KraxKrax FC
2024-12-03 11:30 Sultans of Swing - Penwortham FC
2024-12-03 11:30 IFK Sunne - BK Baksmälla
2024-12-03 11:30 Fireballs FC - Hawks United
4 2024-12-10 11:30 KraxKrax FC - Hawks United
2024-12-10 11:30 Fireballs FC - BK Baksmälla
2024-12-10 11:30 IFK Sunne - Sultans of Swing
2024-12-10 11:30 Penwortham FC - East Station
5 2024-12-17 11:30 Fireballs FC - KraxKrax FC
2024-12-17 11:30 BK Baksmälla - Sultans of Swing
2024-12-17 11:30 Hawks United - Penwortham FC
2024-12-17 11:30 East Station - IFK Sunne
6 2024-12-24 11:30 BK Baksmälla - KraxKrax FC
2024-12-24 11:30 Sultans of Swing - East Station
2024-12-24 11:30 Penwortham FC - Fireballs FC
2024-12-24 11:30 Hawks United - IFK Sunne
7 2024-12-31 11:30 East Station - BK Baksmälla
2024-12-31 11:30 KraxKrax FC - Penwortham FC
2024-12-31 11:30 Sultans of Swing - Hawks United
2024-12-31 11:30 IFK Sunne - Fireballs FC
8 2025-01-07 11:30 Penwortham FC - KraxKrax FC
2025-01-07 11:30 Hawks United - Sultans of Swing
2025-01-07 11:30 BK Baksmälla - East Station
2025-01-07 11:30 Fireballs FC - IFK Sunne
9 2025-01-14 11:30 East Station - Sultans of Swing
2025-01-14 11:30 KraxKrax FC - BK Baksmälla
2025-01-14 11:30 Fireballs FC - Penwortham FC
2025-01-14 11:30 IFK Sunne - Hawks United
10 2025-01-21 11:30 IFK Sunne - East Station
2025-01-21 11:30 Penwortham FC - Hawks United
2025-01-21 11:30 KraxKrax FC - Fireballs FC
2025-01-21 11:30 Sultans of Swing - BK Baksmälla
11 2025-01-28 11:30 Hawks United - KraxKrax FC
2025-01-28 11:30 BK Baksmälla - Fireballs FC
2025-01-28 11:30 Sultans of Swing - IFK Sunne
2025-01-28 11:30 East Station - Penwortham FC
12 2025-02-04 11:30 BK Baksmälla - IFK Sunne
2025-02-04 11:30 Penwortham FC - Sultans of Swing
2025-02-04 11:30 KraxKrax FC - East Station
2025-02-04 11:30 Hawks United - Fireballs FC
13 2025-02-11 11:30 Fireballs FC - East Station
2025-02-11 11:30 Sultans of Swing - KraxKrax FC
2025-02-11 11:30 IFK Sunne - Penwortham FC
2025-02-11 11:30 Hawks United - BK Baksmälla
14 2025-02-18 11:30 KraxKrax FC - IFK Sunne
2025-02-18 11:30 BK Baksmälla - Penwortham FC
2025-02-18 11:30 Sultans of Swing - Fireballs FC
2025-02-18 11:30 East Station - Hawks United

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