Manchester city 3 (1 - 0) 0 FC Folke Bara
Scorul general: 3-0 (Manchester city accede in runda urmatoare)
A 2a runda in Golden League Cup
Manchester city Stadium 2020-02-06 17:30
Arbitru: Dick Tator (P8, S8)
The jersey is in the laundry
Manchester city
P Z Hocevar
F R Edmilson
F C do Nascimento
F M Campo
F Z Maletic
M G Înwe
M M Nascimento
M N Allwood (C)
M L Flament
A C Junior
A Y Star
R J Bildt
R T Setterby
R U Redlich
R A Kreutzer
R E Ambrois

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29 Gunnar Mader a primit cartonas galben
29 Christiano Junior de la Manchester city a fost accidentat si inlocuit cu Adrian Kreutzer
32 1 - 0 Sut de la mare distantã: Gol inscris de Yeung Star din pasa lui Mattio Campo
68 Zoran Maletic de la Manchester city a fost accidentat si inlocuit cu Edgardo Ambrois
85 2 - 0 Loviturã de cap dupa o centrare: Gol inscris de Luke Flament din pasa lui Miguel Nascimento
89 3 - 0 Sut de la mare distantã: Gol inscris de Nelson Allwood din pasa lui Luke Flament
Posesie: 65 - 35 (67-33)
Sanse de gol: 11 - 3 (5-1)

Gazde - Omul Meciului - Oaspeti
Nelson Allwood Zack Bowyer

The jersey is in the laundry
FC Folke Bara
P M Prata
F Z Bowyer (C)
F A Veloso
F L Alder
F M Onofras
M J-B Avignon
M L Polgár
M G Mader
A I Valdez
A M Nelles
A L Hernandéz
R T Hallgrímsson
R D Raff
R R Gerniti

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